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RazerBlade13 Blog

Twilight Haters UNITE!

I think I may have found a union idea that may finally stick. Twilight bashing! Mostly an off-topic union, you can also bash on anything Twilight related, books, movies, etc. Any takers on charter members?

Some people here must hate Twilight.


Something Involving my Future and Pancakes...

I have returned from my trip to Alabama with my grandparents, whom I love dearly and wish I could see more often. During the long car ride home, I started to think about the future, mine in particular.

I'm starting to realize that I need to start taking accountability for my actions and I need to learn to stand on my own two feet. I've really been coasting through life the past fifteen years, careless of the future and what it holds. Something horrific might happen or I may get a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Is this too deep for a gaming site? Ahh...screw it, someone is bound to read this. I may just be a freshman in high school, but I have no idea where I want to go to college, I still have procrastination problems and have a very pessimistic view of the world (but I think I have good reason to).

I started thinking about what I wanted to do for a job in the future and what I need to do to prepare for it. Then I got hungry and started craving pancakes, but then I got back onto the problem at hand. I always have these two little voices in my head arguing about what I should do with my life. One voice says do what you want to do, which would be joining the gaming industry as a designer or a writer because I love crafting out stories. But the other voice tells me I am being selfish and should actually do something worthwhile with my life, something that could really make a difference in someone's life.

This is something I have always talked about, but never seriously. If anyone has any words of advice, it would be much appreciated. :D Thanks in advance.

Now on a lighter note, I was thinking of starting some blogs on something like, my top 10 favorite game characters or something of that nature. Maybe a list of hottest video game girls, which I had done once before, but not in-depth. :roll:

Anyway, I think that's enough for one night. Oh, one more thing...PATS ARE GONNA KICK THE SAINTS BUTTS ON MONDAY NIGHT! Just thought everyone should know where I stand. :P


Happy Fat Bird Day!!! (This Time I Got it Right!)

Well, I made one earlier,but this time, my Thanksgiving blog will actually involve things I am thankful for. I have just six I can think of right now, but I might add more later:

1. I am thankful FFXIII is actually coming out next year.

2. I am thankful Organization KH is still pretty active.

3. I am thankful that Chuck is coming back on TV in January.

4. I am thankful that my grandmother is doing okay in the hospital.

5. I am thankful I found new friends at my new school and for the friends I already have and still talk to.

6. I am thankful that America isn't run by McCain (even though the thought isn't as repulsive as before).

7. I am thankful for my OTHER grandmother's TERRIFIC home-made fried chicken (which I'll have instead of turkey today).

I'd also like to make note of some of the special friends I have made since last Thanksgiving here on GS:

1. the-silent-hero: One of the non-official kings here at GS and the genius behind Organization KH, Fountain of Youth and various other unions.

2. nintendo-naut: A great artist and good all-round person, even though he tagged me :twisted:. Also, his guy in the RP, Anthex, is freaking awesome. I wanna be like that guy.

3. thrubeingcool13: A simple, cool, calm, collected person (in my mind, I could be wrong and he's deranged, which is unlikely).

4. Slyfur: I know she'll hate me for saying this, but she is a good person and she knows it. She may be one of the toughest...that's a bad way to put it...independent people I know. Stand proud Fur!

And to everyone else I am too lazy to mention but appreciate equally, except LeviofDoom, who called me stupid. :P

Now everyone probably won't read this till late Friday night, after the food coma wears off and the Black Friday shopping ends, but I wanted to wish everyone here a Happy Thanksgiving a.k.a - Fat Bird Day. Enjoy your turkey and take solace that the holidays are almost here.

Another Union Idea

I have come up with a bunch of union ideas no one liked, like Law and Order and politician bashing. But this one might work...Scrubs! I love the show with a passion and now that it is returning in a few weeks, with a complete make-over, I want some people to talk about it with. Anyone interested can PM me. I would need a banner and all the decorative stuff done.

GAHHHHHH!!!! Tagged again.

My first two tags within four days of each other. Thanks for this by the way, Fur! :PIt shows that you care!!!! Let's pretend I didn't say that, eh? Here are ten new facts.

1. My current favorite TV show is Chuck, TV's most epic nerd.

2. My best friend's name is Chyan.

3. I am a bookworm.

4. I despise anything Twilight-related even though I have never read any of the books.

5. The first video game I ever played was Pokemon Red/Blue. I don't remember which one.

6. I dream of becoming a video game designer.

7. I despise any sport that only gives you one point when you score.

8. Iwas born intoa strongRepublican family, but extremely liberal by nature.

9. My first girlfriend broke up with me over a lie spread by a deranged dwarf.

10. These facts are harder to think of than I thought.

Well, there you go. I'm currentlywatching the Pats/Jets game while I'm writing this and finding it hard to concentrate. My gut also aches from the the buffet I just came from. I regret that last chicken leg AND the chocolate sundae.I'll tag some people and go back to the Jets whooping. GO PATRIOTS!

I tag cronomagnus36 and LeviofDoom. Peace out.

Merry Thanksgiving!

Yeah, I know I'm early, but I won't be here at Thanksgiving. I'll be in Alabama, with my grandparentsand my grandma's God-blessed fried chicken,this time tomorrow with virtually no internet connection (I think), so don't start a "Thank God He's Leaving Party!" in case I can get on to wish you a Merry Thanksgiving.

Enjoy the time without me. I know Fur will at least. Peace.

My First Tagged Blog

I should have known nintendo naut would tag me when I told him I hadn't been tagged. Stupid me. Anywho, here are ten useless facts:

1. My real name is Ian.

2. I just leveled up to Magician Lord today.

3. The New England Patriots are my favorite sports team of ALL TIME!

4. I love punk rock.

5. Mountain Dew is my nectar of life.

6. I have traveled overseas only once, to Germany.

7. I had surgery on myright foot for extreme pain.

8. My first favorite game of Donkey Kong 64.

9. I sometimes dream of smashing up 360s for fun.

10. I do not own a Facebook.

I tag Slyfur and thrubeingcool13. Haha!

Maybe Hollywoood has finally lost it...

I just wrote about how I am starting to be entertained with movies again the other day, no more movie rip-off plots. Turns out, I was wrong. I just read an article of video game movies in production and who working on them. Uwe Boll is haunting my dreams already. Here'sthe list of the moviesalong with who's on-board:

1. Prince of Persia (Jerry Bruckheimer; Disney)

2. Army of Two (Scott Burns, writer of The Bourne Ultimatum)

3. BioShock (Gore Verbinski, producing, director of Pirates of the Caribbean)

4. Dante's Inferno (Eric Newman, producer of Children of Men)

5. Dead Space (DJ Caruso, director of Disturbia and Eagle Eye)

6. Gears of War (Len Wisemen, director of Live Free or Die Hard and Underworld; Chris Morgan, writer of Wanted and Fast and Furious)

7. God of War (Charles Roven, producer of The Dark Knight; David Self, writer of Road to Perdition)

8. Halo (possibly)

9. InFamous (Avi Arad)

10. Lost Planet (Avi Arad)

11. Mass Effect (Avi Arad)

12. The Sims (John Davis, producer of Norbit and Eragon)

13. Uncharted (Avi Arad)

14 World of Warcraft (Sam Raimi, director of Spiderman)

Some of this is ridiculous. The Sims!? How can you make a game on something the player controls and they don't even speak ENGLISH!!! Basically the same thing with InFamous, where you alter the story by the way you play, and World of Warcraft.

Games like Uncharted, Mass Effect, Dead Spaceand God of War sound OK, but they won't stick to the game's real plot, thus failing will occur.

I am alos surprised they had to wait for the game to come up with a Dante's Inferno movie. That would havemade a great movie by itself.

Anyway, tell me what you think.

Entertainment Seems To Be Getting Better

Yes, my life is such a thrill ride. Bruce Willis should play me in the movie.

Almost all the stuff I record on my DVR is now useless. No Van Helsing, no Seinfeld, no Ghostbusters and no other stuff I record because I can. Which makes me think of all those shows I have started watching this new TV season. I've fallen in love with Trauma on NBC and White Collar on USA. I'm also starting to catch onto the bigHouse thing, even though it is probably virtually impossible to get caught up with what has happened. AND I missed out on most of Olivia Wilde.

My most depressing news is...NO NEW CHUCK till March!! :cry: I am left to watch reruns online. Another thing I want to say is that, why is Chevy Chase suddenly less funny in that new NBC comedy. Everyone else seems to be carrying his weight.

On the movie front, I just heard about 2012 and I so want to see it, On the off chance the Mayans were right and not just too lazy to keep going with the calendar, I wanna know what to expect when it happens. I also wanna see Pirate Radio. Outta be funny. I am trying to get past this dry spell with all these stupid alien movies coming out. Halloween's over guys! October clutters up theaters with horror movies (which I despise, the bad guy almost always wins).

I should probably say something game-related now... oh yeah, anyone seen the trailer for Prince of Persia. I have to say I am depressed. No sand demons, the Prince has a really dumb name (Dastan?!) and he doesn't even look Middle Eastern. This will be a tremendous fail for everyone.

Thanks for listening. I'm out. 8)

I Got Nothing...

My life seems to be ion the slow decay to nowhere. My big splurge last night was to buy a fedora and Castlevania for my PSP. High School is making mefurious. I hate being a freshman because I'm treated like dirt. Most of my friends live a couple of miles away.

I am losing my sanity! Help me!!!