@freedom01 @jon_bone The only reason the complaint about Sony not revealing the box is still on going, is because its the only thing they have, or try to use to complain about the PS4 great unveiling. Weak argument, but to those who hate to see that Sony usurped microsoft in their unveiling, its all they have, (coughs,) Major Nelson.
@macual (sniff, sniff) what is that smell? "Introducing Microsoft's very own new fragrance, "ENVY" when you can't beat them, just speak real negatively about them, and smell the hate. SMH :/ PSN is still free no matter how its sliced. And PS+ does offer a better paid deal than xbox live. Xbox live Gold is ideal if all you are adamant about is party chat. I thought cell phones did conference calls, but I guess its an unused feature. :/ hmmm ok. But, to each his own. Free usually beats paid everyday of the week, but I guess as they say, you get what you pay for. PSN is a great service, especially being free, so it can't be complained about when they offer a great deal for a free service. But, there is no pleasing some people. :)
@SweetPandaLove not everyone. I agree with cogadh, I am only concerned with what it does. Not what it looks like. But to each his own, some care about whats on the outside, while others care about what on the inside.
@da_chub I will agree with about 95% of your comment. The PC is a great way to go, as it offers games that consoles will NEVER see, power, and resolution that consoles will NEVER have. The PC monitor alone allows more frames per second than any tv on the market can possibly imagine. The PC will always be the power monicker. There is no question about that. Nintendo has offered great gaming innovation thru the years. but lately, they have given in to the masses, and are becoming cliche'.
Sony offers great exclusives, but they have fallen victim to the masses in several ways themselves. I have owned the other consoles, and I must admit something. That while the microsoft xbox is a great western console that offers a niche' style of gaming, it would rank 3rd among the 3 companies, with Nintendo and Sony tying. The original xbox showed great promise, but the 360 caved in to follow after public accolades, and microsoft forgot why they got into console gaming in the first place. The ps3 offers a great experience that is over looked by many, this is why i only agreed 95%. If Nintendo went back to its roots, it wouldn't be a question of who the dominate console would be, Sony and nintendo would reign supreme. Thanks for the comment, glad to see a true PC gamer speak truth.
I would really like to see some distinctive Wii-U games to help it sell, and not just ports of games on the Xbox360 and PS3. I miss the days of gaming between Nintendo and Sega. Even the days of N64 vs. PSX. What has happened to our favorite past time? I remember the days when you were identified as a gamer, you were looked at as abnormal, or a nerd, or geek. Now everyone claims to fit into that category, due to casual, mobile, and tablet gaming. I miss the days when gaming wasn't the new fad, and it was lame to be a gamer. Because thats when the developers knew only certain people played their games, so it had to be good. I have noticed, when something is deemed cool by the masses, it is inenvitable that it will become mediocre, watered down, and tarnished. Gaming will never be the same. :( Rest in Peace Our old friend, they have diminished you significantly. :'(
@ThePsiho @ajay1708 @PixelAddict I understand your reasonings @ThePsiho & @ajay1708 I thought that in the past console generations, that having multiple consoles was the right path to take. But as I see it now, it is a waste of money, as I can't play all of them at once. and I end up playing one more than the others. My N64 collects dust,(cuz I play my PSone more), my G1 xbox collects dusts,(I play my PS2 more), gave away the gamecube. Now my 360 collects dust, cuz I play my PS3 more. I think I look @ my genesis more than my N64, I play my G1 gameboy more than my 360. [Battletoads is AWESOME, by the way!!!] I feel like I have wasted a ton, because there are more important things in life than the amount of games and consoles I own. I
I was so bad with it, that til this day I have new copies of games from the previous decade that are still in the cellophane wrap, unbroken. Only purchasing 1 console is a smart move. In the end, its all about preference, and what you like. Who cares what everyone else says or does, the majority isn't right all the time, just ask the antideluvians. for the guy pixeladdict that had the audacity to call these gents poor or fanboys for only wanting to purchase 1 console, I guess we can tell the depth of your mental growth huh? Maybe one, you will wake up, and see. God bless.
but, remember I did say that games that are released on both systems do run better on 360, because it has been admitted that the games were developed for 360 then ported to ps3, due to lazy developers. So there wouldn't be a noticeable difference on that end.with the exception of it running better, and possibly looking better on 360. The only difference is shown in 1st party exclusives. That is the true bread and butter of a console. PS3 1st party games due look graphically better than 360 1st party games. The blu-ray does help the PS3, because more information can be compressed to a blu ray, than a dvd. But that is microsofts fault for seeking extra cash from its consumers, instead of placing hd-dvd as the systems disc drive. There is no reason to bring PC to a console discussion, its like bringing a gun to a knife fight. Know what I mean. I doubt the PS3 version of this metal gear game will suffer from the game being released multi, I'm pretty sure it will suffice, and be suitable.
Even when others haven't been, games are about gameplay and replayability, not graphics. I would rather see graphics scaled back for stellar gameplay anyday. Don't you agree? P.S. Pc has way more games than consoles, and games consoles will never see. owning a PC, is really a great way to go, I must admit.
SSJ4Goku2's comments