They just keep making dumb decisions. That's all.
I think the biggest problems they're facing now is both the amount of money they invest in their first party versus the returns they get, and also how much of a money pit PSN is to them. They really should start charging for that.
I imagine the Vita will flop here in the states too, and not just because of Nintendo's offerings. Apple drastically changed the market for handhelds with their iPhone and iPad. I just don't see the PS Vita selling millions with so much competition in the market nowadays.
I've been defending the PSVita quite a bit on here, saying not to jump to conclusions about it. I think that it has a western centric launch line up that isn't very appealing to the eastern market, and even though Japan's handheld market is larger than their home console market, they still aren't as big of a player as Europe or North America.
That being said, you bring up a good point about Apple changing the market. That, combined with the resurgence of Nintendo's handheld success with the 3DS, I seriously don't see the Vita taking off when it hits globally. It might bomb, unfortunately.
The PSP also had a hefty library of western-centric titles, and look how well that did?
People go on all the time about how 70 million hardware units sold means it didn't fail, but what about software sales? As far as I know it has the absolute lowest attach rate of any current system, and the lowest software sales overall.
Sure in Japan it did well, but the market just was not there for the PSP in America a few years after it launched. Once the iPhone launched the PSP's software market share in the handheld sector dropped like a rock.
And yet again here comes Sony with the PS Vita. Their second attempt at "a console in your hands" with their big launch title of Uncharted? Is Uncharted really what handheld gamers want? Even in America is that what they want?
I mean anything's possible, but I forsee the PS Vita failing pretty massively in America because the competition is just too good in comparison.
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