@sickie: Same here man. **** EA. But I love DICE and will continue to support them as they're the only developer that makes a and actually tries to improve their title every year.
All these morons bitching and complaining are the minority. I'm gonna play this shit out of this game. Just like every other Battlefield. Well, except Hardline and that atrocious BF2 game on the OG XBox lol
@Flyin3lvl: I get what you're saying and I was making that same argument on FB the other day on our gaming page. I haven't cared for a CoD campaign since BO1 and BO2. That being said if you are going to cut out the campaign you BETTER make one hell of a multiplayer to make up for it. EA and DICE have been doing the same thing for years and I never had a problem with it because the MP was just that good.
That being said, BO4's MP doesn't look good at all. More of the same. It's BO3 without the thrusters and wall running. They even lessened the player count to 5v5. Only thing that has me intrigued is what the do with the battle royal mode because I've been saying for quite a while now that it'd be cool to see what a triple A dev with a wealthy publisher behind them can do with a Steam greenlight born fad like Day Z or PUBG.
I'm reserving judgement but I'm not keeping my hopes up.
@consolehaven: Wow. Someone else with a brain lol I've been spewing the inflation thing for years now everytime someone bitches about paying $60 for a game. If inflation was applied to video games like it has with everything else we'd be paying $110-$120 a game right now. Game development has only gotten more expensive hence all the DLC and microtransactions. Not to mention the sheer drop off in the amount of games available. The amount of games released this gen pales in comparison to what the PS1 put out in just five years. That console had close to TWO THOUSAND games!! Best console of all time IMO.
@guacstomper: You must be one of those judge a book by it's cover people. We barely know anything about the game and you're already dismissing it. Seems like that was the plan from the get go. Anywho, do as you do.
@teppolundgren: lol if it wasn't because this is my favorite MP franchise I wouldn't have played it either like the other 200 games I own. Adulting sucks.
@immdev: Uhhh. I've been following this game pretty closely because admittedly, I'm a huge BF fanboy and have been since BF 1942. I have not read ANYWHERE that DICE is attempting to make this game as historically accurate as possible. The fact that you even think that despite how historically innaccurate BF1 was blows my mind. If you're looking for historical accuracy I think video games are terrible place to turn to.
So hyped for this. I'll change the trend by not being an insecure twat just because there are ladies in this game. I will jump online and customize my character into the girliest looking character out of place in WW2 and proceed to thrash you scrubs just to piss you off. Cuz you're all gonna buy it anyways. lol the gaming community is cancer.
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