@deviltaz35: Yeh but why do 90% of them need to be in this game, LOL, at least there should be alot more on the average scale.
A few weeks ago, alot of people were calling Aloy of Horizon Zero Dawn ugly, personally I thought she was above average, but compared to the fuglies in Mass Effect shes Super model status now, Infact shes not just super model, shes super model thats been digitally improved with Photoshop and then some.
@altairdarius: The goal line gets moved as new games are released, when DAI came out in the middle of a drought, it was a game that people needed, Mass Effect has turned up in the middle of a flood of top title that have pushed the goal line along way and left Mass Effect behind, If it had been released late last year it probably would have got a slightly better score.
@Benny_a: Probably why there is so much hate aimed at this, we loved the original, well upto marauder shields we did, and this game is a huge leap backwards in nearly all departments, last gen fugly characters were the norm because of the limits of the system, good looking characters are easily possible now, and they don't need to be model type beautiful, they just need to look like they didn't fall out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down, and some git hadn't left a trampoline at the bottom.
At least EAs greed payed off for alot of people, we had a chance to see the game and get reviews before a preorders were sent out, thanks to early access and the Super Greedy deluxe edition being released 2 days before the normal edition.
@altairdarius: For Honors only problem is using P2P for multiplayer, and as for watch dogs they are very average games, but they animate properly, and the characters look good, and have facial expressions that suit whats being said, unlike the weird animations and facial expressions In Mass Effect.
If this wasn't set in the Mass Effect universe, no one would be defending it, and it would sink without a trace.
Glad I cancelled my preorder, Il pick it up once it drops in price or maybe preowned, Up against all the Amazing games on the PS4 over the last couple of months and Zelda on the switch this game just isn't gonna impress anyone.
RIP Mass Effect, which is a real shame, I loved the trilogy, just need to remember that the end of ME3 was Marauder Shields.
Completed it twice with out any problems, nice that they are fixing any random bugs that might appear, but the quality of the original release seemed near perfect, kinda reminded me of the first 2 Assassins creed games when Ubisoft made games properly rather than using gamers as play testers like they do now.
And as it was a whole game, rather than a game with overpriced dlc. I cant wait for the sequel, maybe even a spin off of the war against the swarm, just hope they take their time and do it right.
Should have called it Slapshot, and let you play as the Hanson Brothers.
But why does it need a one hand mode, you swig your beer and put the can/glass down, only game i can think of needing a one hand mode is Dead or alive xtreme 3.
Runeweaver's comments