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Raven1983 Blog

The fire in your eyes keeps me alive

hey everyone. How are ya?

I'm six again today :P I got a Peeps (yes the candy) coloring book today. I grabbed my colored pencils and started coloring. YAY. I need crayons now:P I should go back to the dollar store and get some.

Snow and ripped jeans are not a winter friendly combination. No matter how you try to stand out of the way, snow will always find a way to fall through that hole and freeze your leg. Also a hoodie and bitter cold wind is not a winter friendly combination either. Don't ask why I didn't put a coat on.....

I decided this year that I'm gonna get my brother. Louise and Red already know about this. In fact it was Red that helped me make it better. I was just gonna put the gift card I got him in an envelope in a bigger envelope and wrap it up. The idea that made it better was to do the envelope thing and put the envelopes in a box in another box and wrap each box up individually. I did a little bit more and wrapped up the envelope. This is gonna be hilarious.

What board game are you?
You Are Checkers
You are very logical and rational. You are able to understand what is and isn't a factor.
You're able to compartmentalize and focus on the essentials.
You appreciate simplicity. You can see the layers of complexity and beauty in anything.
You are also playful and good natured. You don't take life too seriously!

Leave me lying here, cause I don' t wanna go

First off I wanna thank everyone that had kind words for me in my previous blog. I really do appreciate it. :) *hugs for all*. I also wanna apologize to AngelDeb for making you think I was leaving. Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere and for those that never read it...well you don't have to if you don't want to. It was 2 am and I thought I'd try to sleep and decided to get some stuff that was bothering me out. That night can be compared to this poster I have of an angel locked up in chains. Though it's just a poster, I knew how she felt. ( feel free to laugh at how stupid that sounds). Still not really thrilled about christmas but give me time. I think I'm gonna be alright.

I still can do without the snow though. I tried to go out today and my car got stuck in 3 feet of snow in the driveway. I got p!ssed cause it didn't really add to how I was feeling anyway and stormed back in the house, where my mom tried to get me to tell her what's wrong and I felt as though she didn't understand the meaning of "I don't wanna talk about it" at least not to her.But eventually my car got unburied and I was able to get the to the store and get the gauze I needed for my leg....I'm hoping htis is the last week I'll have to change it.

I'm not really thrilled with my mom's "solution" for fixing my laptop either. "Wait till tax refunds come in" :roll: meaning I'm stuck with this computer without my 1,500 songs, GIMP, my digital camera program for at least another month. HELL NO!!!! Unfortunatley it's looking like my only solution, unless I strike it rich or something. we can only hope I'll survive till then. It's not to say I'm not grateful for the laptop I'm borrwoing now, I just want mine back really bad.

what's your holiday stress?
Your Family is What Stresses You Out About the Holidays
You do enjoy bonding and reconnecting with your family during the holidays.
However, you hate the conflict, pettiness, and arguing that goes with it!

The holidays rarely bring out the best in your family. You tend to get on each other's nerves.
Consider spending a little less time with your family this year... and more time with your friends.

I may have to follow this ones advice.

Screw it all to hell.......I don' tcare!!!!!

As the title simply states.....screw it all to hell. I'm done. I can't do anything right and nothing is going right. nothing has been going right since all that sh!t happened to me back in november. my glasses, my job, my car, laptop, you name it everything is f*cked.

I hate snow, I hate ice, I hate christmas vacation, I hate winter and right now I'm not even excited about christmas nor do I even think I'll ever be. I"m tired of all the retarded ass stressing and sick of crying every night. I"m tired of trying to be happy for other people.......welll not anymore.

DON'T even expect me to get out of bed on christmas. I"m not doing it. I dont' care. Cause I'm tired of my family too. I'm sick of them being noisy when I 'm trying to sleep and sick of them not telling me to my face that I can't do sh!t right. I don't wanna be asked why I'm doing what I'm doing anymore or them not even caring about how I feel. I"m always wrong....of course...............WHY THE HELL WOULD I EVER BE RIGHT?

I'm sick of them worrying more about money then how I'm gonna fix my laptop, they don't care. Apparently EVERY DAMN THING IS MY FAULT!! I don't even have to do anything. "everythiing that's ahppened to me could hae been avoided" :roll:

I can't help anyone and I won't help anyone anymore. Why bother? no one even tells me what's wrong anyway. No one even tries to ask what's wrong anymore. Ya know why????? well???? I'll tell ya....It's because I f*cking complain too much about the same damn thing and everyone's getting tired of heraingit and reading about it. Everyone is so f*cking tired of even attempting to care or attempting to help me they they quit too. Everyones just given up on me, I'm a hopeless cause. My friend who used to talk to me all the time even stopped. he stopped telling me what's wrong, stopped talking to me....just got too "busy" eeryone did. Everyone is just all too "busy" for me. I don't want to be the center of the goddamn universe but is just a little bit of attention too much to ask for?

I hate the phrase "things will get better". Not for me they won't, cause if they were they would have by now. and right now I just feel like I'm falling back into non existance and no one is even trying to stop it. All the friends I ever had around Michigan are no more. they stopped talking to me or like everyone else just got too busy. well screw them all. I'm so sick of trying to be nice anymore...it's not getting me anywhere. Nice people finish last? well it's true. right now I'm so behind everyone else I have no chance of even winning anything or finishing. I"m not gonna win the lottery anytime soon and I'm never gonna strike it rich ever. That's just not in my future.

I'm done. I quit. this'll be my last complaint ever and none of y'all will ever have to worry about another one ever again.

What have we done with innocence? It disappeared in time.

Hey everyone. how are ya?

I'm just sitting here. I can't go anywhere anyway cause of so much damn snow. It was even a damn snow day. I hate those. That means almost eveyrone is home. It's bad enough my stepdad doesn't go back to work till after the new year, now my mom's gotta be home too.......for the next two weeks. Which means if I go anyway (hopefully the snow goes away soon in order to do so) I'll be hearing "where ya going?" and then I'll be attempted to get talked of out of where I'm going. It's the same way over summer vacation only I have to put up with it longer then Christmas break.

So anyway, I guess I'll just do wht I've been doing. Just sitting in my room drinking my pop right out of the bottle. I figured why dirty a glass, right? Plus I'm not sharing it with anyone and maybe my mom and sister will be good and stay in the kitchen and continue baking cookies. Probably talk about how much they hate my holey jeans. Good thing they stopped asking why I don't eat lunch. I DO eat lunch, it's breakfast I don't get up in time for but apparently I got that backwards (what else is new?) Aparently if I get up at noon, the first meal I eat is still breakfast. Whatever :roll: I still say I don't eat breakfast.

If I asked someone to shoot me now, just so I don't have to put up with this for the next two weeks, would they? Please?

What holiday jones soda are you?
You Are Pecan Pie Soda
Sweet, but totally nuts

You grew up way too fast and now there's nothing to believe

hey everyone. how are ya? I'm still kinda eh.I ranted and complained and just probably talked my bf's IM screen off, and well I didn't really feel any better. Kinda only made my self feel worse.

So anyway. Had my hearing this morning over the phone. It was relatively painless and thankfully short. I was able to go back to sleep afterward. My boss from quizno's told them his side of he case and had nothing but nice things to say about me. I told my side of the story, as well. even telling them that I have no reason to steal the money. So I won't find out the results till after the new year.

I'm finding that my jacket with the sherpa lining inside it is much warmer then my actual coat:P it's weird I know. But hey at least I'm going outside wam.

I bought two new books today. The Book of The Dead by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child and A Maiden's Grave by Jeffery Deaver. Both are mystery/ thrillers so they should be good. Currently I'm reading and almost finished with Jeffery Deaver's The Sleeping Doll. I like it so far. It's hard to put down. I also got a new helix ring for my ear. A pretty black one, I was gonna get purple but my industrial is purple and those two colors go pretty good together:P

I also got some financial aid papers for college. Apparently I gotta reapply but since today is the last day they're open, I can bring 'em in on January sixth where I can also sign up for my cl@sses in time for the semester to start on January 20th. So we'll see how that goes.

that's my eventful afternoon....

your zodiac destiny
You are Cancer!
result image

Sweet and loving, everybody knows how cute you are! You are very sympathetic and emotional to your friends and family. You are usually the more creative person, with that big imagination of yours. Just remember that being too sweet and emotional might be mistaken for clingy and overly sensitive. But we know it's just because you love them.

Hmm that's a bit wrong.......well the sign is anyway. The description is true, but I'm a pisces.

This is sideone. Turn me over. I know about your baby records

how are ya? I'm alright today I guess. Just sitting here tryng to eat baby food without a spoon. It's hard, but I'm too lazy to get up and get a spoon. So I guess I'll manage....

:lol: I have an amusing story. I got the most greatest laugh. So there's this thread on Gaia "Do I like you?" and just for laughs I post "I dunno. Do you like me?" The girl that wrote that has probably never heard of me till then says "No cause you have numbers in your username instead of letters and that's retarded" so I say ":lol:" and she says she wasn't sorry. I was like "ok, that's fine. I don't really care. I just found it funny" :lol: that was great. I should have thanked her for making me laugh.

I went to Arby's today and I usually get the 8 pc order of cheese sticks. Well they know me there and my order:P So when the manager found out I changed it to the smaller order she put her hands onher hips and jokingly glared at me. I just simply explained that I had to count carbs and stick to a diet:P

I was able to download Firefox on this laptop. YAY. I don't think I would've survived with that caveman of an IE. In fact my mom was reading about how much better FF was, so now it's what her and my stepdad use instead of IE. I finally win, yet I'm still so misundesrtood. Ya know one day I'm actually gonna not care when I say I don't, cause I'm gonna say it right now. I DON'T CARE!!!!

Your holiday personality


You like buying candy for the trick or treaters that come to your door, but what you really love about Halloween is that you can be someone other than yourself for a day!

YAY, halloween is my favorite one anyway. though I'd rather buy candy for me. Screw the trick or treaters.

It's a beautiful lie. It's a perfect denial

Hey y'all. How are ya? I'm a little better I guess.

Last night my laptop, well the part where the adaptor cord connects to it, decided to crap out on me and now I gotta send it in to get fixed. That'll take me a little bit unfortunately. How am I writing this you're probably wondering? Well I'm using a "loaner" laptop with crappy IE6 and I can't upgrade either cause my stepdad hates IE7. I can't download firefox either cause apparently it'll crash the comp. Though I do plan on upgrading MSN cause the one on this thing is ancient. I feel like I'm using a f*cking cave man's computer, but I guess I can't really complain. My family really could've been unsympathetic more then they already are and not even lend me this one. So I guess I should be thankful I'm not completely screwed. (and now I have a reason to never leave my room).

Though now I'm gonna get lectured on everything I do till I move out, which if they keep it up, might be sooner then I want to just so I don't have to listen to it anymore. Even though financially I can't survive on my own. Well it's definitely been an interesting few months so far. Specially since everything's been my fault,even if I didn't do a damn thing.


polka dots

You're the girl who is not affraid of anything at all, youll go up to your crush and start talking and youll even wear clothes that seem weird but everyone thinks is cute. Your a free spirit that everyone loves and envies.
Advice: Even though your life $tyle is the envy of everyone, you might wanna tone it down, sometime in the future youll piss someone off with you free spirit and popularity.

well you'll never find it if you're looking for it, it won't come your way

My hearing is coming up. Granted they'll call, no one seems to understand that I don't wanna f*cking talk to them AT ALL!!! I know the people at the court just don't give a sh!t, they don't care that if things don't go my way I could lose all unemployment and possibly have to pay them back. Nope they don't care at all. Why the hell should they? :roll:

I had complaints today. Who the hell am I kidding? I've always got complaints. I'm not even gonna bother with them though. I'm just gonna spend the day not giving two flying f*cks about anything. I mean apparently I'm not any useful for helping anyone so whatever. I don't care. I"m just gonna stop trying to help.....

I still don't have a job and my mom so kindly ( :roll: ) had to remind me that I'd been out of work six months now. NO SH!T!!!!!! I HAD NO IDEA!!!! :roll: Well thanx mom, ya know it's not like I'm not looking, I AM. nothing is f*cking coming up though. I'm doin my share of the work and because of the crappy economy, no one has any jobs available. I don't need any damn reminders about how I don't f*ckin' have a job.

Screw all this I'm going back to bed and staying there.......

are you addicted to technology
You understand technology.

Technology, for you, is just an added bonus to life. You figure out how to work it, and let it help you out. You also find time to have other things in your life, like fresh air, and listening. Keep it up, and don't let technology take over!

HA! I don't understand sh!t about it.

It's like a book elegantly bound but in a language that you can't read

hey everyone. How are ya? I"m good. Sitting here watching Liar Liar. It's almost over but oh well. All good movies must come to an end I guess.

Bandit made a funny noise this morning. He was sitting at our bedroom door howling but it sounded more like he was mooing like a cow. So we might have a reincarnated farm animals for dogs. Bandit's a cow and Baxter's a pig. Not sure what priscilla would be. Probably a rattle snake, she hisses a lot.

Eh I found something amusing to do last night. I made my own motivational posters:P

Sniper Kitty Lilo Stitch Which one do y'all like best?

What dessert are you?

You are a sugar Cookie!
You're sweet, cute, and lovable! The great thing about being a sugar cookie is that you don't need to come to good things, the good things come to you! You also have the power to make those around you feel better!
Try making friends with: Muffins

I want to be there when you're happy, I want to love you when you're sad.

hey eeryone. How are ya? I'm not too bad today.

Welcome to the madness that I call Saturday. People are out shopping, drivers are being stupider then usual, and I'm still slipping on my driveway. Under the tire of my car is a patch of ice that isn't getting smaller. Oh and people are gonna drink. If none of that is madness then I dunno what is.

I went looking around Kohls today and people are insane for standing in the long, looks to be never ending line. Specially since they don't have anything that great to begin with. It's all over priced, easily breaking crap. Ah well, can't hurt to look anyway.

I'm debating if I'm gonna go anywhere else though. Probably not though, unless i feel like going out to eat.. But we'll see. Other than that I may just sit here and try to stay warm.

What drink are you?
Hot Chocolate

You like curling up by the fire or cuddling up with a bf/gf. Cold weather makes you happy and u like winter sports like snowboarding and skiing.

Only part of that that is true about me is the first sentence:P but other then that I love Hot Cocoa.