Sorry, but freedom of speech and freedom of owning crazy *** guns does not = the same.
They are both civil liberties, and in terms of legal precendent, they are linked. >_>You can't compare them. One is philosophic and the other is materialistic.
You're thinking about it too close minded IMO. They're both declarations of the inherant rights each American citizen has.
The issue of the 2nd Ammendment is a topic of such hypocrisy among those who so strongly advocate the 1st Ammendment but then dismiss all of us 2 Ammendment advocates as just "Gun Nuts".
The 2nd ammendment was designed for us to form town malitias, in case our government attempted to mirror that British government that we had so recently escaped from. In modern time, the 2nd Ammendment is outdated and has been perverted to include owning as many guns as someone can lay their hands on.
In my opinion, gun nuts are generally people who have never joined the military or done a man's job in there life, and they regret it. Owning lots of guns somehow makes them feel better about themselves, somehow making them more of a "man."
except the fact that people who are in the military avidly support the NRA.
also, have you ever read the second ammendment? it says NOTHING ABOUT TOWN MILITIAS. it does mention militia, but it also states that PEOPLE have the right to own guns. Its not out dated, you dont decide that.
I'm in the military, bud, and I hate the NRA. Nice generalization, it made you sound very intelligent. And I don't decide it's outdated? It's still, "We the people," right? Well, I vote the 2nd Ammendment is obsolete and dangerous, and idiots have perverted it beyond recognition. Just my opinion.
if you're in the military then im surprised you havent talked to anyone. because a lot of the funding that goes to the NRA comes from the military.
yes it is still we the people, and thats why we need guns so that WE THE PEOPLE can defend ourselves from a government who might want to take our rights away.
what happens when someone says "well, people shouldnt be offended, so freedom of speech is out dated" ? what you're advocating is simply step one to that process.
Comparing freedom of speech to the 2nd Ammendment is a horrible contridiction. Also, I highlited the part of your post that reveals you to be a conspiracy nut, so I'll end my convorsation with you now.
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