That GPU is good for the price and frankly I can't really think of anything that would beat one OCed at that price bracket. The motherboard should be fine, but if you are willing to spend a bit more I'm betting you could probably find something a lot better (AMD guy, so I don't really know for sure), just make sure your case accomodates it.
uATX isn't the same as ATX and not all cases that use ATX can use uATX.RichterBelmont7's forum posts
WipEout Pure man..if you aren't into SciFi racing you will be after you've played it.
This is of course assuming you like a dose of pain with your gaming pleasure. :)Frankly at that point he should just buy the X-530 and be better off for it. The X-230 is great, unless you are an audiophile you probably won't notice a difference between it and the Z-2300.The logitech z-4 would be my choice. $70 @
I would say that I am pretty firm with purchasing everything but the motherboard at this point (see above posts for specs). I'm looking at that P35 board right now, future CPU upgrades aside, that would be a better board than the current one selected?
I'm still a bit confused on the PCI Express/MoBo issue. Would this be a better choice (performance wise and GPU reasons)?
Its better for your purposes I think. For one its ATX so it has better expansion options. As for performance wise, I really don't know and it probably won't make much of a difference.
Does anyone know of any programs for formating.jed-at-war
Sorry, I was logged off. That Ubuntu disc should do the job. Hit Alt+F2 and type in Gparted, I believe that will work. If not you can act like you about to install it to the HDD (select manual) and format it from there.
I didnt feel it... Am i supposed to like see it? Im posting this stuff on the same computer so its quite hard... bluebusinessUnfortunately to really get a look at it, you'de probably need to take the HDD out.
Ok i was running the Internet Evaluation Tool and suddenly at the last evaluation loading the BLUESCREEEEEN came up with the dumping physical memory thing and then comp crashed... bluebusinessAs much as I know you'll hate to do it..try calling customer support on this one.
I have an AMD X2 4000+ @ 2.1 GHz, Is it worth it to upgrade to a 5600+ @ 2.8 GHz
I don't think I can overclock. Would I see a noticable performance increase?
Wait until the Phenoms come out to make any changes so you can see all your different options. Going to a 5600+ from 4000+ is a pretty good upgrade, but it would be good to see in any case.
As for performance increases, you probably wouldn't NOTICE any unless you are decompressing large file archives and encoding video on a regular basis, but it would show a performance increase all around.
Haha sorry but nothing the article said referred to my problem.
Temporary INTERNET, Connection is fine, MSN and Steam work so i do CHAT, but the browser itself doesnt work without restarting!bluebusiness
Try renewing your IP address when it happens and if that doesn't fix it, the problem is probably in the browser itself and the best suggestion I can give you is to manually setup your internet connection and try reinstalling the browser.
I've heard about networks not working or not working intemittently with Vista (which was kind of what I thought this was), but I haven't heard of anything like what you are dealing with.
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