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I loved you more today than yesterday but not as much as tomorrow

hey everyone.

Nothing amusing happening. I kept getting called off work the last three days cause they weren't selling enough hotel room. So I had to work today....finally. My family driving me nuts is nothing new, but yesterday I had to buy more antifreeze/coolant for my car.......been filling it up the same way for five years, but nooooooooooooo I'm not doing it right :roll: of course, why the hell would I do it right. Sometimes I think I need to work all day or everyone else does, which ever one happens first and leaves me happier. Actually there's only one thing that'd make me happier, and some people already know what it is....'cept for my family they'll never know. It's not so much my family but mainly my mom and sister, officially the Know-it-all duo, and seeing how my sister doesn't drive.....well let's just say I think she has no room to talk what so ever. I get more sympathy from the dogs here.

I just got another prescription for the fast acting insulin as well. I've not even filled the first one. I'm NOT going on it and no doctor can make me. (my mom told me after she opened my mail :roll: ) I'm not even filling the second one. The doc can kiss my ass. If they want me on it so bad, they can give it to me for free. My mom would like me on it too, but like the doc, if she wants me on it so bad, she can pay for it and since neither one will do just that.....well, then they're just SOL.

and for my final note......simply cause I don't wanna bore anyone with family and doctor issues....kinda why I'm not writing everyday anymore, I'm not gonna have any skin left on my arm:lol: I was moving so fast at work that I scratched the skin off part of my finger and it hurts like hell:P I did the same thing to my wrist last week.

I think I've done this one...I dunno...oh well
You Are Traditional and Dependable
You view the world with childlike wonder. You are very inquisitive. You can help but spy, investigate, and ask questions.

Your life is all about change. Right now, you may be going through some changes you really don't like.

You're easy going and easy to be around. You aren't picky or high maintenance.

You seek security in your life. Feeling safe is important to you.

Sounds about right i'd say.....

I like it when you chain me to the bed but then your secret's never shown

Hey everyone, how are ya?

I'm good nothing happening, hence why I haven't been blogging in a few days.

My underwear chafed the inside of my leg and i'm sure y'all really really wanted to know that :lol: but yeah it kinda hurts, oh well. It'll stop soon. anyway, other then that the usual hurts... my shoulderblades and what not. Sorry no interestign story today. no unexpected showers and all that. I just did my job and went home then changed into my pj's cause I have no plans of going anywhere for the rest of the day.

so while cleaning my last room (I had 15 today :/ )my mom texted me asking if I was still at work. My first thought was that well if you haven't seen me come home then yeah of course I'm still at work. So I didn't answer. She texts the same thing again and I didn't answer....at least not till I finished the room. I then started thinking that I know it wasn't a nagging kinda thing like most of it alwasy seems, but it seems to irritate me when she does it even though I know she just cares and wonders about my saftety. I also know htat if my bf would text me asking the same thing I wouldn't hesitate to answer. Why I've got more patience with people who aren't my family I don't knwo but hey I made it ot the first step in realizing the problem:P

I s'pose that's all.......Till something interesting happens.

Are you a procrastinator? I already know I am but ah well this should be interesting
You Are a Bit of a Procrastinator

You tend to get things done in a timely manner, but you can't help but put off tasks you hate.
You have no problem getting the fun or easy stuff done. You generally enjoy taking care of responsibilities.

However, if a task arises that you dislike, it might get shelved for a long time.
And even though it's human nature to procrastinate, your procrastination is hindering your productivity. ( I have productivity? Semi productivity maybe......)
Take a look at the things you are putting off doing. Do they really need to be done? (Maybe...I'm sure they do)

Complete any task that's important. The other stuff you're procrastinating is probably not worth doing.(true but oh well)

a bit :?

You've used up all your coupons and all you've got left is me

hey everyone. What's up? Nothing here.

Nothing happening at work....just had an easy day yesterday so that's good.

For the last two nights I've been having dreams about the mall. The first one ended when my alarm went off as some lady was grabbing my hand and had just jumped off the second floor balcony....yeah very odd, and kinda scary. The one I had last night ended with me unable to see where I was going cause it was too crowded. I remember my mom getting annoyed thouhg cause I had asked her if she'd drive me to my car so I didn't have to go through it all again.

I s'pose that's it for now....

What keyboard key are you?
You Are "esc"
Some people might try to say that you're unreliable or flighty.
But you can't help it. You're always finding yourself in sticky situations.

You're willing to bail if things are looking bad. You are quite impatient.
For you, having to escape every now in then is the price of taking risks. And you're not about to stop taking risks!

Blah....brain fried...so no title

How are y'all?

I had an amusing time at work today. (Here's the part where everyone thinks "Great, here she goes with the work stories again :roll: " :P ) Anyway, the guests in one room asked me for some cups and it took all I had not to crack up when his sister yells for all to hear "Put some pants on!!!" He was wrapped up in the blanket so I didn't see anything thankfully. Then I was listening to the mp3 player on my phone and another guest kinda laughed as she caught me dancing a bit down the hall. my mp3 player threw everyone that heard it off :lol: they were all looking around for a radio.

All was going well....till my mom had to pick me up. (my car couldn't handle the zero visibility drive or the snow pileing in the road....stupid snow. I'll never figure out how anyone can like it. If you like it that's fine but I can do without it). I trimmed my hair to give my self some bangs and she started with I should cut my hair (hell NO! ) again and she's been on this kick where I should start eating onions cause apparently it's good for helping sugar levels. :roll: I dont' care if they're good or not, I don't like the disgusting things, they need to be taken off the planet never to come back. It's not like I sit here and make her eat mac n' cheese, so she shouldn't do that to me. Personally while I'm being "dramatic", I'd rather starve then eat onions if they were the last thing I was depending on to keep surviving.

That's not to say I don't appreciate the ride to work, I just hate the crap she's pulling.

What kind of pancakes are you?
You Are Chocolate Chip Pancakes
You prefer sweet and rich foods.
You shy away from anything that's overly bland or unnaturally fat free.

It's not likely that someone would find low fat cheese or sugar free cookies in your kitchen.
Instead, someone might find a pan of brownies baking in the oven or warm popcorn covered in real butter.

sounds yummy actually:P

No we didn't ignite it but we tried to fight it.

hey everyone. How are ya?

Iam just sitting here. Might read later but we'll see. I gotta get comfy enough so that my shoulder blades don't hurt more then they already do. I just can't seem to get into the Clive Cussler book I have though. I mean I'm open to try and read anything but I don't think I'll be reading him again.

I'm still trying to get the time limit for cleaning rooms. I still can't figure out how to get it done in 20 minutes. But I'll get it. I just hope I dont' have as many rooms to clean as I did today, and if I do, I hope they're empty. It's alright though.....I kinda need the excercise I'm told.

and maybe while I'm at hoping, I hope the same idiots today I saw walkingin the street on the way home are actually walking on the side walk and not in the middle of the road. I shoulda just run 'em over but I'm not particularly fond of going to jail for something stupid like that.

How will you become famous?
You're a comedian!

You like to make people laugh and you're good at it. A comedian would be a great way to get famous.

I put my arms around every boy I see, they only remind me of you.

hey everyone, how are ya?

My shoulder and arm is a bit sore but I'll be fine. Just a little pain from work:P (never thought I'd have to say that again). I actually almost gave myself another shower today:P I was cleaning the water spout and pulled up on the tab that starts the shower :lol: Good thing it was warm and not cold. LOL

My stepdad seems kinda p!ssy today....well p!ssier then usual. I didn't take my purse to work with me, just my license punch in card, a pen, and car keys. (my house key isn't attatched to my car keys, so I don't lose it, dont' ask...just know I know where it is which is why I haven't lost it yet :P ) anyway, with that parenthased note, I didnt' bring the house key and for some reason people like to lock the front door during the day when people are home. If they weren't home I'd understand but they're home :roll: I see no reason to lock it. So when he answered the door he was all like "What happened to your house key?" in his usual unhapppy tone. I think my breath was just wasted though explaining that i didn't bring my purse. Now he can just add that to his long list of things I don't do. It might be easier for him to list what I actually do. :roll: oh well, I can only keep hoping I don't have to deal with this too much longer.

Summer or Winter (neither for me actually but for the sake of a quiz)
You Are a Winter Person
You are calm, serious, and focused.
You're the type of person who appreciates the quiet and calm.

Winter is the perfect time for you to get cozy and work on a hobby.
Summer is a bit too hectic for you. You like the dead of winter... preferably with a roaring fire inside.

Well they got the appreciating the quiet and calm right:P

I'm so scared that I'll never get put back together

hey, how are ya?

I'm sleepy actually. I think it could just be cause my hair is still wet and it's kinda cold. One day I'll get so cold that when I touch someone I'll send them into shock. That sounds amusing actually.

like always nothing happening today. well I did see two cop cars, that's a rare sight right there.That's two more then what's usually around.

The next person that says I don't do anything, I don't care who they are I'm f*cking decking them. It was said about me yesterday, and I know it'll get said about me today and I'm getting sick of hearing it. Specially when the person saying it isn't doing sh!t either nor are they getting nagged at about how long they've been out of work. Come to think of it, the more I hear Idont do anything, the more I DON'T wanna do anything just to p!ss 'em off more.

Now I know what a dream means if stairs are missing...but I wonder if it means the same for when they start falling apart. That's what happened in a dream I had last night, I was trying to get into my house and the steps started falling from under my feet. So I was basicly hanging from the door trying to climb inside without losing my grip. then I'm inside the house and I see my dog that we had to put back to sleep in October of '07 and I held him up to my sister to pet but she couldn't see him, only I could.

I hate anxiety dreams sometimes...then again I dont know anyone that likes them, either.

What's your inner animal?

You're a beautiful peacock! You enjoy the finer things in life and believe that's what you will always deserve. Sometimes you have lots of people mad at you, and other times your the most loved person in the world. Your a happy person, but can sometimes be a little self centered. My advise is for you to look at yourself in someone else's point of veiw, but don't be to condesending on yourself!

I love you baby and if it's quite alright I need you baby.

Hey everyone. What's up?

I gotta leave for a doctor's appointment in about half an hour. The doc is nice and all and actually wants to work with me unlike others but I'm not really looking forward to going. At least I know where it is this time and I don't have to drive around for half an hour to find it. I'll have to remember to bring my book with me too to read while I wait.This Clive Cussler book is taking me a bit longer to read then the other one but it's still good. (the doc just better remember that I don't have money to pay for the visit.....I told him that last time)

and tonight I also gotta fill out the papers for Financial aid for the college. I also gotta see what kinda cla$$es I can get into.

This Freecreditreport.com commercial is making me wanna go back to the Renaissance fair. LOL I spelled that right I think.

What metal are you?
You Are Copper
You are provocative and challenging. You help people realize who they really are.
You live a very balanced life. You always take time for love and art.

You are both a powerful and generous person. You always have time to give back.
People find you to be incredibly ethical and loyal.

That ain't what you wanna hear but it's what I'll do

Hey everyone. What's up?

Nothing new here. Just typing worse the normal today. Can't tell now cause I'm catching 'em before I post this. It's one of those moments where you know what you wanna say but you type something completely different. ah well....

Anyway, while cleaning today, someone had a pizza party in their room today. Yet they didnt' eat all the pizza, there was still a whole one and a bunch of uneaten salad. yeah not so yummy.....might be yummier had it not been sitting out for a day. I did take the pop bottles though cause in Michigan you can return 'em for 10 cents a bottle, so I figured why waste it.

Ironically now that I have a job cleaning, I'm not hearing how long it's been since I've been to work. That's good, of course...but now I'm hearing bout how I need to help out around the house more. Apparently loading everyone's dishes isn't enough. hmm...go figure. Guess it's a good thing I'm not really trying to make them happy. I could say something about how long my stepdad hasn't worked and how he doesn't do sh!t around the house but sleep.......but I'd be causing trouble :roll: go figure again.

I'm also getting nagged at for messing up the "pretty" paint job with my posters. First it was that my posters are too dark and not "Happy" (which is the stupid reason why the room was painted a light grey from a cool dark purple). So the posters don't bother me......I didn't want the room to be "happier" in the first place. Anyway I've said my complaints about that and maybe next year I'll try and see if I can get it changed back to something darker. But now I added another poster I found I had, so now my mom's all "No more posters. You're messing up the paint job". I refrained from telling her that I still prefer the purple over this grey. It wouldn't have done me a helluva a lot of good anyway.

I rented The Dark Knight today.....might watch it tomorrow instead. I'll see how I feel tonight. I'm kinda tired.

The snow test
Your Snow Test Says You're Independent
You feel like something good will happen to you in the next few weeks.

You love to work, especially when work is creative. You have the makings of a successful artist.

You are an independent, individualistic person. You thrive when you're doing your own thing.

Your biggest worry in your life is your financial security. You think about money a lot.

When it comes time to relax, you have no problem letting go. You are already pretty relaxed as is!

I finally took all the cd's out of my car like I'd been wanting to:P 'cept for the ones that I burned for my car.

Gratitude is the memory of the heart.

hey everyone. How are ya?

Saturday again........people can't drive (nothing new) nor can seem to grasp the idea of backing into a parking space rather then pull in and kiddies are out wandering in the mall when in my opinion, should be in school (I don't care if today is Saturday, I'm all for school year round for the kiddies) and not standing in the middle of the aisle at every store I'm at.

Job seems to be working out pretty good even though today was only my second day. Though I can't clean for sh!t at home, my supervisor is pleased with the job I do at the hotel. I laughed yesterday cause I lost my time card to punch in when it was given to me that day, but the supervisor found it and gave it back. I felt kinda stupid when it happened but they didn't seem to be too mad or mad at all. The only thing that takes me a long time to get is making the beds, but it's alright..I'll work on speed and stuff and get it down. I think I actually like this job though. *gasp :P * The scrubs I was given to wear are comfortable too. THough the pants, I got a large, are still long and so I have to roll them up.

Upon my venturing into the mall today, I found a necklace that I had that broken. I thought they stopped making 'em but it's a sword with a rose on the handle and a vine going down the sword. I had to get it:P now I can throw out the one that broke. I also got one of my earrings changed to a helix. It was one I had attempted to do my self but I couldn't see enough to get the ball on. My family thought i was crazy (when don't they think I'm crazy) but I don't care. I like it.

And this morning when I got up, I almost started freaking out cause I couldn't see out of my right eye. but all is ok now and I have no idea why that happened nor do I care.

instead of a quiz, find the number one song on your birthday

Mine is Billie Jean:P