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RazerBlade13 Blog

Remember This Day No Matter What

There isn't going to be any funny stuff in this blog, so if that's not your cup of tea, I'd just stop reading.

Nine years ago today I was sitting in my classroom in 1st grade. It was a strange day because everybody seemed to have to leave school early for some reason. One of those times, me and an acquaintance were called together out of class. We walked in silence, neither knowing what was going on. When I got to the office, my mother and sister were already waiting and we drove home. I saw what took me out of class and, at the time, had no idea wht it really meant. Now, 9 years later, I do.

This isaday that should bereverance to all the men in women who needlesslydied that day. All of them had been drawn into a war they had nothing to do with. Anyone that says otherwise, in my opinion, is as bad as those who took over the planes and drove them into the Towers and the Pentagon.

Thank you all for reading.

The Definition of Monday

Regarding the blog title, here is's definition:

the second day of the week; first day of the working weekDictionary

Here is MY definition:

The day following a day when you could stay up all night and not worry about when you got out of bed.Razer

So in essence, in my world, today was Monday. Screw whatever you guys say! It is Monday! And I just came up with that!

Anyway, back to reality! I borrowed Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood from my uncle on Monday and am on the final boss fight. The GS review said it would take 7 hours. That wasn't even close to 7 hours. Action is pretty good though, which is unfortunately the only redeeming quality.

In other news, my Labor Day weekend was packed! Saturday was a combined birthday party for my little sister and my grandmother. We got an ice cream cake! Woohoo! Sunday was a wedding party for my cousin. The actual wedding was sudden since they realized they were going to join the army for college. Monday was spent partly at the lake, where I went tubing, partly doing homework. The tubing was fun until the aches started after purposefully falling off the tube since they wouldn't stop. Also, I smelled like crap when I got home!

If you weren't aware, I'm now in school and I plan on doing a "Rate My Teachers" blog soon. Some will be funny to you guys, so tune in for that!

Anything else worth mention... oh, the Japan trip is most likely not happening. I got an e-mail from the sponsor saying that enough seniors and juniors signed up so they are not taking many, if any, sophomores. But they go very other year so I'll probably get to go as a senior. Which means I'm either going to Italy over Spring Break, taking a trip next year or getting an exchange student.Gives me more time to earn the $1500 I have to earn to go. My folks agreed to pay half of the fee if I earned half to see how bad I wanted to go.

Here's a fun fact: how many of you all played that onePrince of Persia game with Elika and a new prince? Apparently, the gods from the gameexist in a real life religion called Zoroastrianism. Those cheaters!

Funny pic time! This is in dedication to my cousin's wedding. I saw a t-shirt with this and I wanted to get him one, but couldn't find it.

Game Over

Tofa! That is another new bit for my blogs. Saying "goodbye" in foreign languages! But if you want to know what language it is... well... screw it, figure it out for yourselves!


If Only We Had An Electric Beaver!

If you want to know the source of this blog title... look it up! :P

Now, in case you wondered where I've been this week, school started. :mad:High school really is evil. Especially since I live in the sauna state of Florida, the entire campus is basically outdoors and the AC is out in a few of the rooms! :cry:I feel like I need a shower every time I came home this week. NowI feel I need to repeat it, I hate school! Anyway, some of my teachers are cool, most are bland. Anyway, I'm SO glad I can sleep in tomorrow. I wouldn't even get up if I didn't have homework to do. Stupid AP! :evil:

Anything else worth mention...oh yeah, since my magnet program requires I need to either travel internationally or host a foreign exchange student before the end of junior year, I may be going overseas later this year. They are going to Japan over the Thanksgiving break and I would LOVE to go to Japan! Experience the culture, the food and the girls! Wait... maybe not the girls. If I don't go there, they are going to Italy and Austria during Spring Break, which is just as cool just not as much as Japan.

I hate high school! :evil:

Ok, now for some random stuff. I have recently become addicted to Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution,a very cool strategy game. I get a nuclear bomb! But only one and I basically wasted it in my last game... :cry:. Also,I am starting to get in a real... what should I call it... happiness slump? I just seem more bummed than usual. I don't know why. Last up, vote Sephioth for the Greatest Villain Contest! I want that coolset-up they are offering the winner!

Time for a funny picture, in order to get out of the heat:


This is where I'd like to live for the next few months. :DJust saying.

I hate high school! :evil:


Smell Like A Man.... MAN!

I love that commercial. And in case you don't know what I'm talking about, hereit is! Oh... sorry, that's my bad! Ahh... HEREit is! And ladies, especially you Courtney, remember he is just an actor and probably married. Probably :P

Anyways, hope you all like the new avi. Thank to Aidan for fixing it up. And I feel I need to say it again. Anyone who has the idea to join this site will LOVE the movie Scott Pilgrim.

OK, what else... oh yeah, school starts on Monday for me. I got my schedule and I am OK with most of it. The problem?My last period is some don't-do-drugs/phys ed.thing (Why does this site have a problem with the word that I want to use?)AND on the far side of campus. So I'll have to rush to get my clothes back on (Fur, not one word! :x )and run to catch the bus every day. The problem is I have to take this to graduate. Thanks Orange County Public School System! Imagine which finger I used to type that.

Expect my activity to go down the pooper when school starts. But if I'm gone for more than two weeks, this becomes my will and then Slyfur can throw that party she always wanted. I give everything I own to charity. None of you get a thing!:lol: Strike that! RG can have my PS3. Just don't ask about any suspicious looking photos you find. And, in case you find a certain one, it was meant to be a joke and I spilled BBQ sauce on my pants, so it isn't what it looks like!

This funny pic is brought to you by the fact I'll be getting up at 5:30 in the morning from now on:


Ain't that right?

Hope you enjoyed this short and seemingly pointless blog. Eventually it might save your life. I'm serious. Try jumping off a bridge and thinking real hard about what I said here. You'll know what I mean,


Chicken Isn't Vegan?

No I'm not an idiot. The blog title is a linefrom my new favorite movie, Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World. This is the perfect nerd fan service movie. I plan on buying the original graphic novel to see how it compares. It will also be my new theme. I've already changed the sig to this:

I have an awesome animated avi of Scott rocking his guitar, that I hope that will work. I had to resize it but that seems to be the kiss of death for the animation in the avatar. If it doesn't work, would someone be willing to help me out? Of course I have to change it to a GS avatar and wait a bit so when I change it, it'll actually change.

Anyway, tomorrow will be my last week of summer. I'm gonna cry or (I know Slyfur will love this) become emo! For me, work is only half the reason I hate school, the other half is idiots that I wouldn't mind beating up if I had the upper body strength.

My summer has been spent sleeping til noon at the earliest, watching reruns of Becker, playing PS3 and posting here. Seeing Scott Pilgrim was the first time I've gotten out of the house in about 2 weeks. And no, I'm not proud of the fact. But this last week will probably be spent working on summer homework and getting school supplies.

Anyway... that's about it. Here's a funny pic:

Back To School


Remembrance... And The Face of Razer!

This is Razer's-close-to-one-year-anniversary blog. I looked at my posting history for the forums and my first post was May 4th of last year so I am a bit late. :oops: Ain't I smart?

Anyway, before I get into the swing of things, happy late birthday to little miss Lexie who, if you don't know, is Aidan129's daughter and is now a year old. But it's also a one year anniversary for Aidan and Courtney becoming parents and if I am any judge, are doing a great job! :D Round of applause to them too!

Anyway, I promised pictures from my vacation, so here they are!!!

The House

This is where we stayed. It was a nice place. Terrible beds though.


You have no idea how long it took me to get a shot like this! But I'm that good! 8)


This is a beautiful waterfall we found. I climbed up there, but you could barely see me in the pic.

My Dog

This is the love of my life, Hattie. What? She's the only thing in my life that loves me unconditionally. And she's adorable!

And here is the climax... me!!!

[spoiler] Razer [/spoiler]

I don't know what you all expected, but that is me. For real. Please, don't just leave a comment saying I'm ugly. My self esteem is low enough as it is!

Anyway, now for the actual remembrance:

I started out posting on random boards like the off-topic and system wars boards. Then I started checking out the union recruitment board looking for a place to crash. I found one that said a union for Kingdom Hearts, so I figured I'd check it out. I found Organization KH.Then I found people like nintendo-naut, the-silent-hero, thrubeingcool13, MudkipMaster30, Zerobeam and the rest of the original OKHers. I thought they were crazy. I still think they are crazy but that's not the point! They are actually nice and decent people and I am glad I can talk to them.

After school started that year, people started leaving OKH and new people trickled in, like Slyfur, RikusGirl, Curtis, Kakarot, Javhino (he was there before, I just didn't talk to him much) and others. Organization KH is still a place where we can have fun and talk about just about anything.

Then I decided to try and start my own union. I had ideas like a Law and Order union (rejected! :x) and a general news union (rejected! :evil: ). Then I an idea that stuck... Anti-Twilight! The union started with people I already knew like Slyfur and RG and some new people like KillerWabbit. The union seemed to be going strong but then... it just died. It was weird, seeing it die just as soon as it began. I joined other unions and built myself up a little there, but OKH is my home union. No changing it.

I've made a lot of friends that I havn't mentioned, so this is where I'll put them: exber, Nero_Viper, Out-Of-Ammo (the Home skillet king!), theslimdavylp, Giratina, Ifnot, Jak_Napier, moonknight24 and XDwarrior. Thank you all for putting up with me! :P Don't be afraid to leave a comment reminding me I missed some people.

Really not much else has happened to me while here on GS that I haven't blogged about already.

Alright. I think that about covers my one year anniversary blog. Thanks a lot for reading everyone!


You Need To Give A Girl Candy Before She'll Get In Your Bag!

No, I am not some kind of child predator. This is a line from DeathSpank, a ridiculously funny game I bought on PSN that has been taking lot of my time. I did paraphrase a bit. Anyway, if you have 15 dollars and want to kill a day or two, buy this game.

In case you haven't noticed, I leveled up! No more stupid MGS quote! Defias Brotherhood is an awesome name.I even downloaded the demo for MGS4 to learn what it isand I wasn't a huge fan of it since I'm impatient and not stealthy atALL...

I'll be working onmy 1 year anniversary blog. And yes, my picture will be there. I just need to upload it from the camera and put it on Photobucket. I don't know how I'm gonna make it special, but I'll think of something. Any ideas would be appreciated.

One more annoucement, I have found a general news union looking to be created. He hasn't made it yetbecause the guy wants to make sure its active and wants to find a lot of people. If anyone is interested, PM me or just leave a comentand I'll give you the info. Don't join unless you want to contribute.

Now for the funny pic...

MGS Kittens

Oh no! Don't look at the dead operative, Muffins!

Sorry for the short blog.


Homecoming... And I'm Still Bored.

I have finally returned home to reliable internet and my comfy bed! Yeah! But I'm still bored outta my mind! And school starts in about 3 weeks! Why is this all happeningat once?! GAHHH!!! :x

Oh and since I'm not sure exactly when I started here on GS, I plan on doing an end-of-summer/one year anniversary blog soon. Although it says I was a member since May 6th in 2008, I didn't start using it since summer oflast year. I plan on putting pics from my vacation and... dum... dum... dum... my picture! *GASP*! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the face of Razer will be revealed. Maybe... :P I'm not sure if I want my picture on the internet yet.

I get my braces off on Thursday! Unless, of course,the doctor decides to ruin my life further. I did get the mold for my retainer done before I left, so most likely, I'll be free!Makes me wonder why orthodontists don't get crap for calling themselves doctors but chiropractors do. Chiropractors can help people walk and relieve pain. Orthodontists only cause pain. Some doctors! :x

Final note, I need help deciding whether or not I should replace my PSP while GameStop is selling it discounted. My folks insist I should think about it, which is very stupid of them to believe I might change my mind. But either you guys will reinforce me or make me change my mind. The main reason is because Birth By Sleep comes out next month and I NEED to play it. NEED TO! There's nothing on the DS I want to play anymore and it'll be outdated the minte the 3DS comes out. So I was gonna sell that to help fund the PSP. What do you think?

And now, a tributefor orthodontists everywhere!


I think you need a bag for your head, sir!

Twáme naw (Burmese for goodbye)


Story Of A Girl (I've Been Tagged)

I've been tagged by my new girl, RG (I love saying that!) and Mudkip. I guess I'll do this music thing. It should be funny. Here we go!

1) When someone says, "Is this okay?" you say: "Come Sail Away" by Styx (I'm not sure what to make of this, other than the fact it rhymes)

2) How would you describe yourself: "Let Me Be Myself" by 3 Doors Down (Nice choice. I completely agree!)

3) What do you like in a guy/girl: "Now Is The Time" by Damone (I don't get it?)

4) How do you feel today?: "Here He Comes" by Will Smith (I'm kinda pissed at my dad, so yeah. That works.)

5) What's your life's purpose?: "Listen Close" by The Sleeping (I do have horrible hearing.)

6) What is your motto?: "Dearly Beloved" by Yoko Shimomura (I don't want to hear on word from anyone. That's Silent's motto!)

7) What do your friends think of you?: "My Immortal" by Evanescence (It sounds nice, but I doubt it.)

8 ) What do you think of your parents?: "Smooth" by Santana (No... just no.)

9) What do you often think about?: "Scary Story" by Will Smith (I wouldn't say so.)

10) What is 2+2?: "Other World" by Nobuo Uematsu (2+2 means something else in Tidus's world. Awesome.)

11) What do you think of your best friend?: "Train" by 3 Doors Down (I don't know what this could mean.)

12) What do you think of the person you like?: "Bad Religion" by The Sleeping (We do have one HUGE difference between us.)

13) What is your life story?: "Walk Through Hell" by Say Anything (I wouldn't say my ENTIRE life, but recently, yes.)

14) What do you want to be when you grow up?: "Destiny's Force" by Yoko Shimomura (What are the benefits?)

15) What do you think of when you see the person you like?: "New Change Of Heart" by Damone (Agreed. Seeing her always changes my mood!)

16) What will you dance to at your wedding?: "Ripped Dress" by The Sleeping (This is just bad luck. I swear! And not dancing music.)

17) What will they play at your funeral?: "Dracula From Houston" by Butthole Surfers (Despite the name,I think the song fits me somewhat.)

18 ) What is your hobby/interest?: "Loser" by 3 Doors Down (Now that's just mean!)

19) What is your biggest fear?: "Lonely Day" by Phantom Planet (Umm...sometimes that would scare me. But more often than not, I would LOVE that.)

20) What is your biggest secret?: "Loretta" by Will Smith (No, I am not cheating on RG! Stop this madness!)

21) What do you think of your friends?: "You'll Be A Corpse Before You Know It" by The Sleeping (I'm not THAT much of a downer.)

22) What will you put as the title?: "Story of a Girl" by 3 Doors Down (Well... that is unfortunate for me.)

I just got screwed by my computer since that's where all my music is. How sad is that?

Anyway, hope you all enjoy my awesome new Sazh theme. I couldn't find any pictures better for my avi and it takes SO long to replace it anyway. GlitchSpot: I hate you! If you find anything better, PM me or something.

In case you aren't aware, me and RikusGirl6 are together. We were tired of everyone saying we were together so we just decided to actually try it for ourselves. It will help to explain some of my comments with the tagging.

Now this funny pic will be a testament to all weird relationships everywhere.


I'm sure all the women reading this will agree. To be smart, I guess I'll agree too.

Oh and Kakarot589, moonknight24, Javhino and theslimdavylp, you're it!


Well... That WAS Quick

Told you guys I'd come back. Now techincally, I'm still on vacation, but we rented the place for therest of the week and we are getting our money's worth. I will eventually post some pics of this place... maybe. :P

My activity will be lessened by the fact my sister will be on the computer from 8pm to 3am without breaks. Seriously, I had to remind her to eat dinner around 10pm. The only reason I'm on now is because she is playing theWii. Now a few things happend while I was away I'd like to take note of.

First, I have finally acquired a Platinum Trophy for Batman: Arkham Asylum. It took me forever to get the last one, using all of Bat's moves in one combo, but I did it! I'm close to one on inFamous but I am short 2 Blast Shards and I useda *bleep*in' map to find most of them! Spent over an hour going over every single one on the map all over the city. I can't trust GameFaqs anymore.

In case you have noticed, I finally got myself a banner for my profile. I used some website called Picnik since GIMP seems too difficult for a moron like me. And I really tried to us it. Anyway, with this I'll be able to change my theme, which I plan on doing soon. I have an idea but if you all want to suggest something, you guys could probablycome up with something better.

Finally, I'd like to thank you all for commenting on my last blog. Dancing-kitty-grams for everyone!

Check out those moves! Work it!:P
