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Ryeferd Blog

It's been a while...

longer than usual anyway. I'm SO happy for you! You get to read an update on my boring life! :lol: - I decided sometime around the beginning of the month that I would stop shaving until my trip to Ohio (december 15th.) My beard is starting to get pretty gnarly now 8)
- I was informed a few days ago that plans for my big 21st birthday extravaganza have been finalized...We're taking over my friend Joe's grandparent's house for three days of illegal activity :twisted: (but it'll be legal for me!)
- Speaking of Joe, I took the long drive from Orlando to Jacksonville to visit him at school last weekend. The dorm room is actually dirtier than my sister's room! (I didn't think that was possible. We went to the beach while I was there, we were surfing when I noticed a guy standing near our backpacks on shore. Joe rode a wave in, and started walking toward the guy, and the bastard suddenly grabbed our stuff, and started running! Joe dropped his surfboard, and started chasing the guy. Apparently, the guy made it all the way to the parking lot, and got something stuck in his foot. Joe walked up to him, and took our stuff back. He said he regrets not beating the $#!% out of him. We would have been screwed if he had gotten away with my backpack. My phone, my car keys, and my wallet were in there. - I've been playing the Call of Duty: World at War beta. It's EXACTLY like CoD4, but with WW2 weapons and stuff. It's hard to believe it was made by different developers! I guess that's about it for now... Currently listening to:

Is it any easier the second time?

My grandma is dying. They can't get her to eat...they don't think she can see anymore....she's not gonna last much longer. We lost my grandpa a little over two years ago...my question to you, my GS friends, is this: Is it any easier the second time? :(

Broken Bride

It's not often that an album described as a "rock opera" catches my attention, but I recently discovered a band called Ludo, and their 2005 EP "Broken Bride" has been on repeat for the past three days :lol:  It's the story of a man who's fiance is killed in a car accident in 1989. He does the only logical thing, and spends the next fifteen years building a time machine, only to accidentally go too far back (the jurassic period to be exact) and is trapped in a cave. eventually, he makes it back to his machine, but this time he goes too far forward, and is forced to deal with the zombie appocolypse, and a dragon! The only youtube links I was able to find are some final fantasy fan videos, but at least the songs are there...ignore the video...unless you like that sort of thing :P Part I: Broken Bride: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9scWEq3TNO4 Save Our City: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkJ2ru68Cx8 Part II: Tonight's The Night: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnIg_f1UxEs Part III: The Lamb and the Dragon: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6Noawr1N4w Part IV: Morning in May: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Dj3klxj6eE ...yes, it's cheesy, and yes, it's weird, but I cant stop listening to it! I might actually have to try and track down the CD! :o

Found a new job (maybe)

Some lady who paints murals for homes and businesses around Orlando is looking for people to help with some of the more tedious parts of the job (coloring in large areas...etc.) and will be paying $10 an hour. I have a "tryout" with her on Monday...which sounds a whole lot better than an interview :lol: in other news: my sister's car is on it's deathbed, so she's back to using mine for now...luckily, she's making some money now, so she's looking into buying a new car. My best friend Joe will be back in town for the weekend to get the stitches from his horrible wisdom teeth removal surgery removed...(he was here last weekend, but we didn't get to do anything because he was recovering from a horrible wisdom teeth removal surgery) ...I'm thinking beach trip... since this is GAMEspot i feel obligated to talk about games once in a while...I've been playing Mercenaries 2. it's pretty much everything I could ask for...explosions, chaos, guns, tanks, helicopters...all in a huge tropical setting...I'm not the kind of guy who pays much attention to reviews (I know what I like...I don't care about the opinions of so called "experts") but really GS, a 5.0!? ridiculous. Important countdowns: My 21st birthday: 52 days (let's just say my friends are more excited about it than I am :P ) My trip to Ohio: 94 days

A SERIOUS blast from the past

My mom called me today, telling me that she Just got off the phone with an old friend of mine's mom. An old friend who moved to Indiana when we were in the fifth grade (Almost a decade ago now) I think I called him once after he moved...but it's definitely been almost ten years since I've talked to the guy. according to his mom, he's been trying to find old friends...he's apparently been talking to a girl named Summer...apparently, we used to hang out with her back in elementary school. I remember the name, but I just can't picture this girl. The craziest part: He's married! the first person I know who's my age, and married. it's a weird feeling. This guy is probably the sole reason I got into video games, and thus, is the reason I'm here in the first place :P I guess I should call him...I don't know what we would talk about..."hey...so....you still into Pokemon?" :lol:

coming back to my senses

I'm not running away to Ohio...I've realized that that's crazy talk, and I would never make it on my own. after finally getting my high school transcripts sent to me, I've realized that I did a lot better than I thought (since when did I end up with a B in Chemistry!? I freakin' HATED that class!) and I think I have a chance at getting into a real school. If anyone here knows anything about this stuff, any advice would be nice. Is it totally unreasonable for a 21 year old to be accepted into a four year university? I really have no idea

Desperate times...

In my last blog post, I mentioned that I would finally be going to college this fall. Unfortunately, that's not the case. My high school decided to screw my sister and I and didn't get our transcripts sent to us on time. This leaves me with a predicament. No school, no job, my best friend is now three hours away from me in Jacksonville...my girlfriend is 1075 miles away from me in Ohio, and I feel like there's nothing left for me here. I'm going to be 21 years old in November, and I feel like I need to do something drastic...like packing up everything I own, getting in my car, and driving to Ohio to find a job, and an apartment or something. The problem is, I only have about $1500...but who knows, it could work out...right? I don't think anyone would be happy with that decision (Joe wants me to try to end up at school with him, my parents want me to go to the community college in January...even Caity wants me to take the SAT, and try to get into a school near her next year...and she'll probably think I've lost my mind when I tell her all of this) But it seems like the only way that I can be happy is if I'm with her...and there's certainly nothing left to hold me down here. and in the end, what's life all about? Finding a way to be happy in my opinion.

well this is new...

I pretty much only use this site for the forums these days, which explains why I JUST noticed that the user profile pages are completely different...I don't understand why. they were fine the way they were. what's with the whole internet changing these days? first Last.fm...then Facebook...now Gamespot. anyway, things are going ok here. after a two year hiatus from the whole "education" thing, I'll be starting school at Valencia community college on the 25th. speaking of school, my lovely girlfriend just moved into her dorm a few days ago...she's incredibly busy, leaving little time for us to talk, but it warms my heart that I'm important enough for her to take time out of every day to talk to me :oops: speaking of my lovely girlfriend, The tickets have been purchased, and the countdown is on...120 days until I arrive at her house in Ohio...I need to buy some warm clothes. speaking of warm clothes...well, I guess this has nothing to do with warm clothes...here's some random stuff: -my sister got her nose peirced :shock: -joe almost died after flipping a kayak almost two miles out at sea in a thunderstorm while drunk...ended up getting rescued by the coast guard :lol: -there's a hurricane coming :D -michael phelps is a freakin' beast :o -I have tetris and space invaders on my iPod! :) that's all for now...enjoy!

A timeline of events

This is the story of me and my beautiful, amazing girlfriend Caity. I think all of this has been covered in past blog posts, but some of you weren't around yet when this all started, and it's a fairly interesting story (or so I've been told) March 20(something)th 2008: While staring at an empty pool on a 60 degree night from the lifeguard stand of the Piano pool at Disney World's All Star resort, I see a group of four girls approach the pool, and decide to get in. One of them starts talking to me, asks the usual questions. When she asked "how old are you" I replied "20" one of the other girls, a beautiful redhead turns around and looks surprised "you're 20!?" she asks..."yeah" I replied. We proceeded to talk for the rest of my time at the pool. when the next guard arrived, I said goodbye, and walked over to my bike to head to the break room. as I was getting on the bike, I looked back at the girls. They noticed that I looked back, and Caity ran over to me and gave me her phone number. "but my phone doesn't work down here" she said :(  That night at home: I remembered that she mentioned having a Facebook account, so I got on the internet to search for her. I managed to find her without much trouble, an added her to my friends, knowing that she wouldn't know it until she returned home to Ohio. March 29th: I log onto facebook to find out that she had arrived at home, and was really disappointed that we didn't really get to hang out while she was here. We continued to exchange messages on Facebook for the next couple of months...until... May 20th: I see a reply to my last message to Caity which read: "any big plans for the summer?" She said "Yeah, but I think I'll call and tell you about it" I was kinda caught off guard...but when I did get the call, the conversation lasted FOUR AND A HALF HOURS! I had never connected to someone so quickly. I'm relatively shy, and it usually takes me a while to come out of my shell...not this time May 21st: Another ridiculously long phone conversation. this time we joked about me driving up there to "kidnap" her and take her to the beach for a week...over the next few days, it turned into less of a joke, and more of a plan. June 6th: Since I knew I would never be able to make the 15 hour drive to Ohio with my horrible sense of direction, I made the decision to but a plane ticket...it got real at this point. we would finally be seeing each other in ten days June 16th: after a very nervous drive to Orlando International airport, we were finally together. She snuck up behind me while I was waiting for her at the baggage claim, and we hugged for what seems like an hour.  June 21st: After five amazing days, including a sunrise at the beach, her first real concert, and a lot of getting lost on Florida's highways, it was time to say goodbye...We left eachother with plans for me to fly up to stay with her family around Christmas time. We continued to talk every day. I was eventually informed by my mom that we would be driving up north to Ocean City Maryland for my sisters final dance competition...a plan began to form...  July 2nd: The day before Caity was leaving for a vacation in Europe with her family, we finalized our plans to see each other again. She would be flying to Baltimore and staying with us for the week at the end of the month. July 15th: After what seems like an eternity, she finally arrived at home. in five days we would be together again July 21st: Caity arrives at Baltimore-Washington international airport. We spend an amazing week together, and say goodbye too soon again.  July 29th: I arrive back in Orlando after two days on the road. Caity's new computer had arrived, so she now had a webcam... We've been spending a lot of time talking via webcam lately. so far, it looks like we wont see each other again until December...hopefuly we find a way to be together again before then.