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RazerBlade13 Blog

Quick! Don't blink!

I hate these days where Ieveryone starts shoveling crap ontomy back and telling me I HAVE to carry it to live. I do have a problem with anxiety but seriously, I sometimes wish I could just fall off the face of the earth for a time. Sorry I keep whining, but I need to vent somewhere.

Anyway, time for random good news in my world. I reached Burnout Elite license in Paradise earlier today and I now have 100% on Flower. I didn't even get a platinum. WTF!

Tomorrow, second cousins from Britain are coming in. I love when they come over. The guy is a driving instrutor over there and he always insults my father's driving. It's pretty funny to see.

Uh...what else? Oh yeah! I wanted to do something actually video game related. Like an editorial or something. I have an idea on what I'm going to do it on, but it'll be a surpirse. I'll wait until my workload drops in weight.

That's just about it.

I'm dropping out!


Wherefore Art Thou, Proper English?

We have begun studying Romeo and Juliet in English. What. A. Bore.

It surprises me how people of that age understood one another since they speak in rhymes and made English as foreign to me as Farsi. By the way, yes I know it wasn't spoken in public but still! In fact, I was chosen as Romeo for the scene for the first meeting of Romeo and Juliet. I never realized how much of a player this guy is! When the teacher went over their first kiss (and the second. What a playboy!) the room was in outcry. I could feel the color rise in my face. Juliet was also a bit uncomfortable.Seeing her Romeo, I couldn't blame her. Overall, I butchered the part, but Juliet was excellent. She was kinda cute but she really sounded legit.

Also, I know my place of relaxation for Spring Break, Cape San Blas.

Cape San Blas

Looks beautiful, right?

Since I've lived in Florida most of my life, beaches bore me into agony. I am always in the room doing something else or reading by the pool. Of course, thank God, there is also kayaking and other events to calm me. We are going with another family and they aren't too bad a company. A nice vacation after stupid standardized testing.

Final note, sorry about the depressing/deranged comments I made last blog. I was kinda outta it when I wrote it.

Live long and prosper!


I Met My Evil Twin, Does That Make Me Evil?

I think this should get people's attention. And I'm dead serious when I write that.

A friend of mine, who I'll leave nameless, and I were talking the other day after class. He was going on about how our class is full of idiots and I agreed. He then went on to tell me how he cheated on some homework.The teacher was checking note cards so he "borrowed" some cards from a friend of his and put them under the cards he did do and called it his. I found this totally unfair and we entered a debate that went like this:

Friend - "Life is unfair. Deal with it."

Me - "That doesn't me we make it worse."

Friend - "So what? If you can get away with it, do it."

I was repulsed for two reasons. One, his complete lack of caring whether the other people suffered when they didn't do it and he got away with it and two, it sounded like something I would say.

I would definitely say life is totally unfair, but I don't use that as a reason to do something wrong. I believe the opposite and believe I should do everything to try and make the world as just as possible.

They guy is like me for several other reasons: doesn't like listening to others input, quick to point out others flaws (I just don't say it out loud) and a sense that he is much better than others because he is smarter. The only difference between us, in my eyes, is that I see these flaws and try to address them while he does not.

I see all of this inside him and see a bit of myself. Sometimes, I really don't like this guy and it's usually when he acts like me. Does that mean I hate myself? I do self-deprecate quite often, but I don't hate myself.

Tell me if this is an irrational rant or not. Please.


Too Lazy For a Good Title

I am beat and don't want to come up with a random title.

In class yesterday, we found a rat and we had to end class a little early because we wanted him gone. I saw him run behind a filing cabinet. I leaned over to see him and saw a fur ball coming at me. He burst out and starting running across the room. He created mass hysteria with every girl and every guywas screaming "Kill it!" Some people were recording the event and one guy tried to box the guy in a corner and succeeded until he ran right around. Soon enough, the teacher whacked the rat with a broom, the rat ran outside and ran right under the second story railing and fell on his back. The entire class in cheering when they see the ratget up and crawl away. Best Latin class EVER!

Also, a sad event today of the kamikaze psycho took a plane and ran into an IRS building in Austin. He posted a 6 page manifesto describing his deranged thoughts. I found it here. I read only the first page and I was disturbed by the guy. I hope they find his body and bury him in the debris AND throw it in a volcano. A sad day indeed.

It's sad to think that so many people are beginning to lose it and do something incredibly stupid. I remember hearing about a stalker down here in Florida, and after months of stalking, the woman went to a judge with 72 pages of threats and ravings of how the woman is ignoring him, hoping for a restraining order. The judge postponed it. The day before she was set to see the judge again, her stalker found her and shot her, then himself.

What is the world coming to where rational people are taking to rash acts of violence in order to try and bring a sense of peace or god knows what into their minds. I will never understand the mindset to push people over the edge like that.

Thanks for listening.


Did the Fat Kid with a Bow Leave?

I can come out of my hole and put away the 12 guage. Cupid ain't shooting nothing at me! As I amyoung and emotionally stupid, Valentine's is lost on me unless you have a girlfriend/wife (or boyfriend/husband). Just passing around paper hearts to people seems a bit trivial, but then again, it might mean things to people. So I don't hate it, just tolerate it and enjoy and the chocolate. I got a box of Twix outta it, so I am happy.

Last night, I finally got some PSN money and bought a special Burnout deal, get all of the current expansions for 20 bucks. If you have the game, get the expansion. It is so worth it! My second purchase was Flower, since it was 50% off. I suppose it makes up for missing flOw the other day. Sorry,the dealalready ended.

Flower is an incredibly vivid game. I bought it because my sister really wanted it and, hey, quick trophies. But it is really a thrill. I love the simplicity of the controls, the environments are gorgeous and the emotions can help soothe you to a sweet trip of bliss. I already beat it in around 2 hours so but you have some cash you are ready to toss for a few hours of tranquility, buy this gorgeous masterpiece.

That leaves me with around 10 dollars in my wallet and am wondering what to do with it. If you guys have an idea, tell me. I also want to get some of your guys PSN IDs. Post it below if you want to.

Peace, me homies!


A Shot for My Ants

I love coming up for these new titles for my blogs. Always interesting!

Anyway, if you read my last blog, you know about the ants crawling under my skin. I talked to a dermatologist last week and she told me I was getting these hives that didn't raise up from my skin. She believes them to be caused by the meds in need to take to keep sane. Just for explanations sake, I got the meds around the time Fur got a Potato Cannon.

Wonder if those isolated incidents are related?

Anyway, she gave me some pills, called the doctor that originally gave me the meds (he is dodging the calls for some reason) and they plan to give me a shot on Monday that will relieve me off this unholy irritation.

The funny thing was, the doc that checked on me was pretty hot and told me to drop my...well, I really don't have to say it do I? :D

I downloaded the Heavy Rain demo today and I was blown away. It is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen and the gameplay never felt repetitive.I don't want to give anything away, so I suppose I should stop now. PS3 owners must at least try the demo before you can say anything about this game.

Final note, is anyone out there willing to help me make a Joker banner for my page. I like the pic I have, but I want something more personalized. Any help would be appreciated.

That's your Razer news of the day. Now back to your regularly scheduled lives!


Running in the Mud

Today is one of those days that makes me feel like crawling under a rock and hoping that the Mayans are right for 2012.

I spent the weekend either: a) helped to put in new flooring in my grandparents bedroom, b) watching the Super Bowl, c) playing the PS3 or d) sleeping. Two of those things I couldn't help and now I feel like a complete moron. I took two tests today that, had it been any other day, I would've been fine with. One late night and minimal studying and I keep thinking "Open mouth, insert foot here."

To top the day off, I have the feeling that ants are crawling under my skin and if I don't scratch, they will tear right through my skin. I've tried cream, allergy meds and some natural bath treatment and I still feel the ants.

Only two highlights of the weekend. First, I have finallyplayed Uncharted 2. I only got to Chapter 17but it was incredible. I must finish it soon.

Second...drum roll please..."Oh when the Saints, oh when the Saints,come marching in, come marching in, oh when the...Saints come marching in!!!"


The beauty of their victory was my sole purpose of living through this day. The minute I saw that onside kick and the ref said it was the Saints ball, I really believed we had a chance. Brees made Peyton look like a chump throughout the entire game. I was on my feet screaming when Porter picked off that pass and ran it all the way home. Fantastic game!

Final thought - GameInformer, the Gamestop magazine, wrote a review of Final Fantasy XIII this month. It was ranked below Heavy Rain, Bad Company 2 and Mass Effect 2. The biggest problem...the story? Oh the horror! I cannot believe it! If they turn out to be wrong, I'll never read the magazine ever again!

Anyway, that is about my weekend story.


The Metal in My Mouth is Rusting

That title is a motto of mine, that and don't eat yellow snow. If I think too much about tomorrow, I feel like not getting out of bed the next morning. Very depressing, I know, but you don't know what kind of crazy I really am.

On Monday I went to the orthodontist. At my last visit, he said I would probably be done around now. But while I was away, he sold his practice and some new woman took over. I went in and I sat for thirty minutes waiting to be seen (before I walked in and then walked right into the back room).

When I got back there, there was around six nurses doing nothing and one other girl getting her braces done. Why was I waiting if no one was doing anything? Then the new doc comes over and checks me out. She gives me a funny look and tells a nurse to get me an x-ray.

Ten minutes and several funny feelings in my head later, she tells me the last guy screwed up and I would have these things on for another 3-4 months. How do I go from a few weeks to a few months? Apparently, the roots of my teeth were not aligned and now must be fixed before I go through this all over again.

Then I told them about a loose bracket. The nurse took twenty minutes to glue it back on, when before it took five. The nurse stuck two or three things of cotton in my mouth and I was about to choke on my own saliva when she finally finished. These people had better get their act together.

I am now seriously pissed off at the old doctor for not getting it right the first time and the new doctor for having a rather stupid staff.

Anyway...what else...oh yeah, Fur. Me and Aidan have teamed up and we are planning our first strike on your evil kingdom AND your potato cannon.

That's the gist of it. Cya! 8)


There Really WAS Chinese!

But I ate it all last night. Surprisingly, no leftovers! That's a first for me. I always had enough leftovers for lunch the next day, but last night I devoured that Sesame Chicken and rice, but I usually have Crab Rangoons to go along with it and they can be very filling. Then I watched Up for the second time. That first ten minutes really brings a tear to your eye, huh? One of the greatest Pixar movies I think I have ever seen. At least until the new Toy Story!!!

Anyway, I've got my report card ready: straight A's for the term and only 1 B for the semester! I am on fire, baby!


I am now questioning why I ever put up that stuff about a girl a few blogs ago. I really now feel nothing toward her. Maybe I was just a little crazier than usual that day. I actually find many girls attractive in several different ways. That sounds really bad, but I don't plan on exploring each and every one of them (any of them really). That's crazy talk for someone as ugly as me.

Maybe I am crazy...:question:

Can't be. If I was crazy, I would have killed someone by now. Maybe I have killed someone and don't know it. Maybe I finally snapped and killed Fur. I don't remember much of what happened last week. Wait, yes I do. We had a huge duel atop of Mt. Everest and I was hanging from a cliff. She raised her spear over her head and I saw my life flash before my...wait...I remember that movie now! Never mind :P

Sorry Fur! I won't kill you yet. Maybe silent if he doesn't show around more often. We all have school and still make time for our deranged alternative family we have here.

Alright! I must be a little crazy, if I think this is a family. :shock:

Final thought: I am thinking of trying to write a book. I had to write this short story for school and I really had fun with it. When I got it back, I had a 100 and the teacher even put a note that said it could turn into a book. I have, in the past, tried to write down the strange fantasies that occur in my mind, but I can never sit still long enough or I hit a block and never get back to it.

Well, enough random blabber. Buh bye now!


Anyone For Chinese?

I just felt like putting a really odd title on my blog. It interests people into reading it. Too bad this blog has nothing to do about Chinese food! I did however, have some General Tso's Chicken. But it was frozen and heated in the oven so it doesn't really count.

I am really letting my life go down the absolute crapper. I have done nothing but play my PS3 since Thursday. I may have been sick up until today, but I really only came here and racked up around 50 trophies in various games since Thursday. I have talked to a friend on the phone for 30 minutes, watched a few episodes of Big Bang Theory and watched around half of School of Rock. I may need an intervention. That or someone should just put a pillow over my head. I probably shouldn't say that since I can't think of a few of you that would actually try that.

But on a serious note, I got some bad news today. I have been told that my grandmother will probably be moved to a nursing home soon. She has been disabled for most of her life and can now barely get out of bed with the help of two other people.

I love my Omi (it's German for grandmother, by the way). She is a one of the sweetest people you will ever meet. She loves people with a fire in her heart and soul. I am even beginning to see her old age affecting her, forgetting questions she asked less then a few minutes ago and calling me by my 20-odd year old cousin's name.

Everyone says I am lucky to have all of my grandparents still alive. Right now, I don't feel that lucky.

Thank you all for listening.
