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RazerBlade13 Blog

Light in the Middle of the Tunnel

I can breathe again! Exams are over and I am free for four days. Well, technically I am skipping one of those days, but so is the rest of the school. My grades have been posted (all of them A's!!!)for all but two classes, which ironically are my hardest. The tension is mounting and I just have the sinking feeling of a poor grade. But I consider a B to be a bad grade, so what do I know. Then I remembered this is only the halfway point. It's a frickin' rest stop! What a drag!

Another note I would like to note, I may have mentioned once before my one and only girlfriend that I had been set up with and then broken up with over a lie spread by a demented dwarf (no offense to anyone here). I would rather skip the specifics. But now I think I actually want to get out there and get a girlfriend that I actually want to have. Only problem is, she upperclassman and I always feel very...dumb around her. Usually I am a smart guy, but I feel like an idiot whenever she discusses things way beyond my comprehension and the comprehension of most people her age. She's funny, smart, attractive and most importantly, she actually seems to get the boiling hot pot of crazy that I am. I know this is ranting and I sound insecure and other things, but I feel I should tell you guys. This is almost like a support group (I don't wanna here any jokes about this last comment).

Does anyone feel I ask way too many deep and almost meaningful questions on this blog? It sounds like I am really needy.

Before I depart, I would like to make a special condolence to the loss of Firestar, the beloved companion of my friend Slyfur. Anyone who knows Fur knows she loves her cats and I, for one, am extremely saddened by her loss. Makes me think of what would happen if I lost my favorite pet, my little Hattie. Makes you appreciate the things you have. Anyway, may Firestar rest in peace and please take care, Slyfur.


Crawling through the Trenches

I've got 3 of 6 midterms down for the count: Tennis was an insult to my intelligence, perfect 100(he gave us the EXACT same test at the end of the first term), Geometry was easy (99! BOOYAH!!!)and I got a 94 on my Latin exam, so far, in terms of these exams...HELL YEAH!

I recently bought Battlefield: Bad Company and Burnout: Paradise for my PS3, but I can't play yet dueto a confiscated power cord. All I did was hook ontothe wireless network in our house. Doesn't do anything to the network. The password is right there in my mother's desk. I even go in there a week after she realized and it was still there. She wants to punish me, but she doesn't even try to prevent it from happening again.

Another great event happening down in Orlando is Otronicon, a huge gaming expo at the Science Center. No big premieres or anything. Just workshops from a big gaming college and Halo on an I-Max screen (SWEET! Even though I despise Xbox and anything exclusive to it). They give me a chance to test out some games before buying them. I plan on going this long weekend if I can get a ride.

One question to anyone who has seen Book of Eli yet, is there any dismemberment because I love Denzel, but hate flying appendages (RG, look it up)

Well, goodbye all. Thanks for listening.


New Theme and Midterms

Since Fur pointed out that some guy is now using the avi, I got a new theme. Since I've really gotten into Batman: Arkham Asylum and Joker is ridiculously fun to watch. I plan on getting a Joker-themed sig.

The second worst time of the year is upon me in the next few days: MIDTERMS! I have a written test in a freaking tennis class. It will be a pleasure to be rid of the moron running the class. Otherwise, I think I will be OK.

I learned of the new Survivor: Heroes and Villains cast a few days ago and never got a chance to post it. J.T. is a great guy, Coach and Russel are great fun to watch. The best part of all, on the Villains team... the manipulative and heart-crushing...Parvati!


Can you blame me? She's gorgeous!

Finally, I need to add something to add to my Christmas haul that I got a week ago: Chuck: Season 2 on DVD. I loved Season 2 and the new season, no matter how short, can be nothing less than great. Thank god it starts tonight. You go nerd!

Anyway, that's all. Pray that I don't jump out of a window to get out of exams.


Another Year To Survive

The ball has dropped again and Dick Clark still sounds like a dying mule (no offense).

I have decided my New Year'sresolution this year is to spend more time with my friends. I have always been a guy to keep to myself. I want to change that. I have a few friends that I talk to regularly and Isometimes feel I neglect them. That needs to change. I will be a better friend to them.

I saw Avatar today and it blew me away. What an amazing movie! The 3D in that movie is unbelievable!!!! I also saw a preview for one of the dumbest things to hit 3D: Piranha3D. Basically a cheesy horror movie about staying out a piranha filled water. What a concept!

That's all I got to say, later.


Thanks Fat-Man!

My computer is alive! Thanks to a friend of mine who has so real computer know-how for saving my computer from oblivion. There were so many dangerous viruses on here that he actually cringed. Hopefully I won't get as many viruses as last time.

Anyway since I am a few days late for the Christmas thing, I'll put up my haul:

1. PS3 Slim and accessories

2. inFamous

3. Batman: Arkham Asylum

4. The Dark Knight on Blu-Ray

5. Tom Brady Jersey

6. $40 BUCKS!!!

7. A Celtic Cross Necklace

8. An Ant Farm? (Don't ask because I don't know)

9. School of Rock

10. Big Bang Theory: Season 1

I can admit my satisfaction with my Christmas score. Unfortunately, the PS3 has kept me up the past 2 nights and I have already beaten Arkham Asylum once and almost at 80% completion. I plan on getting LittleBigPlanet in the near future as well.

And since my unfortunate computer crash, here's my number one Christmas song: Feliz Navidad! Honorable mentions include Jingle Bell Rock, The Grinch Song and Frosty the Snowman.

That's all I got all. See ya!


Report if you see a crazy skinny guy with an eggbeater!

OK, I don't know where the eggbeater came from, but so what.

In case you were wondering, my computer crashed about a week ago and this is the first time I've had Internet access since then. Sorry to ruin the parade Fur. :P

I know I've been tagged and I know that I have neglected my favorite Christmas songs, so I'll do both.

1) I am currently sitting in my hotel room near the beach. I believe it's around 50-60 degrees. Great fun.

2) I know I am getting a new Tom Brady jersey for Christmas.

3) I wrote a new poem today! Woot!

4) I started watching Inglorious Bastards last night but was interrupted so many times, I stopped.

5) I have low tolerance for loquacious people.

6) I know what loquacious means.

7) I know RikusGirl6 does not know what loquacious means without looking it up.

8 ) My number 4 Christmas song is "Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer"

9) My number 3 song is the Chipmunk's Christmas song sung by...I'll let you figure it out.

10) My number 2 song is "Zat you Santa Claus?"by Louis Armstrong

I'll save number 1 song for later. So tell me everyone, what has happened in my absence.

But before I forget: RikusGirl6, nintendo-naut and Juniorpower owe me some blogs. So got tagged suckas!


Top Five Christmas Songs #5!

Ifigured, in the spirit of the holidays, I want to count down my five favorite Christmas songs. I'll probably save the final song till Christmas Eve or the eve before that. No one here will be on Christmas Day because they'll be playing new games, I hope. Unless someone I know is Jewish or something and I didn't know.

Coming out at number five is a classic: The Little Drummer Boy. I love that "pa rumpa bum bum" thing they do throughout the song. Dumb reason to like it, but who cares what you think! :P

In other news, I pwned some guy at Super Smash Bros.Brawl today, withIke I might add,and then...I lost to a girl using Toon Link. What a fail!Not saying that girls are bad at video games. I know plenty that can beat me within an inch of my life; virtually and literally. I just got upset I got beat up by a deranged, red-eyed, cartoon freakoid.

I have begun to write poetry for my writingclass and actually, it ain't half bad. Some of the stuff I wrote wassorta good.If you want to read some of my work, I might post it in the future, if you ask.

One other thing before I go, I won a copy of NCAA Football '10 for the 360 but I don't own the dreaded device. I need to find a way to get rid of it. And NO! I won't let any of you buy it.


A Day in the Life of a Psycho (Me)

I got a mid-term progress report at school today and I got straight A's. BOO-YAH!!! I think you should know what I had to go through to get to this point.

Writing I: Does the last name "Grund" mean anything to you. In case you don't, if you know about the whole Casey Anthony trial, my writing teacher's son was, before Caylee "disappeared",once engaged to that (alleged) child killing witch! Thank goodness he didn't go through with it before...yeah, you know. Otherwise, really fun class!

Geometry Honors: I suck at math, but in this class, it's OK. My teacher is obsessed with Disney characters! She has Mickey Mouse ears on her leg (she showed us!). She is an awesome person, but then she has to get all serious and ruin the spirit with...ugh...math.

Biology Honors: The first half of my day's kiss of death. The woman makes up dig through every scrap of paper to find the answer, not helping at all. The point of a teacher is to help LADY! And most everyone in the class are not brain surgeons, mostly the patients of those surgeries.

Beginning Tennis: The second half of the kiss of death. The coach of this class doesn't even know how to play tennis. I took the class because I thought it was going to be easy. There is also this homicidal guy in the class everyone calls "Frenchie". He alone has broken 6 tennis rackets. I am currently working out the assassination attempt.

English I Honors: This class is a good pick-me-up for me. I always enjoyed English class because I like to read. I just hate when they force us to read classical crap. I don't care that Odysseus made it back to Ithaca. The best part of the I am sad to say, the teacher is actually kinda hot. That almost makes me sick to say.

Latin 1: This class is a cinch! The teacher just keeps repeating the same few points over and over again and his tests are easy. The people I sit next to in the class are rather interesting. One stabs me in the back, one hits me whenever I do something stupid (she hits me often) and one keeps making dirty jokes about anything we say. Love it!

AP Human Geography: My hardest class and my favorite teacher! The guy has a great, dry sense of humor that fits me perfectly. But he spends every class just lecturing, but I need to see the notes to keep them down pat. And the textbook is like watching paint dry or a snail move. But some of the characters in the class are awesome! We got a human gerbil!!

So yeah, my high school is weird. I both love and hate it there.

Now, if you excuse me: I need to plan out a movie date with three girls and three guys. Know what I'm thinking? That's right...intramural basketball team!


The Anti-Twilight Union has Formed!

It's ALIVE!!! And people are already starting to join up. I have a cheap icon set up, but I have no banner. If anyone here is good with Photoshop or something, could you please make a good icon and banner for me please?

And in other news,my Christmas tree is up and the house is covered in lights. The holidays are here and now people won't give me funny looks when I sing carols!

That's all I got. Good day!


A Tagging to Remember

I would like to personally thank RikusGirl6 for this tag. Just know, RG, I get even! :twisted:

Anywho, let's get cracking!

1. I have recently become obsessed with The Sims 3, which is really depressing in my book.

2. I am currently writing my own story called Martyr.

3. I despise Twilight so much, I want to make a union about it (see last blog).

4. My favorite video game character is Auron.

5. My favorite bands are Lostprophets, Damone and Motorhead.

6. I am currently reading Blink by Ted Dekker.

7. I lost my PSP somewhere in my house.

8. I desire to be an only child, but I was bad, apparently, and got a little sister, Emma.

9. My favorite animal is a monkey!

10. I plan on tagging ItsNear, Cloud_King8and KillerWabbit23.

I just wanted to say I plan on starting a series of blogs on the hottest video game girls, so if you have a suggestion, put'em here.
