@angrycreep: Dude gtfo whether they included a campaign or not you would have still hopped on the hate train and I'd still be reading your baseless argument here. If you weren't bitching about how the game doesn't have one you'd be bitching about how it's only 8 hours long and mediocre. -_-
Not having a campaign doesn't make a game incomplete. Especially a game that's known more for it's MP than it's single player campaigns which in reality, have never been much to write home about minus a few standouts.
The fact is none of these CoD developers can write a good story anymore. I'd rather they put they efforts elsewhere than include another shitty forgetful single player campaign.
I'm a Battlefield fanboy. Maybe that's why I'm not bothered by this. But you got a 10-14 hour campaign (at BEST and that's very generous as they're usually half that length) replaced by Blackout. A mode that will give you WAY more hours of entertainment than any CoD campaign would.
@stonecold316: You should play the game before speaking because clearly you haven't. I haven't even touched zombies. Blackout and the normal MP are the best they've been in years. It's worth the asking price. If you're really complaining about the campaign thinking people are being robbed instead of hopping on the hate train then you can stop. The campaign hasn't been worth a damn since Black Ops 2. I'd rather it removed and the efforts placed elsewhere if it isn't gonna be worth playing through.
DICE used to do this and they should go back to doing the same because their campaigns are even worse.
@Berserk8989: But.. Horizon isn't arcadey in the least bit. I can't boost out of a corner drift at 180 MPH in Horizon like I can in Burnout. I wish I could. Sometimes I just wanna drive like an asshole without all the negative repercussions :(
I played it on PC. Better than any BR game before it but it's got problems. Time to kill is RIDICULOUS. Bugs obviously. But worst of all is that the mode doesn't do anything new. It's better than any BR game before it simply because it plays better. It doesn't feel clunky like PUBG. The gun play is a hell of a lot better than PUBG. Can't really compare it to Fortnite. Other than than them being based on the same MP mode they're nothing alike.
I'm waiting for BFV BR. Atleast DICE is trying to switch up the formula by adding objectives to Battle Royale.
@kappamerc: I didn't say they wouldn't work well. Those games are great but their story lines were far from amazing. Look at Diablo. Amazing! But definitely not for it's story line lol I'm just saying that an amazing story can never be achieved if you want the players to have the ability to create their own character. How are you gonna cater a story line to a non constant variable? You just can't. The story will never be epic. It will never get personal. It will never draw a tear from your eye.
20 years from now you will remember those games you listed but not be able to tell me a damn thing about their story. But I guarantee you that you will remember Cloud. You'll remember Geralt. and every other game who's storyline left a lastin impression on you.
@CreMax90: Nah I didn't forget. To me those games don't count. Bioware had a character and a vision for Commander Shepard. When you start character creation, that is who Shepard is and what Bioware wanted him to look and sound like. Bioware just gave you the freedom to change him into whatever you want. I left him as is lol.
@jagdedge124: Let me share a bit of knowledge involving numbers and the ignorance of humans.
Let's start out by stating a fact. There are 80 million PS4's out there. So let's concentrate on that number because it's concrete. So right off the bat, this isn't including Xbox and PC players.
Right, so 80 million potential BFV buyers out there. Now, let's take a look at the latest official BFV trailer. It has almost 60 million views with 2.2 million likes and 44 thousand dislikes. That right there is a huge like/dislike disparity and proves my point but lets move on.
Views in that video indicate 60 million people have been exposed to BFV. Now, let's go take a look at the most popular BFV backlash video on youtube and the amount of views it has.
This is the most popular backlash video and it has 820,000 views. Now compare that number to the amount of PS4s out there. Compare it to the number of views the BFV trailer has. Using this data, even if it is raw and imprecise you can only come to one conclusion; the people bitching are the minority. It's FACT. The rest of us don't give a shit and just wanna play a good game.
These people don't give a shit about what Sutherland said. In fact, most people with logic would agree! Don't like it, don't buy it! Simple. They don't care about women in a game and they don't care about historical accuracy. Most gamers are ignorant to gaming news. They hear about a game, they see a cool trailer and some gameplay and that's all they care about.
The only proof you need to confirm the claim I'm making is right under your nose; Call of Duty. Game sells gillions of copies a year yet the minority bitching about the game never evolving (myself and nearly everyone on this site) is never heard.
1. The side missions. Will they be as amazing as the Witcher 3's? That game set a bar for what side missions should be like in a game.
2. My biggest concern about this game is the custom player creation. I know a lot of people love it but I personally think it ruins story driven RPGs. Think about it. Witcher 3 had Geralt. A fully fleshed out very likeable protagonist. CDPR had a vision for Geralt in the Witcher 3 universe. The story was carefully crafted around him.
What would Final Fantasy 7 be like if Cloud wasn't Cloud and it was just some weird looking shmuck some fat **** sitting on his couch made? NOT the same. Gamer's aren't very imaginative. It's one of the reasons we play video games instead of going outside or creating our own fabrications of virtual reality. We play someone else's fabrication.
None of the Elder Scrolls games were amazing because of their stories. Think about that. Then think about nearly every game with player creation and you'll come to the conclusion that the stories weren't anything to write home about. I certainly can't think of one.
When you have player creation, any specific vision the devs had for the protagonist go out the window. Now the story needs to be generalized because CDPR has no idea what kind of character you're going to create. They now can't write specific story lines formulated around the main character they THEY wanted to create. My immersion is gone if I feel I'm playing some cookie cutter story created for a generic character of your choosing. *COUGH* FALLOUT 4 *COUGH*
This worries me. The story might not ever have the opportunity to come close to being as good as the Witcher series because of it.
@spartanx169x: How is it forced?? Have you played any previous Battlefield games?? RELYING ON TEAM MATES FOR HEALTH AND AMMO IS ALL YOU COULD DO! I've been running after medics and support players for health and ammo for ages now. Only way you could play without replying on others for supplies is by playing as said class and run around with your own supplies.
Typical. A dumbass comment from a dumbass who's barely played the series at all.
Rushaoz's comments