[QUOTE="SHuN_G0Ku"]once the PSN gets in-game XMB so and so... it'll stomp Live and prove $50/yr worthless...
Haven't you lemms noticed that once PSN gets this update then it will step above Live's features even its GamerScore andAchievements features.. I mean really, what're those features do to your profile? Just for show off right? Achievments also unlocks features like customizing your characters on a game you play (ie sword attached to Master Chief) that doesn't even prove as 'that great' of an achievement since most games have them anyway..
also take note that the PSN provides an internet browser which is a great leap over Live and not only that it's free, the PS3 has built-in which is another great leap over the 360 since you have to pay another $100 for it to have.
above all, every feature on Live that you pay for is FREE on the PSN.
internet browser :lol: yeah esential for those of with internet connection but no computer. XBL has in-game MSN.
:lol: guess what i can view Gamespot and MSN at the same time in my PS3!!!
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