I've never been a fan of online multiplayer in BF3. I play on Xbox 360 and the 30fps framerate annoys the shit out of me. I don't care for the main screen where you set loadouts, etc. either. But, I have to say that for Xbox One, this looks f'ng insane! I can't wait to try it out.
@PicklePuffer @Reagan2791 I know how they should work. It is supposed to show the kill to the person killed, from the perspective of the person who fired the shot.
Multiplayer is where I spend all my time in CoD games, but I also enjoy the campaigns. I would eventually like to see a campaign added in a future Titanfall game. I think it would really help drive sales....some people actually still buy games for the campaigns.
@MALEVOLENT312 You are absolutely right. Doesn't seem much can be done about the modded controllers, but I would like to believe the use of dedicated servers (X1) will help prevent some of the other cheating.
Anything will be an improvement over sniper rifles in Black Ops 2. It's ridiculous. You can quick scope at point blank range and kill someone with a sniper rifle faster than anything else beyond a shotgun. That's not what sniper rifles are intended for. I've also seen many killcams where it happens so fast that the target never comes into sight in the scope, and others where the crosshairs are actually over the shoulder and not even on the target...yet a kill is registered. It's made BLOPS2 very frustrating.
@R-tofen You ever consider what "makes" a cash cow? It's creating something that millions of people around the world want to spend money on and enjoy investing their time in playing. Gamers dictate games through their wallets and CoD remains the largest franchise out there. When people are truly sick of it, they'll stop buying it. Until then, it's a formula with a proven track record. While they make slight changes and adjustments to each new installment, why would they stray from the core formula given it's success? That would be a very poor business decision. The problem isn't that the formula is old or tired. It's that the gamers who have played for years have grown tired of it. Yet, there are new generations of players entering the gaming world every year and experiencing for the first time what we used to love. If you're tired of CoD, understandable. Find something else to play.
@DarthLod I think the purpose is to calm the fears of doubters who have questioned whether or not production would begin on time, was MS falling behind, and so forth. This is reassurance to those people so that they are more comfortable...which in turn may convince some of them to go ahead and pre-order.
This is starting to piss me off. Europe gets FIFA 14, UK gets Forza 5, but I'm in North America, so I get no adds on and pay the same price. I had no problem with no games being bundled in. I didn't expect any. But when they begin offering incentives to other territories, I find it biased.
Reagan2791's comments