Anyone know which Galaxy they are in?, As most galaxies are moving away from us, some faster than the speed of light we might have a problem getting there, even if we had FTL drives, and shields to prevent a ship being destroyed by dust in space.
Winning the race isn't that important, but trying to keep it close is, Microsoft seems to think if they keep adding Backwards compatible games it will keep their fans happy and sell consoles, until they release their next Halo,Gears or Forza title.
They might have some new great exclusives to show off at the next E3, but can you trust them to be released, or they might suddenly become Scorpio exclusive or the amount of time a game takes these days, gets moved onto next gen instead, or get cancelled, like most of their exclusives they showed off 2/3 years ago.
Extra power, but no exclusive games at all, and probably cost the same as a medium spec gaming pc, hmm Think il stick with my PS4, get the Switch for mobility and get a new PC early next year.
@jancis25: For digital the prices are cheaper, at least in the UK, RE7 for the Ps4 is £49.99, steam £39.99, Ps4 physical copies are equal to games on steam.
If they dont keep the price down, Its not gonna sell to anyone apart from fanboys, far better to buy a PC and get games cheaper and alot more of them across all genres.
Though they did say it was a premium console at a premium price, so its gonna fail unless it has some amazing exclusives at release.
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