@xiricon: Its a pretty safe bet mate. It think it will be great although not for everyone but that's fair enough, can't please everyone. It certainly suits my play style.
@bongaconga: You'd be amazed at how many people think than lose is spelled with two o's. Its not a typo my friend, its a completely different word that is the opposite of tight, generally learned in primary school. Sorry if that offends you but I really don't care, maybe he will understand what he is typing, maybe he will keep typing looses and look ridiculous, who knows.
Nope, this is a story that puts Fallout 76 in a positive light, watch the video and try to rant a little less over something you know little about.
@Salt_AU: and no I don't have another account but if Xiricon (can't say that I know him or her) supports Bethesda Game Studios then I agree with him (or her).
@bongaconga: How would you know I point out spelling mistakes? If I do, which isn't often, it is to perhaps help them considering I am nice like that. I found Fallout 4 and its DLC excellent, still playing it from time to time and without question I have more hours into that than their other games. Skyrim would be a close second. I've been gaming easily just as long, maybe longer. It doesn't make my point or yours any less true. Your hatred for Fallout 4 and Fallout 76 makes little difference at all to my opinion. Odd that you judge a game before its released or before you know a great deal about it yet. Visionary!
@Jock9: Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3, Skyrim, Fallout 4 and now Fallout 76. Bethesda Game Studios do not make garbage, they've earned their reputation. I have a tonne of trust with Bethesda (and Rockstar), I'd pre-order their games in a heartbeat.
@rezagtx2017: Newsflash for consumers, the next version of a series of 'any' game is not going to be an extended DLC of the previous version. Every game in a series will take on new ideas and new game systems. That's the way it works, Bethesda and Fallout is no different.
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