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RazerBlade13 Blog

Want to start a Law and Order union?

I love that show so much. Not SVU or Criminal Intent. The good old fashioned bust-'em and sue-'em show now on Friday nights. Anyone intrested or know anyone intrested in starting a union for Law and Order? Oh and one more thing...


Law and Order

Same Old, Same Old

Apparently, after being pretty inactive for over a month...nothing new in my lfe happens. Ain't that just great?

Ihave learned the ropes of high school and wondering why anyone would anyone become a biologist. Today, I joined a club about video games. So we are staying after school to pwn the noobsand we can put it on a college resume if I ever make president!

P.S: I haven't bought 358/2 Days yet. DON'T RUIN IT FOR ME!!!!!

High School Stinks and Everyone is Dying!

I just started at a new high school on Monday after moving away from the home I spent my first fourteen years. Almost everyoneI knew is at a different schol except one girl I hung out with two years ago and one girl that doesn't know I exist. Now I am trying to make new friends but infew words...PEOPLE SUCK! Everyone sticks with people they know and its easier to find a girlfriend than to find a way into a group of friends. I'm starting to find some people, but I am getting overwhelmed by all the crapload of work I'll be getting from most of my honors and AP courses.

And on another note, last night the last brother of JFK. Sen. Edward Kennedy,died of a brain tumor. Now at least four important people in the United States have died within a few months. I am starting to believe all those conspiracy theories about Area 51, crop circles, the end of the world and natural blondes.Is the world I know collapsing underneath me?

I think I have MMO Syndrome!!!

I think I've become addicted to Perfect World International. I've been playing non-stop for nearly the past week and I've only come here to check on messages and updates. Does anyone else have this problem and is their a cure.

I think the problem is my "thriving" social life which consists of my family, my best friend who I almost never see and smei-crazy people, though I still enjoy their company. And, another thing is that I always feel like I accomplish something when I level up or finish a quest. Is that pathetic?

Anyway, some please help me!!

Stupid Hollywood!

I can't seem to sleep and I need some sage wisdom.

My bestfriend has been auditioning for just about any acting job and is now being considered for a role on some new tv show. She'll be moving away to California and leaving me behind.

We've known each other for over three years. We have both said we were attracted to each other when we first met but things went the other way. Now I get a little defensive when she talks about other guys. She says she got over it, but Ihaven't completely abandoned the thought of us as more than friends. We barely get tosee each other because of our schedulesand can only maintain the friendship over the phone and the three or four times we see each other a year. And her moving away may destroy everything! She was a lifeline for me during a rough patch of my life and continues to be now. I wonder if things really have changed or this is just a bad reaction to losing my best friend towashed-out movie stars and bushes with cameras.

She promised to keep in touch and would not let things change if she does get the job. What do you allthink? Should I explore this before I lose the chance?

Life Changer

The event I'm about to talk about happened about a week ago, but I know what I want to say now.

A week ago, my dog got out through the fence. It was the first time she had gotten out in a while, I can't remember the last time it happened. The weird thing is, I can't believe how bad it affected me. It really made me sad. I started crying uncontrollably and making negotiations with God. I was so upset. I searched for at least an hour over three blocks of the neighborhood.

It makes you really think about what they say, you don't know what you have until it's gone. The good news is, a constrution worker found her wandering around and he looked around the neighborhood, knocking on doors and looking forus. We weren't home at the time and he took her with him on the job with him for a while. As I returned home, I actually saw the truck she was in and didn't notice her in the back of the truck. I was so relieved when he came to the door.

It made me have a reevaulation of my life and how I lived it so far. I need ideas how to change my life in a positive way. Any ideas would be appreciated.

Video Games in Real Life

I've often wondered what life would be like if we could mix your life with a video game.My first though is a world ofPokemon.


When I was ten or eleven, I often wanted to have a world fullof Pokemon to live in. Mainly because my live was so ******* boring! (Still is actually, hmm?)I wanted to travel the world, catching powerful Pokemon and challenging the gym leaders. Even now, I still think that would be an intresting experience.

Also, everytime I play a war game, I consider joining the military just to see if it's likely. I know I would probably get shot within two weeks max, but it seems interesting from sitting in your house.

The Activison Crisis

I read about the threat out of Activision yesterday. My first thought is "Well...this SUCKS!" and I flipped off my computer.

But then I realized, Activision is losing out. We started out slow for one reason and one reason only. Halo 3.


If it hadn't been for that exclusive on the 360 and the year head start, I believe that Sony would be so far behind. They had so many exclusives that everyone wanted like Mass Effect andGears of War and Live had already established itself as a online juggernaut. Sony seemed to have a lot of ground to make up. People seemed to overlook the potential the PS3 had.

Now, that doesn't mean that Sony hasn't made some problems of their own. The basic PS3, at launch cost $500; while the PS2 sold for $300. And the console has made some progress in the price, but not enough to cover the gap. Activision may be over-reacting, but they bring up a legitamate concern. Sonymust not ignore this. Listen to the consumer.

e3 09

I love watching E3 over the years and hate seeing so many games that I won't get until they are soldused for $20 and are crap!

My five favorite games (in no particular order) are as follows:

1. Brutal Legend - I love Jack Black

2. Final Fantasy XIII - It may actually come out next year

3. Uncharted 2 - This will probably become Sony's Halo

4. ModNation Racers - This is like Mario Kart and LittleBig Planet's love child

5. Batman: Arkham Asylum- I can only the pleasure of being the Joker. Myabe you can flirt with Harley???

My five things I was dissapointed in not seeing was:

1. Kingdom Hearts -All I got was that one trailer out of Nintendo. WHERE'S BIRTH BY SLEEP!?!

2. Sucker Punch - A teaser would be satisfactory!

3. Naughty Dog - Jak and Dax was really under appreciated. It looks great

Game Girls!

We all have been fascinated by the gorgeous women that have either shot at bad guys for us or shot at us or something of that nature. I wanted to make an effrot to my top five game girls!

5. Samus Aran (Samus series): We played an entire game to watch her take off her helmet. I think that is saying something.

4. Gruntilda (Banjo Kazooie): Well, let's face it; old N64 players like myself quit the game time and again to watch this beautiful transformation from cute bear sister to sexy witch.

3. Kaileena (Prince of Persia): The Empress of Time has been found to be an evil temptress to a proud ally of the Prince. Either way, you want to make sure to stay a few steps back.

2. Yuna (Final Fantasy X & X-2): We have all watched her do her dance and sing those chords. But guys, remember the scene in FFX in Macalania Forest. Thank God that was CG!!!

1. Tifa Lockhart (Final Fantasy VII): She has haunted gamer's dreams for at least a decade. She has made several game appearance and they continue to improve her. Here's to another ten years.

Any others worth mentioning go right ahead!!