@W4rl0ck: I think the system they have is fine, I don't grief players but I certainly don't mind if someone attempts to kill me and succeeds, its just a game. I'll look for revenge more than likely and more importantly it creates unique and interesting gameplay. If I feel like pvp from time to time then sure, why not? If I feel like gathering, building, collecting stuff, co-op pve, solo pve then I will do exactly that. The world is too large and players to few to make pvp or griefing a focus of the game.
@m4a5: You pretty clearly said that "they are purposely designing this game to be online PvP only" which is incorrect. Bethesda have said it isn't numerous times. The game will be more co-op pve than pvp, if they wanted a pvp game as you suggest then they would have made the map eight times smaller than Fallout 4 and put 64 players in it. The context of my comment was to say that why would they have such a huge world and so few players in it for a pvp game, that makes no sense whatsoever. I just thought that it would be pretty obvious, sorry to confuse you.
@m4a5: Not sure you understand the size of the game world. 24 - 32 players in a world map 4 times the size of Fallout 4 and you're talking as though you're playing in a COD map.
@kdb__1981: I have played them all and Fallout 4 is the best in my opinion. Couldn't disagree more I'm afraid and I am also really looking forward to 76.
@lacroix: Yeah it will stop people alright. Its a pretty good system that encourages and rewards those that do want to pvp while discouraging attacking those that don't wish to pvp.
Salt_AU's comments