I hate to say it whenever someone at Ubisoft speaks I look for their self interest, So I read this as they can cut costs by using less Voice acting and not making cutscenes.
for me cutscenes help you connect to the characters in a story, they don't have to restrict what you can do, but without them its hard to care about any npc, most MMO's have few or no cutscenes and I never care about what the NPC's say or what happens to them, they are just quest carriers.
Gotta love Bethesda's patches, we all remembers the backwards flying dragons, or the sudden zero resistance to magic and elements so you die even if a Skeleton mage looks at you funny.
Here's a new idea perhaps test the patch before release.
They should have made the old man Logan comic into a movie, watching Logan getting eaten by the Hulk and then cutting his way out when he wakes up inside would have been a movie moment to remember lol.
Being too late was nothing to do with the Vita failing, Sony just didn't support it, handhelds take abit of time to take off, the 3ds did but Nintendo kept supporting it and finding the right price, then it took off and is doing great.
Sony overpriced the memory cards which were inferior to other memory sticks the system could have used, they pulled First party support instead of pushing more games onto the system, and then stopped making the PSTV which was never given a chance due to Sony blocking Vita games from working on it, not because they wouldn't work, just because Sony are idiots.
Runeweaver's comments