Perfect move for Nintendo, aim at the market they have been winning for decades, for people with no interest in handhelds move along this isn't aimed at you.
Nintendo is aiming at the Japanese market, in 5 years the 3ds has sold over 58 million units world wide, over a third of those were in Japan, If they can release it at a reasonable price and hopefully with BC with the 3ds it will sell millions in the first month, if they release a Monster hunter and a rpg Pokemon title near release as well it will become an unstoppable force.
Why does it seem impossible to make a good star wars game, just steal from other games that have something special and put them together into a game, Dragon's dogma combat system, shadow of mordor nemesis system,Mass effect/dragon age character interaction, with massive open worlds connected with elite style space travel,trading and space combat in between. throw in a story and job done.
@saturatedbutter: On the news thing morning in the UK, 4 teenage boys got lost 100ft below ground in a mine while looking for Pokemon, they must have got near an air vent because they managed to get a signal and phoned for rescue. LOL.
@AncientDozer: They sell alot of copies due to mods, and the geck isn't needed to create mods, it just makes it easier, the first fallout mods were released shortly after the game, the geck was only released in April this year.
@AncientDozer: quite a few mods are created without using the geck at all, and alot of games without modding tools still get mods released, For instance Dragon's dogma has quite a few mods but no tools from capcom, Quite a few mods are also created without using anything from within the game, self made 3d models and textures for instance.
Bethesda has been been using mod authors work for years without their consent, a number of patches for oblivion were ported to console from a pc patch created by a mod author.
My ex dragged me to see it, we both have unlimited cinema tickets so no real cost involved, each couple of weeks we go and see a film or two together and take turns in choosing, It wasn't as bad as the trailer made it seem, who ever put the trailer together should be shot, but its not a good film either, at best I would give it a 5, My ex was laughing when we left and said sorry for her choice, she also said it made my last bad choice which was Green Lantern look like a Oscar winning film(must admit I enjoyed green lantern)
They tried to hard to make it funny and it didnt work most of the time, I laughed 10 times more in the opening credits of Deadpool than during the entire ghostbusters film.
Oh and as for the female leads, they didn't take anything away from the film, but they didn't add anything either, the script was the problem, the original cast couldn't have saved this.
Damn Nintendo shouldn't allow this, Pokemon Go could be classed as a healthy game, get people off their arses and walking about, but now they will just head for the nearest Mcdonalds, and supersize their order so they can train their pokemon for a few hours.
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