@Itmeow FINALLY!!! Someone who understands!!! Where have you been hiding?? Oh, I know, you actually had games to play, unlike many others KMSL!!! For me the best thing to do, in regards to a new title I wish to purchase, is to wait it out a little. BestBuy, Target, Wal-mart, or Ebay&Amazon will have a price drop soon. Not everything is day one purchase worthy, and in most cases, most things aren't day one purchase worthy. The game will be the same a few weeks down the road, and if it changes, well I got a better game than the one who purchased on day one ;)
@Valkyrslayer I for one do the same thing. I was a store manager for gamestop for a little over 3 years. no matter how great and appealing they try to make it sound, trading in 2 games I bought for $60 a piece, and still having to pay $20-25 for 1 new release IS NOT A DEAL!!! I keep my titles, so I can go back and replay later. So many customers would trade in a game, just to repurchase it a little later.... Money Wasted much???!!! I for one, don't buy things I want just to give them away.... can't speak for everyone though...
@Pirate700 I wish ebgames was still around, and did not merge with gamestop. Ebgames was a better company than gamestop is, or ever was. mergers aren't always a great thing,... :( (R.I.P. Ebgames)
@soulless4now My personal philosophy as well. I go to the console that has the most exclusives and the ones that appeal to my personal likes. Thanks for the reply.
@glassman67 I appreciate your logic, and I can greatly respect your reasoning. I think both consoles will do great for the audiences they are intended to attract. And at the end of the day a good percentage of gamers will be satisfied, not a great percent of gamers, but a good percent. Thanks for your comment.
Hey everyone listen. Everyone is entitled to their choice, and opinion. Whether it's different from yours or not. If it's based on a logical, concise thought, there is no need to judge, smear, tarnish, or attack another for making a personal decision. It's actually a great thing that we have xbox one supporters, because it makes Sony step up to the plate and be better for the consumer, and vice-versa with Microsoft. That way you have a better decision making process. could you imagine how it would be if it weren't this way? Does anyone remember the 3DO, and Atari jaguar, or turbo graf-x??? Exactly my point. Let people decide what they want, and let them be ok with it. Its great to present unbiased facts, and why you personally like one over the other, and if others opinion is swayed by that, then fine. But please, let's stop the trolling and bashing. We are here to play/discuss videogames, and hopefully make friends (not enemies), and future gaming partners, after all, aren't we? Hit me up, gamertag: Litebringer75(xbox live) Litebringer75 (PSN)
SSJ4Goku2's comments