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RazerBlade13 Blog

I Traded My Shark for a Broken Monkey

This blog title is brought to you by Silly Bands! If your school hasn't been hit by this bizarre craze, thank your lucky stars. And in case you were wondering, yes I did trade my shark for a monkey, but the monkey broke a few minutes later. I think he screwed me over.


Anyway, I have the results of the test of Armaggedon...90! I aced that sucker! Now the real test will be next Friday. I kinda wanna cry. This subject is boring. The only part I am really worried about is the essay questions. I never seem to do that well.


I have finally beat Final Fantasy 13. I got distracted with that exam, some projectsand LittleBigPlanet. And honestly, what a great ending. Bad story, my buttocks! I did get kinda confused near the end there.


I may have mentioned thid before, but in case you aren't aware, my cell phonewas stolen last week. I have talked to the dean and filed a report and they have done nothing in a week. The guy wasn't even supposed to be at school most of last week. He was suspended and he was running around campus. I'm starting to get worried if a pedophile walks on campus. Anyway, I hope the school decides to crack down on a jerk (trying not to swear out loud here) like this guy.


The burnout time has arrived. School is draining the life out of me. Only around 20 days left and Ifeel like beating myself in the head with my alarm clock when it goes off. And no Fur,that is not an emo statement.

Did I mention it's my birthday month? Yes...just checking! :P

Alrighty! Funny pic time. I saw this and immediately thought of Fur.

Ambush Cat

Fur is apparently training cats ninja skills. It's about time they stood up to the pooches.

Do svidaniya! If you don't know what it means, it's Russian so don't feel bad.


The Test is Killing Me!!!

Now all of you stop getting exicited. I am not and (to Slyfur's extreme displeasure) never will be dead. The Razer name lives on in all of you. Scary, ain't it? :P

Anyway, this soul-suking exam is the AP Human Geography Mock Exam I took yesterday. I really did feel sick after the test. Never really been drained from school like that. The test had questions I had NO idea what they were talking about. My teacher told us there would be stuff we hadn't heard of, but one question wasn't in any of the material we had received. Yeah, I checked ALL of it! I am praying that I did well since my teacher decided to make the mock are final exam grade. 25%. I might be sick...

Anyway, enough belly aching. There is a time honored tradition in my famiy you need to be aware of. We begin celebrating our birthdays a month in advance. So if you're birthday is say... June 7th, you can start gloating on May 7th. We don't get gifts, we just get bragging rights among the house. And guess what kiddies...yesterday was the beginning ofmy month long brag-fest.


Ok, I'm done. Glad I got that out.

I know my activity has been slow lately. Don't expect anything new soon. The earliest I expect to get CRAZY active is about May 14th, when the actual AP exam is.

Here's my funny pic of the blog for all you exam takers out there:

Best Test Paper Ever

God speed, my friends!


Yes! We Have No Bananas!

This blog title is brought to you by the Harry Chapin song "30,000 Thousand Pounds of Bananas". If you don't know who he is, you are most likely under the age of 20. If you are over 20 and don't know who he is, shame on you! :P

I got this a while back but never told you guys. I won a TOTS trivia contest a while back and they contacted me a few weeks ago to ship it to me along with a bunch of other goodies. It was awesome. I'd like to thank JodyR for helping me out!

Thank You GS!

Look at it's GLORY!!! Amazon priced it around $100! I got it for free! Awesome!!!

Anywho, I just picked up LittleBigPlanet GOTY for $30 dollars and got it day after I ordered. Thank you rush delivery! Price is dropping since ModNation is coming out soon. I made it to the first level of the Canyons before I had to pack up and leave for Alabama.

See, today is my grandfather's 75th birthday and we drove up to Alabama to surprise him. Really boring up here though. Hot inside, hot-ter outside, I got face-raped by a dog this morning and no signal for my phone (and only MY phone!!! :x)

My activity is going to be shot over the next month or so with my AP exam creeping up on me and every other teacher taking a dump on me and my free time. June can't POSSIBLY come too soon. I wouldn't wait around for me for much. I'll keep up with Hotseats and all, but I won't be terribly active. My bad!

Now for a funny pic...well, since I'm technically in redneck country (Nothing against rednecks or anything!) meet the Billy Bob Dog!

Billy Bob Dog

Kinda scary ain't it? I never did like people who wore those teeth. Now I can add one dog to that list.

Sayonara from the Heart of Dixie!


An Awkward Moment Deserves An Awkward Turtle

My awkward moment came at a friend's birthday party. I haven't seen her in about a year, but we text once and awhile. I get to her compact little apartment and immediatly feel out of place since she is the only one I know. Really, virtually no one knew each other. I saw two other people I knew and I spent most of the time with them since the birthday girl had to keep everyone happy. There was only one other guy there besides meand he barely did anything. Most of the time was spent in awkward silence. Thus, I give youthis picture:

Awkward Turtle

I saw the interview for the new Castlevania and really want to go to E3 to get my hands on it. I hope they got a Succubus in this game. Sometimes, I let her kissAlucard to death and laugh at him. Probablyone of the best ways to die, in my opinion. I wishI could go down like that!I want to go to E3 period. It ought to be sweet this year, since Sony has theMove, MS are Natal and Nintendo...well who knows what Nintendo's gonna do. Maybe a new Zelda? We'll see in a couple of months.

Finally, I hopeyou have noticed my new avatar. It says "I'm a really COOL dude!" Cheesy, I know, but funny to me.

Peace in our time, home skillets! (This one's for you Ammo!)


Got Sand and Bunnies?

I have returned from my beach vacation. Most of the time, I was inside. It was really windy out and the water was too cold to do anything! I did some homework and played a lot of SSBB. Otherwise, it was a real bore. Real glad to be home with toilets that only need to be flushed once.

Anyway, I decided, since my warranty is still good, to start play FF13 again. The thing is a work of art and to stop playing it would be a sin. I played for a whileand there wasno freezing or any malfunctions that I noticed. Still plays like a dream and Fang is still...yeah! ;)

I had no idea Easter was tomorrow. No one even told me! So I'll be headed for my grandparents tomorrow just to hang out and eat ham. Which means I should probably work on homework, but I got time!

Anyway, in honor of Easter, here's my funny pic of the blog!

Easter Bunny

I found some disturbing things looking for this pic. Whatever you do, don't let youngchildren Google "funny easter bunny". Some of those things should have benn blocked, but somehow got through. *Shudders*

Enjoy your eggs! And if you aren't celebrating Easter, happy Sunday!


Little Umbrella Drink Time!

I'll be going on vacation tomorrow and my activity will either be severely diminished or non-existent until next Saturday. I'll be at the beach for a week. I'll be back with a sunburn and a renewed hatred of sand in EVERY crevice. I don't know how it happens. Now, on to business.

I had an incident Thursday where we were playing touch football at school. I was playing defense (and in case you were wondering, I suck. I did catch it once though. FTW!) and while chasing the guy with the ball, some guy come guys and shoves me to the ground! I fell on my knees and theywere all scratched up, a little bloodyand hurt all day. I stood up and walked it off.

Call me a wuss if you want, but the coach cracked down on one guy that tackled a guy and yet did nothing when I went down. I wasn't even close to the ball carrier and I was on DEFENSE when he shoved me, not touched, SHOVED! Why even bother touching me?! The guy who did it and I have a history. He has a habit of stealing crap out fo my locker when I'm not looking. I really wanted to slug him, but Ididn't. I still got some pretty bad bruises, but I am OK. It's a little late to go to the coach to say anything and my nature (which is gnawing at me for not doing it) refuses me to confront him. Any suggestions?

Also, I am still worried for my PS3 and Final Fantasy 13. The fact that so many people claim PS3s are breaking and virtually no reporting from ANYONE is both upsetting and a bit odd. I am sure the threat is legitimate. A cousin of mine lost his PS3 to the game and I refuse to say this is unfounded. If I don't hear anything for a week, I'm going to start calling Square and see what they say. I can't return the game because it was a gift and the people didn't leave a receipt. So I am stuck with the game sitting there, taunting me with it's beautiful graphics and enthralling story.It just ain't right!

Anyway, I plan on starting a new thing for my blogs. I will end my blogs with a funny pic. Here is one I got from a friend.

Cat Norris

Beware Cat Norris. Later!


If you have Final Fantasy 13 STOP PLAYING!

I have heard that playing Final Fantasy 13 is now crashing systems. It begins with in-game freezing and then your system will no longer read discs of any kind. I have friends who have already experienced the problem and there is a guy on Youtube that had the same problem and has posted vid to tell Square and/or Sony to fix it! Here's the link. Sony's about to have a lot of upset customers.

This problem affects any system, including fat PS3s, slim PS3and 360s.

If you have the game, stop playing immediately. You will know if the game will freeze if, while in a battle, the music cuts off. I have no idea what the problem is and neither do Square or Sony. Hopefully, there will be a resolution soon.

Thought I should warn you guys. Peace!


Wait...You Can Do What With Your Toes?

I think this is a fun fact. I can move my pinkie (or is it pinky?)toe independently from the rest of my toes. It's pretty cool. Anyway, off human anatomy!

Here ye! Here ye! M'lordBarack Obama's will is done and we all are gonna die waiting for doctors! And according to Biden this is "a big f***ing deal." And yes he said that out front of cameras. What an idiot!

Now onto other Razer news...Final Fantasy 13 is still awesome. I am about halfway through, I think, and am still in awe of how much work SE put into this. Every push-back is worth it, in my opinion. Best PS3 RPG out there right now. I also wish to make a poll for the men out there. Who's more attractive: Lightning of Fang? I can't decide. Vanille is cute, but more like 'little sister' cute.




Place your vote in the comments section below. GS, next update, allow polls within a blog.

I am thankful Spring Break starts next week. My concern is that we are going to some beach house and I won't have access in FF13. I would cry if that happened. I'm going to have a lot of school crap to do anyway! Stupid AP course!Students are underappreciated these days! We work just has hard as regular joes (besides the hours) and they get paid for it!

Final note, apperently I am not annoying enough to be considered Slyfur's worst enemy. So I'm going to beign the rise to evil-dom. First step...AIRHUG! Everyone gather round! :lol:

Check out this cool pic I found:

Live Long and Prosper

I wish this could be my avatar, but if you shrink it, you can't read it. Whatever!

Live long and prosper!


I'd Go to Canada, But It Isn't Any Better There

In case you don't get the reference, I am talking about health-care.

Supposedly, the House of Reps is set to vote on this health-care Obama is pushing. My opinion on Obama-care...pack your bags, folks! America is officially ruined! Obama said that the health-care will be historic. Know what else was historic? The Holocaust! D-Day! The Hindenburg!

I won't go into specifics, I'm just saying I will laugh we Obama flys longer than his best filibustering! Now, back to reality.

I now have Final Fantasy 13!!! All the reviews do it no justice. I will agree it isn't the Final Fantasy we are used to, but who said that is bad? The combat is fluid, but I still can't help but button-mash when I don't need to. The story is well told and compelling, where am I am now and the cast work well together, even when they are arguing. The graphicsare so beautiful, they are better than real-life.

By the by, I love Vanille. She just so naive, it's a bit like comic relief, sorta like Sazh. I have only twelve hours in-game and I need to get away so I don't play the entire game uninterrupted in one night. I would if I could!

So that's all for today. Return to your lives.

Can Rocksteady Make Another Hero Great?

Rocksteady Studios prior to August 2009, was known only for the mediocre shooter Urban Chaos: Riot Response. Then they released Batman: Arkham Asylum. Up until that point, not a single developer has ever successfully created a experience to make you believe you are the true Dark Knight of Gotham, but Rocksteady created an enthralling experience that no decent game player should miss. Rocksteady is now heading up the sequel to the highly reviewed game. The strength and cunning of Bruce Wayne was wrapped in a cocoon of an engrossing story and beautifully rendered environments. Now you begin to wonder, if Rocksteady can create one game with superhero status, why not another. Here is a list of other superheroes that deserve a Arkham Asylum treatment that Rocksteady may be the only one to provide.


Spiderman - The Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman of New York has been almost exclusively tied down by movie licenses. The few freelance attempts to get you flying high in the Big Apple have been well-intentioned, but didn't get what Peter Parker really deserves. New York is filled to the brim with low-life scum and dangerous gangsters, but you never really feel like they are trying to be criminals. In most games, they just appear out of nowhere and start beating up cars, trying to rob stores or hurt people. Rocksteady would need to create a New York that can truly be saved. Actually allow the criminals to steal a car or rob a store and you must actually stop them. If you fail to stop them, New York is a worse place and Spiderman should be booed by the citizens. If you save the day, people should cheer and beg for an autograph. I think Rocksteady can take Spiderman and give his hometown of New York a pulse, making Spidey the only doctor nearby when it seizes. Wrap it in well thought-out web-slinging and heinous villains and you'll be climbing the Daily Bugle in no time.

Iron Man

Iron Man - Iron Man has had few tries at video game fame. The few times he did get his chances blundered like Windows Vista. What will it take to bring the Iron Avenger into the spotlight. Tony Stark's suit is one of the greatest weapon man has ever created and should feel as such. Walls should crumble under his thumb and his strength should be just as menacing as his weapons. Of course, he is human and he isn't immortal. Bullets should dent the suit and should scratch up the paint.The real problem is that few of Iron Man's enemies can present a real and obvious threat to Iron Man at full strength and most of them cannot, or should not, be mixed together. It will be a challenge for Rocksteady, but bringing the thrill of being the Armored Avenger into the gaming world would be a feat well worth undertaking.

The Hulk

The Hulk - Robert Banner is not exactly a stranger to video games. He has had several appearances and made some excellent headway, but nothing worthy of his nearly limitless strength. The pure unadulterated destruction he can wreak is in itself hard to compact into a game without feeling too sandbox-ish. Making a world that can be bent to the will of the player through brute strength cannot possibly be boring. Turning cars into boxing gloves and clawing through cement to scale buildings is something worth considering. The sheer amount of foes that can be thrown at Hulk at once could be mind-boggling with the right team at the helm and there are plenty of other villains that present a good challenge to him. In short, Rocksteady could have no problem creating a great Hulk game, with the right mindset.

Overall, Rocksteady Studios has already provenit can take acomic book characterand bring him to life in living color to defeat the forces against him in a spectacular fashion. Creating a new playground for the superheroes to play with cannot possibly hurt them.