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RazerBlade13 Blog

I Can't Take It Anymore... I'm Leaving...

I'm tired of posting every single day... so I need a break. Now that I'm on vacation, I have homework I have to do and stuff. So I'm gonna finish my obligations, like Hotseats and then take a break. Probably the rest of the month. But don't worry. I'll be back!

I just need to find a way home...


Good idea, Whiskers!


The Power Of My Big Toe

I love these weird blog titles. Even I wonder what I'm talking about. Anyway, onto the blog.

First of all... nature sucks. I've been stuck here in the woodsclose to a week and a half and the internet won't let me play PS3online. I can play Uncharted but then I freeze in place and get shot up. Fun fun! And I'm stuck with MY family, butI'm not gonna vent to you guys because it's not gonna help anyone. I need to find some way to survive!

Since GS activity isn't set in stone, I need help to fill the time.Since I'm a bad shot with the BB, that doesn't take much time and ping pong requires second person and I don't want another person near me. I am a bit of a loner. So what? I'm allowed to be picky every once and a while!

Now for the blog title... I drove for the first time a couple days ago. I really had no idea how little it took for the car to get moving. I managed to park pretty well, on the onther side, my turning is terrible and I always nd up in the middle of the road. I managed to get some old redneck to laugh at me. I would have given him the finger if my mother hadn't been right next to me. Anyway, first driving experience = apocaylpse may be avoidable. So stay tuned for details. :P

Well, that's all I got. Except for... this:

The Wonders of Driving

Happy living!


Is That Blood or Barbeque Sauce?

First off, what a dumb name for a rank. I Feel Asleep? It makes no sense. Did they misspell "I Fell Asleep" or is it supposed to be weird.The next rank name is cool: Defias Brotherhood. Intimidating and mysterious, something I wish I could be.

Anyway, in case you don't know, I'm in North Carolina. The cabin we rented is nice and we found a nice little spot where we can swim. Water was freezing cold, but once I got used to it, it was a blast. Luckily, since my parents will still be working, they had the owner set up wireless internet so they can work and I brought my laptop. Rock on! I'm still stuck in nature. One of the best parts is that my mom, in her infinite wisdom, bought an airsoft rifle for us to play with while we were here. I am a terrible shot by the way. I only hit the target once on my first shot. FTW beginner's luck!

I haven't practiced driving yet because the hill leading up to our house would turn me into more of a kamikaze bomber. I'm not sure if I'll survive the entire month. At least I have GS to keep me same... I plan on posting some pics of the place and my adventures later. You will finally see the face behind the screen. Be afraid... very afraid. I'm not sure if I have to post the pics on Photobucket or something beforehand or what.

The blog title came from me by the way. My dad made ribs for Fourth of July and some of the sauce must have gotten in between my nails because when I woke up this morning I thought I was bleeding. I kinda freaked out. It was probably entertaining from the outside but...yeah. So...

Time for the funnies...

Firework Safety

This is me if I'd been allowed to set off any fireworks yesterday. Absolutely no fun whatsoever!

Well, this blog is over.Fare thee well, fellow gamers!


You'd Complain If You Were Hung With A New Rope!

This blog title is brought to you by my grandfather. This is a quote he used with my mother whenever she complained and my mother now uses it on me. I rather like it. Charming and unethical all at once.

Well...I have my learner'spermit. Lucky for well... America, I'm not allowed to drive until we vist North Carolina next week. There all I can hit are trees and small rodents. Not that I am aiming for the small rodents, mind you :twisted: . But by the time I get back, I'll be a somewhat decent driver. The only current benefit is that I can pointout everything my folks do wrong while driving. Then they threaten to beat me and I clam up quick.

Which leads to another point of the blog: I'll be in North Carolina from this Saturday through the end on July. My father has a ton of buisness there that month so we rented a place so we won't miss him. I not thrilled with the idea of being away from home for a month, but I'm a teenager, what do I know what I like? I'm pretty sure I'll still have internet since my folks will still be working, but I may be severly limited. My little sister has become addicted to this weird tween version of Facebook where she can post stupid pictures of things she steals off Google and mashes it all together. Glad shes at singing camp for the week.

Man...I really need to find new things to talk about in these blogs. RG and Fur have their stories, Aidan has things with his kid, Naut is well...Nautand well, is my livethat *bleep*in'boring?!? Jeez!!! I'd start a story, butthen I'd feellike a hack and I have a feeling those girls would agree.

Oh. one final piece of news! I get my braces of in August unless something breaks and then I'll just beat myself in the head. I'm surprised I've never posted a picture of myself up here yet. Maybe I'll get a cult following! :P I am gorgeous after all!

Time for the funnies! This is a shot at Smokey the Bear.

A Box of Matches

Good Night and Godspeed!


The World Is Now A Much More Dangerous Place

I haven't posted in awhile and I'm up at midnight, so I figured I'd post a blog to entertain people.

To slow any panic, the blog title is a bit exaggerated, but not much. You see I passed my Learner's Permit test today. Only a year and a month later than I planned. Go me! :P Anyway, I can't get an appointment any time soon, so I have to go and get a number and wait like one of those dumb people to lazy to wait for an appointment. Losers. Wait a sec...

I'm guessing it would be a surprise to say I am very into politics. Mainly because it is fun to bash on the morons chosen to run our country, but it also allows me to think "How would I be different?". I, honest to God, don't know how. I know I wouldn't be running things like Obama.

I almost want to shoot myself for being on his side in the election. This guy can't handle the pressure, in my opinion and should just resign before something even worse happens. But I gonna stop with the political crap before I bore you all into submission.

I know I should probably post my E3 impressions but I don't want to go into a whole lot of detail so I keep it brief:

1) Nintendo won the show with all their huge announcements like the new Goldeneye, Donkey Kong Country Returns and the new Kid Icarus. Although the new Kirby has me a bit thrown. Looks a lot like a game I would have played a decade ago. And, since this will cause a stir, the new Zelda doesn't interest me at this point. Seems like Twilight Princess with new toys. Please don't hurt me anyone! :( Please...

2) Overall, Sony's press conference sucked. They beat us in the head with their 3D TVs and Move crap so much I wanted to break in the TV. Only two game announcements from them: Sorcery (A Harry Potter rip-off) and Twisted Metal (proof people should be scared of clowns, especially with hair like those lunatics). They wasted too much time on hardware and figures. I believe wholeheartedly that software is most important bar none.

3) A few games I really wanted to see didn't seem to get any air time. No Arkham Asylum 2, no Lords of Shadow, no Last Guardian, no Armada of the Damned, no Spec Ops, little on Kingdom Hearts, just a teaser trailer on inFamous 2 and the list goes on. I was, however, pleasantly surprised when I heard all 3 Sly Cooper games were being remastered for the PS3. I used to have a huge crush on the cop that chased Sly around. Still kinda do. :oops:

Razer's Review of E3 2010 - I'm sure some people will disagree, but I was rather disappointed by Sony's terrible showing, but Nintendo actually put a smile on my face.

Funny pic time. In honor of me waiting at the DMV and also all the political bullcrap going on these days.

The First DMV

Later homies!


Operation Vacation! GO!

Oh sweet Jesus it's over! School is over for me kiddies! I'm free! I'm FRRREEEEEEE!!! And to commemorate the moment...enjoy this song. Fits the moment perfectly! My activity will be much better over the next few months thanks to my liberation. I plan on spening some of my birthday money now to buy some games. FTW!

But, then I had a epiphany. I would spend all of summer...with my family. My family is out to get me! Mentally, I mean. Anyway, I will be gone the entire month of July so that might slow me down. Otherwise, I promise to smother you all with my presence while I can. Muwhahaha!!! :twisted:

I read a new portable Kindgom Hearts will be shown off next week. To that I say... *bleep* *bleep* *bleep*!!! Stop toying with my emotions Square and give us something on KH3. ANYTHING! Stupid tease!!!

Alright, funny pic time. In honor of summer.

Summer Time Fun

This kid needs to lay off the potato chips.

Happy E3 week everyone!


You Know What? I Am Better Than Gary!

I love these dumb quotes. This is from ModNation Racers. Not an exact quote, just derived from there.

My birthday was a few days ago. I got ModNation, some books, House T-shirt, Seinfeld T-shirt, gift cardsand money. I went to a family get-together on Friday and we played Texas Hold'em. Saturday, I went to a local pizza joint and Funspot with friends I haven't seen in almost a year for some. We had a blast!

School for me ends in abouta week and a half. I have the four days this week and then exams until endesday and we're free to go. I am beginning to go over things like "I only have to see so-and-so seven more times. Sweet!" and then there are "I only get tosee so-and-so seven more times." I only have four exams since A) My AP exam counted when I took the mock exam, B) How do you have an exam in Team Sports? and C) I have a portfolio in Creative Writing for an exam.

One final note, since today is Memorial Day, if you have any family who have or are currently serving this great nation. Go ahead and leave a comment about them. Both my grandfathers served, one in the Air Force and one in the National Guard. Those that serve ourcountrydeserve to be recognized.

Thanks for reading.


If It Ain't Broke, Don't Just Stand There! Try And Fix IT!

My life hasn't given me any good blog titles lately, so I'm stuck with making fun of a really dumb saying. It's kinda obvious if it ain't broken, you don't need to fix it.

So I'm sitting here with my favorite dog, watching the pitiful slaughter of my hometown Magic. I'll fix that statement if they come back. I don't think they will the way Dwight is playing.

In case you didn't notice, my avatar seems to be speaking to all the stupid people out there. Anyone here especially drawn to it? :P Not that anyone here is stupid except mesometimes. Not one word from the peanut gallery on that.

I beat Prince of Persia yesterday. It was fun while it lasted. And I disagree with the GS review. I like this Prince better than the one from the original Sands of Time. Besides, Elika is awesome! I plan on buying the Epilogue DLC soon. On the other side of the entertainment aisle, I can't wait to se the new PoP movie. When I first heard about it, I thought "Jake Gyllenhall? Middle Eastern? No way!" Now I believe it could be the beginning of video game-movies actually being good. I'm looking forward to an inFamous or Uncharted movie too.

Now, my favorite part of the blog...IT'S NOW MY BIRTHDAY WEEK!!! I won't do any real celebrating on my actual b-day since it's a school day. So on SaturdayI'll visit with relatives and thenhang out with friends at Fun Spot in the evening. I have a ton of PS3 games on the list of stuff that I want. Yes, I need to write a list because otherwise I'll just get a lot of clothing and money (both of which I can't be trusted with).

Anyway, time for a funny pic. Here's something for my birthday week:

Funny Cake

Birthday week babies!


This is Nottingham!

If you can't tell by the title,I saw Robin Hood, which was one heck of a movie by the way, on Friday. How you knew I saw on it Friday is amazing though. :P Not historically accurate, but who cares. No one chooses to watch a movie for the facts.I can see a spoof of this being made called "Meet The Merry Men".

Anyway, I am not dead. Sorry to disappoint you all. I believe I did pretty well on the AP exam. Essays were not as bad as I thought they would be. Multiple choice was good and I had time to go back and fix some dumb mistakes I made.

I am in the process of finding the perfectly awesome-ist avatar. Stupid Avatarist doesn't have a resize 80 by 80 choice. I have a cool House avatar, but I need to fix it. So for now, I'll stick with good ol' Dante. And just to show how awesome House is, here's the pic to prove it.

Angry Wilson

Ok, maybe that isn't the best pic to choose, but I feel crappy right now and don't feel like finding another one.

Anyway, E3 is approaching quickly so here is what I really am hoping for:

1) More on Castlevania: Lords of Shadow. I was too young for the original Symphony of the Night game and now I really want to get into it.

2) A Kingdom Hearts that's NOT on a handheld. I don't own any handhelds (anymore) and really don't like them. Besides, I've waited long enough. I don't want this to turn into another FFXIII, coming out around 3-4 years late.

3) More on Arkham Asylum 2. I want confirmation Mark Hamill will be doing the voice-work again. Screw Bats. I love the Joker. I wish I could show you guys my Joker impression. It's scary good. Or maybe just scary...

4) inFamous 2. I thought the ending the first game was a bit cheesy, but the setup for the second will be either awesome or awesomely fail-worthy.

5) A new Uncharted. There is nothing I can say how awesome that would be.

Alright, I am done typing.Bye


I Knew Fridays Were Too Good To Be True

Tomorrow begins my descent into the den of insanity. And by that I mean serious, lock your doors, straightjacket insanity. I will take my first AP exam tomorrow. If I come out alive...I don't know what drastic thing I can do to show how desperate I am.

To show just how crazy I may become, here's a picture to show what could happen to me:

Crazy Insane

Slyfur, which is worse, who I am now or who I may become?

Anyway, that's all I have time for. If I am sane tomorrow, I'll be sure to post a new blog.

Peace be my homies!
