@Vodoo Like I said, its a play on words. It still has to be always connected to get the most out of it. I never said or took it to mean, a mandatory will not work without internet connection. But technically, if you lose system functionality due to not being connected, then always online is still valid. Its a play on words to make those who don't get, or understand it, it happy with there purchasing choice. and FYI, it does state that," Xbox One does require a connection to the Internet." Read the last statements on this news blog. this is just wrong...
@blackothh I will be most likely joining you. I am not happy at this news at the slightest. I have been a fan of gaming since 1987 and I have seen that strong competition makes for better games. Nintendo and Sega defined that. Whats happening here, aint gaming!!!
Thats a play on words, "No, it does not have to be always connected, but Xbox One does require a connection to the Internet," this is not good. A fee for used games, whats the difference with this and online passes? Way to show gratitude for your supporters Microsoft. PC is looking kinda good right about now.
@DeathKnight112 @MAD_AI The only problem with that is Sony already has more than 15 1st party ip's and not to mention the 3rd party ip's that are exclusive to the console as well. so to say that someone is fanboyish would not be accurate. unless it was a directly misguided slight at the console. And your own comment notes that its only 8 exclusives to the console, and 7 platform exclusives, which total 15. I think your personal preference is interferring with the facts. When it comes down to it, Sony>Microsoft in the exclusive market. And thats what @MAD_AI was getting at. not trying to flame the new xbox, just saying he doesn't see it being worth it too him at the moment.
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