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Home again

Yeah, its home time. Fun? Not really I'm tired and allergys suck. Had trouble sleeping last night cause both nostrils deceided to swell up. Yeah, thats never fun. Anywho. Packing sucked yesterday I worked and worked and then played supreme commander for about 3 hours. Then me and my roomie packed up my car. I drove home and got back around 10. I was pretty tired. Unloaded my car. It was rough. After that well, a friend came over. He was cool. He left after like 40 minutes.

Feeling bummed all day about leaving and leaving that life behind. I prefer being up there anyways.If I can't find a job up here I might up there and apply for a job or something. Live with them again over the summer. There is nothing here for me. I have my friends and family but eh. They are cool, but I want to be on my own.

Well, since its summer Ican see if her mom was lying or not and if she will try to get with me again in teh summer. HAHAHA. Nothing is going to happen. Haha

Almost done with school....

I feel good dun na na na na I feeeel goood. Sorry. School is almost over and I feel over my depression. Not quite over her. Its all good in the hood baby. I've done the worst studying possible. I'm actually suppose to be studying now hahaha. I should go do that. Be back at 8 when school is over for this semster woo woo

Excessive agression

Well, after yesterdays blunder which I don't regret, but am still saddened by. I've been rather agressive today. Locking myself in my room to avoid contact with the world and to study for finals. Either way it was most enjoyable and that worries me. I was playing project sylpheed and I noticed as I would kill certain enemies I would feel the need to flip them off and tell them to burn in he|| cause I hated them so much. Thats not normal for me but it all seriousness I was able to rock. Haha. It may have made me better. I took a nap and well I feel better. Kind of. I don't know what to make of the situation. Ok I'm off to shower and study.


Yeah, I got some good studying done today. I messaged her but no response haha. Not like I was expecting to get one. Found a new back ground so that made me feel better. Its over Riviera: The promised land. I love that game and that the characters. It was a simple rpg/ dating sim. Yeah weird combo but it was epic none the less.

Been listening to Insonium a lot. They are pretty amazing. Complex stuff with great lyrcs. I can't put them down its awesome. This is the music I needed. Good metal.

I seem to be enjoying the long cat thing. I was playing cod4 and this guys name was longsforcombat. And everytime i killed him I could only think of longcat. So I was constantly asking how long is longcat? I'm such a loser. Well I got nothing to write. I'll be posting up a review of project sylpheed when I beat it,

*yawn* part 2

short bit on life

Heh, so this week has sucked. I think I'm depressed but thats all cool. I'm trying to get out of it. I'm going text her on Sunday. I'll post up how that goes. Nothing will happen don't worry :P

Mildly entertaining

Past all teh crap and whne I actually get up the motivation to get out of my bed. I go running or just recently I popped in Project Sylpheed. Its similiar to free space 2 if anyone played that game. ITs a lot of fun for a space themed flight sim / shooter. I gotta put more time into I got almost through the second level but I had to go and attempt to donate blood. The line was too long since I had class in an hour. Cultural Geog was intense. We talked about the Iraq war and it all amde sense. I'm more open to discuss it now. *hopes for an iraq war thread* I'll have my notes ready. HAHAHA.

Started a pool party today. Usually its a bunch of chicks or dudes tanning at the pool. Seriously wtf go tan somewhere else. So me and my roomie got out a nerf football and tossed it in the pool. A couple of other guys joined, then a girl. Then everyone just got in. It was epic. I felt like I was awesoem for once. We started apool party. Yeah then we left. We had done our job.

I've been going running every day now. Its been a nice time to relax and sort out things and listen to music. Having new music has made running a new expeirnce. 30 songs over 3 cd's I just shuffle it and let it run its course. I"M Getting fit and I feel it. Its amazing.

Professor reviews always suck I hate them so much. I gave 3 profs good reviews and micro a horrible review. For a complex subject like micro I really and many other studetns needed a better professor. She was nice but nto very good. She didn't explain things well and her out side help was lack luster. I hope I can pull out a B in that class if not epic fails.


I got over my insomina. Can't say I'm feeling better though. I've been sleeping but I still feel lethargic. Its a damn shame. Oh well. I'm trying to study for finals and needless to say I just don't care anymore. I have another semster before I can get into nursing school. I'm rather discourged about the course of my life. Oh well, we shall see how it goes. I just want school to be over. I want to get this job with medical records. Then just work 4 0hours aweek and be happy. Or something. I donno I still feel like a wreck. *yawn* I want to go back to bed.

Too many games updated again...

Vivia Pinata

Guitar hero III

call of duty 4(complete 1000 achievement points)

Mass effect (anotehr play through)

Eternal Sonata (another playthrough) amazing soundtrack btw

Armored core 4 Completed, just getting extra play time now

Project slypheed

halo 3 completed gotta finish up a few loose ends also.

lost planet (another play through)

cod2(completed 1000/1000)

and assassin creed(completed)

I'm playing Ninja Gaiden for the time being as its something I can log a short amount of time into since finals are coming up.

Found my headphones

I found my head phones after a month. And I just got new music. I couldn't be more excited.

Insomium, In the Halls Awaiting has been nothing short of an amazing cd. Great melodic death metal band. I got another cd coming this week. Forgot the name, and my friend downloaded there newest cd which is awesome. I don't have the money at the moment but I'll buy there cd later.

I feel like crap today. I came home early from mothers day to do a group project, no one showed. So yeah, I slept for about 3 extra hours. Dreamt of Kirsten, always a fun time. *yawn* I still feel like crap. I got my first A ranking in Ikaruga. I feel accomplished and bad *** haha. I'm pathetic.

Operation Darkness demo review and other stuff

A turn based stradegy game that takes place in an alternate WWII setting. The demo starts you off on mission six and it gives you eight "special characters" these are strong than your average soldier and off some unique abilities. The games level was a small town. It was set up good lots of cover lots of area to command and flank from. The game is very different from others as you have to manage items and ammo of your character. The game gives you 4 different guns, a m1 garand, sten, bren, and a lee enfiled sniper I believe. Bren have a short range but have an aoe effect. Stens are slightly longer and can shoot three targets in a horizontal line. Garands have a longer range but hit one target. and teh sniper is same as garand but longer range and more damage. You have to manage bazooka's and grenades. Anti Tank weaponary is very important in this game as a tank can catch you off gaurd if you aren't prepared for the worst.

The camera was frustating its pretty bad to be honest, but the tactical mini map was extremely nice. It should everything all the cover, it was quite nice. The fights were intense.

*spoilers* of the level *includes my tactical mastery*

You start off with a team of 11 facing 4 germans. The maps are huge, and the area was seperated by two main streets going towards them and another one leading off into the country. We started inbetween them and I soon seperated my group into two squads. One squad moved towards the coutry side and then moved up the second main road. This squad consisted of two sten users, a bren lmg, and a sniper. The sniper kept distance as a sten user and a bren user formed a defensive barrier around the sniper. The other sten user used back allies with the other squad to trap the germans, shortly after about 12 more germans come. You rock them. Soon after two tanks come. Thats the level.

Good level with some difficulty. Execution is key

Whats wrong with me

4 A.M I fell asleep and it was only because I forced myself into to bed. I was considering going running or something of that sort at 3:30. I studied quite a bit and got a lot done so for that I'm happy but I'm just breaking down and feel it. I don't feel like me anymore. Its a weird feeling that well I can't really describe, its a dearyness of life that I'm not sure why I'm so afraid of progression. Its probably because I feel like I'm not making any progress. I've seemed to regress into a state of nothingness. I don't have as strong of drive as I use too, I'm not optimistic about much anymore. I'm just kind of there. Its a very very weird feeling for me. If anyone is up that late I'd love to chat to pass the time. Hahaaha. ugh. Well, I'm off. its time for my first meal of the day.