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RazerBlade13 Blog

I Still Breath!

It's bigger. It's badder. It's... oh crap, he's still ugly as heck. I HAVE RETURNED!!!

I bet the majority of you have barely noticed my absence (not that I blame you), but I am planning on bringing my activity up. Now, it may never be what it once was, but I plan on putting in more effort, which means I'll probably only focusing on two or three unions. To go into detail as to what has happened since my last blog... I odn't even remember, so it obviously ain't to important, so I'll give highlights:

1) NGP! NGP! Om my lord NGP! I had a man-gasm when I saw that. I definetly want it, but I hope they transfer old PSP games because I want BBS and I am not buying a PSP if they replace it in a year or two.

2) I started playing Assassin's Creed. I beat AC2 a few hours ago. It. Is. AMAZING! Can't wait to get my hands on Brotherhood and not only for the story. I will fight Slyfur and prove myself the alpha male!

3) I think I got a teeny bit crazier since I was here last. High school screws with you head more than drugs, I swear.

4) I'll be practicing Single's Awareness Day on Monday instead of Valentine's Day. Who wants to celebrate a holiday where a chubby infant come at lovesick people with weapons? Oh... wait a sec.... Single's Awareness Day spells... S... A... D... son of a...

5) Ummm... I still like chicken

Now, for a funny pic of my return:

Miss Me?

I remember hearing about that on the news and cracking up. See you all soon.


Stepping Out of GS... But Maybe Not Forever

I know Silent just did this, which makes this kinda hard. I'm leaving GS for an unknown period of time. I just don't have the timeright nowto stay active.

Now this has nothing to do with anyone here. Hell, some of the people here a better friends than I have in my real life. If any of you would like to contact me in any other way, just leave a comment.

This is Razer... signing off.


My Story Begins!

Ho ho ho peoples! Happy December! No stupid jokes to start out the blog this time. I just want you all to read my story and tell me what you all think!

Now, just to let you know, I orginally wrote this for my creative writing c-l-a-s-s as a short story, so this is just about the halfway point of the whole story. Now I'm turning it into a full fleged story and this is the first chapter. Well, I will if you guys like it! So PLEASE!!! leave a comment telling me if and why it sucks or not. I also decided the original title I chose was bad, so I will try and come up with another one.

So without further anticipation... here it is!

'I don't care how much money is in this thing…it wasn't worth all that trouble of keeping it', Dante Willis thought, just waking up from the events of the previous night. His entire body ached and moaned to stay comatose for the rest of the week, bruises tattooed his arms in tenderness and his head felt like it was used as a bongo, but on his chest sat a tattered wallet with cash brimming from the edges. 'OK, maybe it was worth it,' he thought cheeringly, lifting himself up from the reeking cot.

He counted out around $300 in twenties from the wallet he fought so hard to keep. He grinned to himself. Stealing it was usually easy; keeping it is the real chore. He just needed to find an overworked suit waiting for a cab. All Dante had to do was make sure he got a cab first, seem like a saint for all of twenty seconds, and then he won't be making his cab fare.

Cell phones are the pick-pockets greatest weapon these days. And this guy was screaming at the earpiece like he was facing the man on the other side of the line, so I could have ripped his pants off and hung them off the Brooklyn Bridge, he wouldn't have noticed for a while.

'Unfortunately, some wannabe gangsters decided they would relieve me of my burden. I relieved them of their clothes and dumped them down a sewer drain when I was done with them. They should be waking up about now,' he thought.

He rolled out of bed, thinking of how to spend the money when he remembered he wanted to see Slits tonight. He would need new clothes so he didn't go in looking like he was getting in fights every night, even though he was.

Dante grabbed a stolen leather jacket lying on the floor and looked at the picture of his mother, smiling at the camera in her police uniform. He bowed his head in a quick prayer to her and jumped out of the dumpster. He brushed himself off a bit and walked out of the alley into the throng of Philadelphia.

The smell of this city on a Sunday evening is difficult to identify. You've got the remnants of Eagles tailgaters with their BBQs and beer, the restaurants with all their leftover cheese steaks and onions, and the constant stink of gasoline. The sun was beginning to set, making the earth around him look like pictures he'd seen of Mars and the skyscrapers could have been passed for the spaceships from Independence Day.

Dante went out and headed out into the city, avoiding kamikaze taxi drivers and minivans with their nervous mothers. Traffic was pretty light considering a playoff game had just ended. He needed the peace and not all the swearing of angry businessmen trying to get home anyway. The many suits walking around him plugged into Blackberries and other various electronics. He walked through the endless wave of commercial drones of business and noticed a Chinese delivery guy on a bike ahead of him.

'I am pretty hungry' Dante thought. He jutted his foot just an inch out to the side. The delivery guy hit Dante's foot and the bike launched forward and flew into the air. The bike flipped over and the delivery guy lost his grip on the bag of food he was carrying and landed on an awaiting pile of garbage bags. I grabbed the bag of take-out from the air and looked inside. 'Moo Shoo Pork? What the hell!' Dante complained to himself.

Dante grabbed the delivery guy and helped him up and handed him the bag.

"Terribly sorry, sir. Please do forgive my clumsiness." Dante lied, sounding like an out-of-town tourist.

"Watch your feet next time, punk!" the delivery guy barked, possibly unaware Dante had even apologized. The delivery man grabbed his bike and zoomed off to his destination, a little worse for wear. 'At least these guys have the spine to stand up for themselves, unlike New York.' Dante thought as he headed to his favorite take-out place and devoured some orange chicken. From there he headed to the subway tunnel and grabbed a train going south.

Sitting there surrounded by lackluster colors and maps of the subway system and the sound of a woman's sing-song voice telling you to watch where you step caused Dante to yawn out of boredom. The faint smell of spray-on deodorant of the guy who forgot to shower for his date and the leftovers of the early morning coffee was punishing Dante's nostrils. The sheer dullness this place represented made him shiver in disgust. 'I wonder why so many people spend years in college for... this,' he thought

He got off a few stops later and started walking towards one of the dirtiest parts of the city. Eventually, traffic quieted to one beat up jalopy that would make Al Gore cringe every few minutes and the soft pounding of a basketball against pavement off in the distance. Smoke blurred the view ahead of me; I couldn't see my feet in front of me. All the new factories and warehouses made this place an industrialized wasteland. Only difference, the monsters here don't kill you. These monsters play for keeps and their playhouse was the Firehouse

The Firehouse sticks out in this neighborhood, a faint silhouette of grandeur. The lampposts surrounding the building were the only ones still to work in the neighborhood. Even though it has been abandoned a little over ten years, the paint was a fine crimson red, like fresh blood. The rest of the building was in serious disrepair. Graffiti covered the walls like a warm coat against the chill of the November winds. Bricks were torn from the walls and were thrown around the entire property. The garage door was rusted and had a gaping rift in it, probably from the frightened masses trying to escape it. The place had been abandoned after a fire swallowed the place and killed at least seven firefighters. Perfectly dismal for Slits needs.

I climbed the through the hole in the garage door and came up to the steel door in the wall. I went inside and found a bouncer sleeping in his chair. 'Slits needs to tighten up the screening process,' Dante thought passing by the menacing oaf with a nod.

The inside of the Firehouse is just as beautiful as the outside. The lights hanging from the ceiling were sickly white, making everyone in the place seem like they have never seen the light of day. Posters of fighting events all around the world covered the walls. The highlight of the entire room was the large, circular arena elevated a few feet in the air so no one will interfere with the proceedings. Just above the arena floor was a skylight whose glass was replaced with a one-way mirror for Slits' amusement, so he could watch his fighters without leaving his cave above the arena. Slits once told Dante it also makes him feel like God: you can't see him, but he can see you. He got quite a laugh out of this.

The various mismatched chairs and the catwalks hanging from the ceiling were pushed to the limits as the huddled masses of ferocious spectators stood and began to erupt as the two fighters in the ring reached the peak of the fight. The fight was between a slender Asian boy that struck me as some young Jet Li and a girl I couldn't believe fought for a living, and didn't spend her days modeling in Milan.

The girl was around 5'9 and lithe, yet strong. Her eyes were sea green, like watery jewels and they curved like the eyes of a cat. Her long brown hair flowed like the tide, with beautiful waves and curls. Her skin glowed in the arena, like she had her own personal sun to shun out the pale lights of the lifelessness of the place around her. She wore a plain gray shirt under a leather jacket, black jeans and two inch heels. 'Heels? Is she crazy?' Dante thought.

The young Jet Li swung his foot out from the right and the girl ducked underneath it. While she was prone to the floor, her foot flew forward and nailed his other leg while the other was still out in the air, causing him to lose his balance and tumble down. She sprung up and placed her foot on the poor kid's stomach.

'There's the benefit of the heels,' Dante laughed to himself.

The girl leaned over and stared her opponent in the face, crushing his rib cage even further. She spat on him. The crowd hollered in glee at that display of haughtiness. She moved and let Jet Li stand and get ready for another attack.

"Ashe! Ashe! Ashe!" The horde bellowed in gory delight. The girl, Ashe, let loose a flurry of quick jabs at him. As he went to defend one punch, another came just opposite of where he went. The pummeling went on until the guy just fell to his knees and passed out the mat. Cheers hit the roof and the loudspeakers let out a siren, announcing Ashe's name over and over again.

Ashe jumped over the ropes with ease. I knew she was something else. Beautiful and deadly. 'Kiss me, I love it,' Dante thought as went over to where she was, but he couldn't find her. Dante looked around and found her again; and he lost her again. This cycle progressed a few times before Dante felt a tap on his shoulder.

"If you wanted to talk to me, you need an appointment. I'm really popular right now, in case you haven't noticed." Ashe said.

"I'm sure you can squeeze someone as charming as me into your schedule," Dante responded, "The name's Dante and I am always popular and we popular people must stick together."

"Then how come I don't know who you are, Mr.…?" Ashe asked him.

"Dante. I am starting to wonder why I don't know you. You are way too good for this place. We could go out, have a good time?" He responded.

She found his cockiness quite appealing and more than a bit condescending. "You aren't as charming as you think you are. I'll bet you're already thinking what makes me immune to your wit and good looks, right?" Ashe countered.

"I don't think I am charming at all. I'm going by what other people have told me," Dante said, impervious to her lack of interest.

"How much did you pay them before they said that?" Ashe asked questioningly, grinning.

"Depends on how much is in your wallet a few minutes ago," Dante answered. Ashe was taken aback and found that her wallet was, in fact, gone. Dante held it in between his index and middle fingers and grinned. 'Sweet victory' he smiled.

"Nice meeting you, Ashe." Dante said and he tossed the wallet back to her, smiling at her shock.

Dante walked around glad-handing his friends and other various acquaintances he knew personally or through Slits. He walked about the stalls of various contraband sellers. The petty black market dealers loved working the Firehouse with their knock-off leather jackets, stolen jewelry and misplaced cell phones.

He remembered how he once did runs for those dealers, going out and "picking up merchandise" and selling the plunder to the highest bidder. Simpler times. Now everyone can just smuggle the stuff into the country, cut out the middle man trying to earn a living.

'Just blame it on the recession,' Dante told himself.

Dante noticed the bouncer, with a nametag that said Harry, who had failed to see Dante enter earlier, was awake and had somehow located him.

"Slits wants to see you, kid. Said it was urgent. How long you been here?" Harry asked.

"Just walked in. I wondered why you weren't there, Harry boy, made me a bit sad not to see you." Dante lied pleasurably.

"Just get up there." Harry growled, seeing through the veil of Dante's charisma. Dante chuckled to himself at Harry's contempt, as he went over the small circular staircase leading upstairs.

When Dante made it up to the second floor, a place where many of his nightmares took place, it reminded him of all the old aches of Slits' brutal 'exercise program', as he called it. The walls had well done knock-offs of several famous art pieces, paintings from Da Vinci and Michelangelo. All the furniture was plush with pillows and the smell of smoke. Slits sat in a recliner near the skylight, observing the rabid crowds below.

"It's pathetic what these whelps consider a real bare knuckle brawl these days, huh son? We need someone like Mike Tyson to get in here and get his hands dirty." Slits sighed in a voice like a car over a rocky road.

Aiden "Slits" Mason was a poster child for what not to do with your life before you hit thirty. The guy was burly and muscular, but his skin sagged all around his face, which was set in a perpetual frown. Whenever he did smile, it showed his yellowed teeth and his one blackened tooth. His hair was a disheveled, greasy fur-ball, reminding me of a sewer cat. The name Slits came from the countless scars on his arms from when he was attacked by gangster at 9.

"Whatever you say, Slits," Dante responded bleakly.

"You need to brighten up, son. You're to replace me one day." Slits began to lecture; "You and I are a lot alike, you know. We both can get everything we want out of the world, whenever we want it. We are whatever we want to be and more, my friend."

Dante looked up to see the man speaking to him and was almost sick. 'This is what I'm to become. Society's looking better all the time.' Dante thought.

"Now then, the situation at hand: the police are sticking their noses in a little deep and smelling my dirty laundry. I'm gonna need to lay low for a while. That's why I need you." Slits told Dante.

"No kidding. I thought I smelled some crap coming from the police station," Dante chuckled. Slits jumped out of his chair and slapped Dante hard.

"You remember when I showed you a rat in a trap? He either got the shock or the cheese. Get the shock enough times, and you'll learn proper behavior."

"What are you talking about, old man?" Dante asked.

"Oh shut up," Slits shrugged and sat back down. "Someone's gotta run this show while I take a vacation. I was thinking maybe Miami. Anyway, I want you in charge. I can give you a percentage of all money you earn in my absence."

"You told me to always keep my hands clean of this business." Dante said, irritation beginning to bloom under the surface.

"That's before everything we worked for is now in danger. We could lose everything!" Slits responded.

"I'm living out of a dumpster, eating whenever I steal the money to pay for it. What could they take from me? This is all about you." Dante scoffed.

"You think all those gangsters you steal from are complete idiots and just forget about it? No, they come to me looking for the culprit and I always send them down the rabbit hole, to protect you! If I leave, they'll come after you!" Slits howled, rage blazing through his voice.

An ultimatum: either I take on Slits dirty business or my dirty business comes after me.

"Fine. Have it your way," Dante growled.

"Wonderful. Now go out and have some fun for me tonight, eh?" Slits chuckled in delight, ignoring my sullen demeanor.

'I could only dream if the cops would come and find him,' Dante thought as he headed back downstairs. Dante would stand by and watch Slits struggle for freedom, like a baby trying to escape their mother's grasp. The thought made him put his tongue in cheek to stop himself from laughing.

Waiting at the foot of the staircase was Ashe.

"I wonder what the fat man wanted to talk to you about." Ashe wondered aloud

"You want something? Cause otherwise, I need a fight." Dante said callously.

"Alright then, fight me! Unless your morals can't let you fight a lady." Ashe challenged, tossing her hair back in arrogance.

'This girl is feisty!' Dante thought. But he had seen what happened to the Asian kid before him and started thinking about just how feisty she might be. Then he remembered their conversation earlier. She was calling him out and he couldn't stand by and let her.

"You're on!" Dante answered her.

They both made their way to the arena floor and found the fight coordinator. They both signed the papers and got ready for a fight. Word spread fast of Dante fighting and the masses began to crowd around the arena and take seats.

Dante was known for his brutal fighting skills and Ashe was known for her lightning agility and reflexes. The two fighters ducked under the ropes and stood at their corners, staring and measuring up the other. Dante zipped off his leather jacket, revealing the worn muscle shirt underneath, revealing his ropy muscles.

"I remember hearing back in China a few years ago, women just stayed at home and did what they were told my their husbands. Maybe you should try that," Dante said.

"Get it all out now, Dante, while you still look pretty," Ashe retorted.

The crowd was having a fit in anticipation for a fight they may never forget. Until they heard muffled gunshots coming from above their heads.

To be continued... possibly. :P I hope you all liked it!

And since I'm already writing a blog, I'm gonna tell you all that I am changing my theme soon. I won't tell you all until it happens!

One last thing, I am going to EPCOT Center on Friday for a field trip so if anyone would like a picture of anything in particular, just tell me before this time tomorrow.

Thanks for reading!


People Shoot The Poop?

Tonight in the Octagon, weighting in at 140 pounds... it's Razer! Up against former heavyweight champion of the world Randy Couture... wait a second... *runs away like a maniac*

Ok... ok ... gimme a minute to breathe. Ok, I'm good!

Now, the fun story behind the blog title. I played paintball for the first time yesterday. It would have been way more fun if I hadn't been stuck with my father's two year old gun and mask. The mask wouldn't stay and fogged up within minute of every game. As for the gun, I couldn't aim because it had no sight and it wouldn't have worked anyway. I got hit in almost every game and hit no one. I got hit twice in the head in the same area. I got the bump to prove it!

The only game Iwon was this one where one team had to guide an unarmed player called the VIP(a.k.a. me) from point A to point B without the VIP getting shot by the other team. The field we were in was a make-shift city of plywood and sheet metal with a huge forest to the far left. Before the game started, we saw the entire enemy team hide out near the city and the castle I had to reach to win the game.My team divided into two groups, one group to fire at the people in the city and pin them down and the other group through the forest leading me to the end of the field. I spent most of the time crouching and getting pulled around like a mule from cover to cover. Amazingly, no one from the attacking team was in the forest and we circled around to the back of the castle. Everyone guarding the castle had already ran up to take on the other group so I just made a quick run to the castle and won the game with 2 minutes left. Never would have made it if it weren't for my Secret Service, since they kept calling me Mr. President! :) It went to my head a little!

No, seriously, it went to my head. As I was lying in bed last night, I kept hearing the sound of a paintball gun going off and I instinctively tried to duck as I was flat on my back. It wa a bit weird. And today, My legs ache whenever I sit down and tand up from all the crouching I did. I got welts too.

Oh yeah... the blog title comes from all the dung piles that were in the field we played at. I saw one with red pieces of stuff in it and had no idea what it was. My friend told me some people shot paintballs at the poo, which explained the strange shape of the feces. OK, no more poop talk!

Now what else, I got Platinum on Sly 3. The funny part was I finishedall the challenge misions in about half an hour after I wrote the blog saying this...

...might take me a little while to complete all the challenge missions. RazerBlade24

I love irony! :lol:

Now for my next blog, I plan on putting up that bit of story I told you guys about a while ago. I just want to edit it a little bit before I show it to you. I would like you all to read it and give me your honest opinion! And there is no representation of anyone here from GS in the story... yet! I might do it if you all enjoy it, so stay tuned for that! ;) I would go and read some other people's stories, but I am so far behind in most of them.

Finally, this is my last night before I head back into the bear cave wearing a suit made of raw meat. Oh wait, you can stop a bear, you can't stop a rambling teacher! My bad. I just have 3 weeks to get through and then I'll have a winter break filled with prep for mid-terms. I might just cry myself to sleep tonight! :cry:

Here's a funny pic that I think perfectly depicts my first paintballing experience!

My Paintball Experience

And yes, the guy about to get his number called is me!


Yeah I'm Early, But I Still Want My Bird!

Ladies and gentlemen, the president of all your lives (you know it's true! :P), RazerBlade13! Now this is a big ******* deal! Wait a second, get outta here Joe Biden! Sheesh!

Well, the Thanksgiving break has officially begun! Thank you Jesus! I've been going to bed at 4 am every night so far! Go me!

Honestly, I needed this break from school. Not really from the work, but more the people. Which leads into a story I would like to tell you all. And like all my stories, they start with this statement: Looking back, this was really, REALLY stupid on my part.

This happened last Wednesday in 6th period. My teacher, while being a very nice lady, is incredibly lazy. So instead of actually taking attendance, she passed around a sheet to sign. Now somehow, the sheet skipped over me. So I found it and asked the dude to give it to me. Now this guy ranks in my top 5 lazy douches I have ever meet,and being the skinny, not threatening white boy I am, he decides to have some fun at my expense. Now, I was having a bit of a crappy day as it is, so listening to this guy's crap just pushed me a bit too far. His phone was sitting on his desk, so I grabbed it. I said I'll trade for the paper. He says he was gonna count to five. Now that "threat" has been made to me several times before, so I counted along with him. So it was a bit surprising when he actually punched me in the face! Surprisingly, I didn't really hurt, I just felt it the rest of the day. At that point, the items were switched and I went to my seat. I mentioned it to no one until the day after.

Now before I get any comments saying "Why didn't you hit him back?" Let me just remind you all. SKINNY! NON-THREATENING! WHITE GUY! :roll:

Now I've dealt with this through my teacher and now we can't get within 20 feet of each other for the remainder of the year or 10 days of suspension awaits whoever gets close. But the part that bothers me the most of the whole ordeal, he did it front of an entire room (except the teacher, who was in her office) and nobody said anything. Not one word! Has humanity just stopped giving a crap about others? Unless, of course, someone dies, then we start to care. Maybe I'm just whining, but I find that fact just sad. What happened to people?

Now, onto cheerier subjects! :D

I finished Sly 3 of the Sly Collection yesterday. I am just one trophy short of the platinum. Each game ha it's own platinum, so if any of you are trophy hoarders like me, get it. It's so easy to get the platinums on Sly 1 and 2, but 3 might take me a little while to complete all the challenge missions.

Thanksgiving is only a few days away! Food coma, here I come! Now this is the 1st Thanksgiving in memory where both sides of my family will be attending since my mother's folks moved down here to Florida. I don't know how it will turn out, but knowing my family, I should bring a spare set to boxers in case I tinkle myself laughing! :lol:

Now I don't plan on doing a blog again before Thanksgiving, so I'll put the top5 things I'm thankful for now in no particular order!

1) I'm thankful Infinity Ward has been "reconstructed" whatever that means. I like IW WAY more than Treyarch, all those whiners who've been noob-tubed one too many times be darned!

2) I'm thankful my mother's folks are down her close now. They lived 11 hours away before and I'm glad to see them so often now!

3) I'm thankful it's finally starting to cool down here! I'm tired of wearing t-shirts in November! I want to start shivering!

4) I'm thankful the guy who punched me didn't beat me into a small pulp. Nuff said.

5) I'm thankful I'm really starting to find myself. This part gets a little deep, so if you don't care about my well-being, skip this one. I'm really starting to believe I really don't care what others think. I know I am smart. I know I am not athletic. And most important? I know if who I am isn't good enough for you, keep walking. I get some so-called "friends" telling me if I just did a sport, just broke a rule, just did something different, I'd be better off. I have a message for those "friends": take a look at the 20th word of this blog, take off the -ing (it's shown -***) and put the word "off" at the end. Thanks! ;) And that message is not directed atanyone here, FYI.

I'm sure there are other things I'm thankful for, I'm just too lazy to think of them.

Now here is a funny Thanksgiving pic for you all!

Me Post Thanksgiving

That's actually more post Thanksgiving... anyway, Happy Thanksgiving! Oh, and for my Canadian friends, Happy Thursday!


I Have Beef. Let's Fight!

This is Razer, your new supreme master and I order you all... oh, hang on... I think I skipped a bit!

Hi there peoples! :D Seems my thoughts are being projected through my fingers again. I hate when that happens. But then I can be perfectly honest with all of you... oh wait... that's not good. Never mind! :P

Anyway, I have two interesting stories from the depths of the underworld. First, we go to the only good part of the hours of 7 am and 2 pm on weekdays, English. Our teacher is engaged and one of his future brother-in-laws dabbles in rapping. In a song the teach played for us, he had a part in it. He played a kidnapper of the rapper's family and managed to sound legitimately scary. :P And no, you can't download it.

The second story from the Black Lagoon comes from marketing. The class is filled with a bunch of lazy jocks who enjoy making fun of... well... anyone. Well, today, the teach just had it. See, one guy that nobody likes took a shot at me and then some guy said he would beat him up for $10. The teacher left the room for a moment and everyone assumed the guy who basically threatened him was gonna get written up. Then the teacher came back, walked over to the guy, slipped him something and said "Don't let it be connected to us." She had slipped him a $20 and the guy asked if he wanted to take a walk. Too bad nothing happened. :| No happy ending for me.

Now here's a salute to veterans everywhere!

Veterans Rule!

I try never to forget, no matter how much I despise my life sometimes, people died to allow things like public school and democracy to happen and I really shouldn't allow it to be wasted. Doing so would be spitting on every grave in Arlington Cemetery. Both my grandfathers served and I will never stop respecting them for it. God bless them!

Anyway, what else... oh yeah! I got Scott Pilgrim vs. The World on DVD. The blog title comes from there as well.This has got to be the GREATEST movie I've seen this year, if not in my life! It's hilarious. It's got great action. And I love the characters! Ramona is just freakin' awesome! No one should miss it!

Now for an announcement, I plan on posting a bit of a story I wrote a while back to get an opinion of my work. Jut to let you know, no one hereI portrayed in the story. Sorry! I would appreciate any critiques you all would supply.

Here's a funny pic about bullying!


Adios. And I decided to drop the bit about goodbye in foreign languages.


I Want An Austrian! Can I Have One?

Welcome to the very cheesy scary Razer blog! This blog title is brought to you by foreign exchange students FROM AUSTRIA (since someone will probably ask) and a friend of mine who finds European people cute... apparently :| Whatever!

First things first, a very happy birthday to RikusGirl6! I even got a cake!

RG's Cake

Well... I Googled one and edited it on Picnik. Came out nice for about 20 minutes worth of work! Hope you like it, RG! And I had to stop myself to reach out and get some frosting! It looks delicious, no?

Anyway, on to the hand of this most horrid of holidays, Halloween. I hate it only for 3 reasons: 1) I was somewhat sheltered as a young child and now I'm scared of... well... a lot of things. Most recently added to that list being the speed knifers on MW2, jumping outta nowhere like bats outta hell! :? 2) I never eat all the candy. It's just a sad, sad truth. And 3) the movies are cluttered with the latest Saw movie and various other bad scary movies.

I don't plan on doing anything today other than homework (very scary in itself) and maybe a movie. What a life! Some girl in my neighborhood will probably try and drag me trick-or-treating even though we are in high school! I think by that point, it's a bit sad.

Speaking of movies, I've been watching a lot recently. I realized how many c-l-a-s-s-ics (darn you GlitchSpot!)I've never seen. Soon Friday, I watched Terminator and yesterday I saw Phenomenon, which was fantastic by the way. I'm recording Titanic to watch later. If anyone has any good movies I should see, go ahead and put them down.

I plan on purchasing the Sly Collection when it comes out next week. I loved those games and the fact I can get all three for $40 is the best bang for my buck right now.

I checked my grades before teachers downloaded them for report cards and I managed to pull out straight A's! Incredible! More incredible is that I didn't lose my freakin' mind this nine weeks! I only have to wait 3 weeks before we get Thanksgiving Break!

Wow, I thought I had more stuff to talk about, but apparently I don't. BUT...

I still havea funny Halloween picture,


Wow... just wow...

Kgiya hatromi! And happy hallow's eve!


I'm Sorry, I Couldn't Hear You Over That Sudden Tornado!

This is Razer, coming to you live from the petting zoo just a few miles away from... oh wait, why is that monkey wearing a dress? That's right, I'm at my high school! Scratch that except the monkey in the dress part, which I will explain.

Today had to be the scariest day of high school so far. It was the unofficial Senior Switch Day, which basically means all seniors change genders for the day, not with the school's permission, of course. All the girls looked like gangstas from the hood and all the guys were either Martha Stewart wannabes or working their furry legs in a dress. One teacher locked her door to avoid seeing it. I would have to. Those dudes were scary looking, but hilarious! :lol: I knew one pretty dude pretty well and he even acted like one. I really want to tell his girlfriend about that! :P

Also, yesterday was Celebrity Day, which I originally had no plan in participating in, but then I got out of bed and saw the cane in my closet (it was hand-me-down and made me feel pimpin'! :P ) and decided I would go as good ole' Doc House. :DI walked into with a cane and wore some old blazer on top of a t-shirt. I planned on bringing in a empty pill bottle that said 'Vicodin' on it, but I probably would have been arrested for possession. :|Half the people loved me, the other half had no idea who I was. One girl asked for an autograph. Sadly, people told me of a 2nd House out there, but I never met him. But still, it was pretty cool, since we had a Freddy Kruger, some Lady Gagas, Jersey Shore characters (at least that's what I was told), a Hulk, a Freddy and Shaggy from Scooby Doo, a Tiger Woods and more I can't remember anymore, but it was pretty cool, though I was melting by the end of the day.My arm still hurts from leaning on the cane so much.

Other news... I got through Modern Warfare 2 on veteran, which wasn't as hard as I thought it would be and I believe I am around level 36 or so. I also downloaded the Costume Quest demo, where my blog title comes from. I'm not as excited as I was before though, since the battle system feels kinda, I dunno, awkward?

Who here remembers my failed attempt at a union? Well, I want to try and take another crack at it. I plan on making it an OT union with a twist, we post random funny pics and videos. I just want a place with all my GS buds together, not worrying about a thing and just laughing. God knows I wish I could laugh more in real life. Sadly, this isn't the case? :cry:

Last but not even close to last, I went to Animal Kingdom on Sunday with one of my best friends EVER, who is a girl. You'll see why that is important in a sec. We had a great time, saw the AWESOME Lion King show, rode Everest and caught the Safari right before closing. Overall great day!:D Now the problem is, I am beginning to pick up "signals" from her, signals that say she may want to be more than friends. I've always had a little thing for her too.There are three issues there:

1) She once set me up with one of her friends awhile back. We dated for a monthand thenit ended... badly. REALLY BAD! All over a stupid rumor spread my a very vindictive midget. She (my best friend)believed it too, until I set it straight.

2) I have no idea if I am just over-analyzing this since when I first got these "signals" we hadn't seen each other in about a year, so maybe it was just the very strong feelings of a great friend.

3) She has a figurative chastity belt. She made a pact with a friend saying she woun't even consider dating till she is 16, which doesn't occur until this coming February! I'm pretty sure she'll hold onto that for now.

So, in summary, girls are weird! I hate being a sixteen year old boy! Girls are beyond comprehension at this point at my life! :evil: And I'm not sure which scares me worse, missing the opportunity or being "friend zoned". If you don't know what being "friend zoned" means, look it up here!

Here's a funny pic, regarding my misery. Please enjoy! :cry:

Friend Zoned!

Wow, this blog was much longer than I thought it would be. Thanks for reading all.



This Blog Has More Power In It's Little Pinky Than You Have In Your Whole Body!

We interrupt this presentation of "Yo Momma! The Musical" with this important news bulletin... oh crap... I need a teleprompter. I guess that means I've become Barack Obama. :P No offense to any of my Democratic peeps.

Anyway, this isn't a real blog. If it was, I would tell you facts that just don't matter (they matter as much as whatever the Olsen twins are up to these days) and explain the blog title. The truth is, I just came up with the blog title and thought is was funny. But a "wow-is-he-serious" kind of funny.

Now, the real point of this blog is simple: My activity level has been like zero for the past few weeks. But I have an excuse. Well, two really but one is a very good one. Good excuse: school is ruining my ****ing life! I hate it so ****ing much that I wanna blow that **** sky high! GAHHHH!!! :evil: Ahh... that's better :D

And then there is the bad excuse: I have finally started playing Modern Warfare 2. Sadly, most of the surprises were ruined for me before playing the actual game but it is still epic. I am closing in on halfway through Spec Ops, playing through the campaign for the second time on Veteran (for the trophies) and slowly working my way up in multiplayer since I can only play when my folks... well... aren't awake. And no, I am not kidding. They think I will be exposed to too much "vulgarity" playing online. In any given night of playing MW2, I hear the same amount of "vulgarities" as I do riding the bus to school.

Now I plan on writing a full fledeged blog later on in the week with PSATs and a long weekend. I promise some good things to share with you all.

Full fledged or not, I need a funny pic!

Defend Burger Town!



You Need A Book? Where's Your Shoe? (And No, I'm Not Dead)

This blog title shall be explained later in the blog.

Anyway, it's been eleven days since my last blog and that's been about the time since I've really been on GS. Most of my time has been either on homework or gaming. Sorry, but gaming is WAY more important to me at this point. It's better stress relief. Have I said how much I hate high school in a while?

Anyway, here's my gaming updates. One, I got the Enslaved demo. Now before I downloaded the demo, I couldn't really care less about the game and that changed 5 minutes into the demo. Awesome story from what I saw and nice combat. The running animation for the main character almost made me laugh out loud, though. Also, I plan on buying the new DeathSpank when I can get to the store and buy a PSN card. The first one was hilarious and this one is promised to be longer and just as funny. C'mon, what's not funny about a superhero wearing a thong?

OK, now something I feel I need to say. For those of you who don't know RikusGirl6, she is a great friend of mineand I recently saw a picture of her from a few years ago and I feel the need to say this... marry me, RG! Oh wait.. I'm 16 years old... there could be a problem there. Oh well! :P

Can I just say this Greatest Villain Contest is a fluke? Darth Vader and that Medusa-looking looking chick from Starcraft? I knew it was bad when Sephiroth was knocked out round one, upset when Kefka lost to Sweet Tooth and near tears when Joker lost so I just hate the results. Screw whoever wins this, Kefka FTW! And in case you have seen my bracket, I know I picked Sephiroth to win, but that doesn't mean I think he should have!

OK, now here is that "Rate my Teachers" list I promised oh so long ago. I won't be mentioning names in case someone from my school sees this. And will GlitchSpot ever fix what's wrong with me typing the word Lass-cey (that is Pig Latin for those who don't know):

Chemistry I- This is the beginning of a dismal day of hard mental labor. The teacher seems nice enough, but all we've done so far is the basics and I haven't been doing so hot with THAT stuff. Luckily, there is a cute girl that sits pretty close to me, so that makes my morning better. :D Rating - Meh... *goes to sleep*

AP World History- My one college course this year. It is... I can't think of any word that little kids could see that explains my loathing of the class. The workload has multiplied tenfold over last year. The good news, the teacher is hilarious. She actually gave me this blog title and she was serious when she said that to a student. Rating - Tough Love (Does that sound wrong?)

English II- This is an experimental class of English geniuses apparently. I kinda see it, kinda not. Now the teacher is pretty fun, saying the National Anthem like the Govenator. English has never been so hard, but not bad. We have to keep track of a country we drew at the beginning of the year and I am a somewhat expert of Mexico! Rating - FAVORITE!

Algebra II- This period is pure, unadulterated hell! The teacher is the WORST teacher I think I've ever had! :evil: She repeats everything she says around 3 times a day, her voice gives me migraines and she gives us overkill homework. Then again, my math teacher last year spoiled me rotten. Rating - SAVE ME!!! :cry:

Latin II- This class is a close second for best period, if it weren't for the majority of the rest of class. A mouse running on a wheel could power more lights than most of their brain's power combined. But the teacher is a great, easy-going guy. Never too much work in that class. Rating - Fairly good

Marketing Essentials- This is a waste of a period. I could show up 20 minutes late to class and the teacher will still haven't have started class on most days. Today was the first time we did actual work in class. The majority of the class i spent working on a project. Shouldn't be too bad. And she bakes cookies in class to sell! Rating - COOKIES!

HOPE- This is the way the school system can say if we become drug addicts, it isn't their fault. It's part sex ed./don't do drugs and another part PE. The teacher is lazy and the majority of other students are obnoxious freshmen. Still, plenty of cute girls! ;) Rating - Gahhh... *stabs self with pencil*

Overall School Impression - Not much reason to get out of bed, but some.

Now I just want those who read this to know this is a surprising light homework day, which is why I have time for this blog. I'm not expecting this to happen very often, so expect my activity to be about what it has been over the last week, but I will attempt to be here more often. I plan on going through people's blogs and seeing what I've missed in the unions.

Now here is a funny picture, in honor of my favorite period of the day:


Magha and thanks for reading!
