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The best thing about being a woman is the prerogative to have a little fun

hey, What's up?

Just sitting here thinking. Yeah you might wanna run, the world may blow up at any given moment.

Anyway, life goes on as is has as if it wasn't a new year. All I did was start mine off by sleeping in as I always do. Wow, what a dull year already :P Only thing good about it is my mom will soon be returning back to work. I mean yeah last night I was left alone till the ball dropped and my mom broke out the champagne, but now I'm gonna get reminded again about how I've not been working since July.We all know that's the last thing I want and no I still haven't heard about the housekeeping job yet. I'm calling right now and leaving another message.

EDIT: I got the house keeping job. So now my mom can bugging me about a job.

I may not have gotten the house to my self last night like I wanted but I do have it to my self now. Bout damn time! Everyone had gone to Home Depot, I've no idea what's being built but at the same time I dont' really care. I'm just enjoying the dog's company as he keeps my leg warm till they get home. Then he's gonna leave me.

As far as reading goes, I finished Reliquary. I liked it...was another book with an unexpected twist in it. I'm doing good at finding books like that and I'm not even trying :lol: Next on the list is Clive Cussler's Trojan Odyssey. I let ya knwo how it in about four days. ;)

How kissable are you?

You Are 45% Kissable
Believe it or not, you are generally not very kissable.
Someone who loves you may be able to kiss you anyway, but it could be more enjoyable.

Make sure you have the freshest breath and whitest teeth possible.
And relax a little! If you seem confident and healthy, you will get kissed a lot more.

Wherever you are, it's your friends that make the world

well goodbye 2008.

It's been an interesting year. Pretty uneventful till the summer when Red came to visit. I think he never should've gone home, I like how he put it better, he should've taken me with him.:P Then neither one of us would have to deal with my family. I cant' deal with them alone, so I'd hate myself if I put him through all that as well. I'll be saved from this hell soon, I know it.

Back to 2008 (when I think of Red I lose track of thought :oops: )After that summer, it's been an adventure of putting in applications, getting job interviews but not getting the job, all the bullsh!t unemployment has put me through, car issues, the hospital, laptop issues, and more family (which I'm thankful have finally gone back to Florida), and more crap that either "could've been avoided" or was all "in my head" . Good came through all of it though, the majority of my problems are over and behind me (though they still kinda stress and depress me at times) and I was reunitd with my friend I left HS with:)

Definitely a year of ups and downs.

I don't get the house to myself this year like I'd hoped I would. Like I had it last year but it's just a minor technicality. I can just sit in my room and avoid everyone like I've done the majority of the month anyway.

I found a really cute little girl's bracelet again. Of course it fits perfectly, the perks of having a child sized neck and wrists (makes it easier to strangle me for those that get tired of my complaining :lol: ) it's not one that looks cheap either, it's beaded and says "Sugar, Spice, Nice" though in my case it should say "Sugar, sugar, sugar" :P Can't really say I feel like I've been too nice....more moody then anything.

and my final thought of the year, I didn't get the job.....no surprise there :roll:

EDIT: I actually heard 2 voice mail messages from the hotel, I think I may have gotten the job. I left a message so I'll find out tomorrow. When they call back

What yoga pose are you?
You Are the Bow Pose
You are an open hearted person. You seek connections and make them easily.
You are naturally generous - especially with your love and your time.

You have a knack for thinking up interesting ideas. You are an inventor and a creator.
You approach everything in life with a relaxed attitude. You accept what you can't change.

I dunno bout the last one sometimes.

But don't pretend you ever forgot about me

Hey everyone, how are ya?

I have an interview to leave for in half an hour. yay I think. Anyway it's for the most ironic thing ever....for those that don't know, I'm not much of a cleaner....anyway, the job is for housekeeping at the Baymont Hotel. I'm not getting my hopes up about it though. It's just the interview and nothing more. In fact that's all I've had is interviews, no job. I know it's not the right attitude...I gotta believe I can do the job and beleive I'll get it and all taht. Well I'm still not getting my hopes up. I'm surprised my mom hasn't said "make up" yet. She might not, lately all she said is "Ok fine :roll: I'm done talking" which would prolly explain why she's not shoving her make up case in my face. I mean that's a good thing and all but it's weird. Maybe she really is done talking.

Other then that nothing interesting....my mm got me a book light so I dont have to read by the laptop anymore.

I'm thinking I should get bangs..I looked in the mirror and I've got a big forehead. Depends on how lazy I am and how much I feel like coming out of hiding today. So basically it's not gonna happen anytime soon.

Your power bird

Your Power Bird is a Vulture
You are always changing your life and the lives of those around you.
You aren't afraid to move on from what holds you back.
Energetic and powerful, you have a nearly unlimited capacity for success.
You know how to "go with the flow" and take advantage of what is given to you.

There goes my hero, Watch him as he goes. There goes my hero, he's ordinary

hey, how are ya?

I had an amusing trip to Walmart today. I hate that place but it had what I needed cheap. Anyway, On the way there, the last 3 or 4 stop lights were out. Thankfully they weren't busy cross roads to get over and all but people still get really stupid in situations like that.

Other then going to Walmart today, I have no other plans, I'm just gonna sit at home and do what I've been doing the last few days, just sitting here reading. Next book on my list is Clive Cussler's Trojan Odyssey. I'm bout half way through Reliquary. Maybe I'll find more Foo Fighter songs. They're my favorite band of the week:P

I never make a new years resoluion but just for the hell of it
You Should Make 4 Resolutions
Save Money
Get Fit
Reduce Stress Overall
Volunteer to Help Others

I should also make one to stop biting my lip to the point of bleeding in 5 places but that'll never happen

A million lies to sell yourself is all you ever had

hey every one. how are ya?

Well I'm sure y'all remember the battle I had with my mom about make up and how I let her win that one. Well she absolutely had to gat a picture and when my grandma came over on christmas, I told her to show her the last picture she'll ever have of me wearing makeup. Parents are funny, you let 'em win one thing and they think they still have control over you. My mom now thinks she's gonna get away with this sh!t for every interview I get. But she's wrong. I told her that was the last time I'm wasting my time with that crap. I know this sounds mean but I seriously wish she'd go back to work. She just doesn't get it, I don't like makeup and I never will. I don't need it to be "pretty" or "prettier". I'm sorry I'm not the "make up wearing and dress loving, outfit matching Girly girl" she wants me to be..............no actualy I'm not sorry. That's not me, the only girly thing about me is my nails.

I finished reading The Eyes Of The Dragon. it only took me 3 days too. It was a really good book and if you really like Stephen King, then I reccomend reading it. Now I'm reading Reliquary by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child. I like it so far and if i keep up the reading spree I've been on, i'll have this book finished in about 3 days as well. Hey I gotta do something besides be "rebellious" for buying sugar free chocolate :roll: Go figure that one out. I'm f*cking diabetic and I can't eat regular chocolate and now apparently I can't eat sugar free either.. Well I'm confused now. GUess I should just go back to regular chocolate if it doesn't matter anymore.

The ultimate color test

When you are at peace, you are:

Energized and innovative

When you are moved to act, you are:

Giving and warm

When you are inspired, you are:

Creative and productive

When your life is perfectly balanced, you are:

Philosophical and expressive

Your life's purpose is:

To find contentment

and you should know that the lies won't hide your flaws

hey how are ya? I'm alright I guess.

Yesterday was going good till I tested my sugar. It'd been kinda high over christmas anyway and yesterday I just got sick of it. I try and make sure I keep down to a safe level and it's frustrating when it's just 3 days of 250's. So yesterday I saw it....again.....got p!ssed and refused to record the number for the doctor and refused to test myself for the rest of the day as well. And I didn't test myself all day.....nor did I eat for amost 8 hours. I swore around holidays I'd never eat again, just sit and torture myself by watching everyone eat the crap that I love so much and can't have. I mean it too. Sugar levels werent' bad today I guess ( Mom forced me to test my self, wasn't gonna do it today either ) but you know why they're good? I haven't eaten for almost twelve f*ckng hours and I don't intend to eat and no one can or will make me. I'm just gonna feel bd for myself and stare at this Reese's Chocolate Peanut Butter Bell and broken christmas cookies my mom gave me before everyone else eats 'em cause now I don't even wanna eat the damn things anymore.

I also not only have a driveway at home that is just one huge sheet of ice. I have parking lots too. I don't have the right shoes for winter and so I'm just gonna keep sliding and sliding.....as long as I don't fall on my a$$ and have to sue someone, it's alright. Only thing that irritated me was I came home with a heavy bag and some moron had locked the front door :roll:

What holiday drink are you?
You Are Eggnog
Your holiday personality is indulgent.
The holidays are when you enjoy your favorite treats without abandon.

And while you're a bit greedy for your favorite goodies, you aren't selfish.
You're the type who makes a whole bunch of holiday treats and gives them to everyone you know.

can't even have that :/


yeah I know..short titile. I don't really feel like thinking of one:P any way Merry Christmas. Hope all went well yesterday. It was fine for me till my cousins decided to drink till they couldn't walk or talk and one of 'em kept pushing me, my sister and brother to drink. I liked the smaller gathering later that night better then the big one earlier that day.

So hope everyone got what they wanted. I did. I got jeans (that fit :o ), this sweater-jacket with fur trim on the hood, PJ's, Stephen King's new book "Just After Sunset", a purse, Mystery Case Files Millionheir game, and a cooling fan for my laptop (lovely...now I just gotta get the damn laptop fixed still ) and arm warmers and slippers. So all wasn't bad. I didn't get this ring I wantd but I'll find way to get it. I got these two nail polish things too with really thin brushes so I can paint designs.

and after all this I can go back to sleeping in....finally:P And I got the weirdest text from someone that goes by "Asian Mama" saying "Merry kissmas XOXO". I have no idea who this "Asian Mama" is but this is the second text in 2 months that I've gotten from her. Though the thought is cute.

waht cookie are you?
You Are Biscotti
You are a very direct, honest person.
You don't have time for dramatics or emotional pleas.

You feel most comfortable in the intellectual realm, especially with science and technology.
You are good at understanding difficult subjects. Understanding people? Not so much.


I see my heart explode, it's been eroded by the weather here

hey guys. Merry christmas eve.

We just got back from eating breakfast (yeah they got me up to go for breakfast:P) at Pete's Place. It's not a bad place, the food was good the service was nice, and the waitress was strangely happy for it being 9:30 in the morning. Sorry for those that know me reallly good, you'll know I'm not exactly the first person you wanna see in the morning. I don't talk and so it's assumed that I'm sad about something or cranky....when I'm not. It's early and I just don't feel like talking. I usually don't get up till noon.

Last night must have been the most freezing night ever. I added 2 more blankets to the four I already sleep with and kept on the 3 layers I put on while sitting at the comp here in bed. Yeah i was that cold. I'm always cold though and it's physically impossible for me to warm up.

You Can Say "Merry Christmas" in 12 Languages
You can say "Merry Christmas" in:


haha, nice:P

(Oh yeah, I didn't get the job : / )

Just in case you get tired of being gone, every light in the house is on

well my day's been off to an interesting start. I was up at 6:45 this mornign with a sugar level of 59 and so after eating I went back to bed and slept for another five hours.

I have an interview today in a few hours with the same theatre I had one with at the beginning of this month. So there was the discussion that I should wear make up. :roll: They know better. Make up is a huge waste of time to me. I mean if the rest ofyou wanna wear it then knock yourselves out, but I hate that crap. Unfortunately my mom wins today, after that I'm not bothering with it anymore. I don't need to look "prettier".

I got the final decision back from the hearing today....so nice they don't torture me through christmas. Anyway I still get to keep my unemployment which is basically what they said in their court hearing talk. THey basically decided there wasn't enough facts that proved I stole the money...and of course I didnt'. Why would I need to? Anyway, so I'm not completely screwed for the rest of this year and I can now focus on how I'm gonna fix my laptop.

Then last night, my next favorite discussion came up. Cutting my hair........

My sister says "Katie you should get your hair cut short, face framed and bangs." I looked at her and said "No[should've been HELL NO], maybe, no" and yet the discussion continus with how I'll look more mature and have more to do with my hair. How? What is there to do with short hair? As for me, I'm gonna have long hair till the day I die. I can see being able to do more with long hair then short anyway. I mean I don't go around "suggesting" to people that they should grow their hair out.

The wrapping paper test
You Are Considerate and Mature
You approach the holidays with responsibility and cooperation.
You'll do your part to make sure that everyone else has a happy holiday.

You aren't particularly picky or high maintenance during the holidays.
You're happy to be in the company of people you love, and you're willing to "go with the flow."

Of all the types, you are the most likely to give someone exactly what they want.
You're also the most likely to wrap all your presents well - to prevent peeking!

Maybe I don't know how many people are starving in this world long gone

hey everyone how are ya?

In case anyone was wondering why my myspace profile is no longer on yours. it's simple really.....I deleted it. I never go to the site all that much anymore in fact I forgot about it more then I remembered it. I never really liked Myspace to begin with, I just got it so I could keep in touch with a friend who no longer even talks to me. I'm still keeping my facebook though, that I do like..a lot better.

I finished reading my book The Sleeping Doll. It was good, specially for those who like mysteries/thrillers. I recommend reading. Jeffery Deaver throws a delightful plot twist in it which IMO I didn't expect. I am now reading another one. I love reading. Give me a book and all day to myself and I'll have it done before the day is over. I'm reading Stephen King's "The Eyes Of The Dragon" and the beginning is pretty good so far. I love Stephen King though so I know this one'll be great.Then after this well it's a tossup between Clive Cussler and Douglas Preston/Lincoln Child. But I have time for those. So if none of y'all see me around, well that's what I'll be doing.

My mom is away at the doctor:P The same endocronologist I had to go to:P It was funny cause we called at the same time and she's still trying to figure out how I got in before her.

What colour christmas lights are you?
You Are Gold Lights
Your holidays are a time of abundance and riches.
Even if you don't have a lot during the rest of the year, this is the time that you splurge a little.

Your holidays traditions tend to be a bit old fashioned and dignified.
You like old holiday movies, properly wrapped presents, and family recipes passed down over the years.

ok sure...that works.....