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@jgq85: Yes you're right but that community sense will not return. Many people experienced an MMO for their first time with WoW, it was new it was memorable. Fourteen years and a shit tonne of toxicity later that has changed. Sorry bud but that's just a fact.

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Red Dead Redemption 2 GOTY 2018, trust me. Runner up Fallout 76.

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@nedrith: Nope, I liked it. I can tell you that some of the quality of life stuff that many players have got used to over the years will be missed and it will be pretty jarring. Burning Crusade was the pinnacle of the game for me, classes weren't homogenized, cc was relevant (as it was in vanilla), summoning portals outside dungeons was a nice addition but not this dungeon queue instaport shit they have now. I had fond memories in vanilla as an Alliance player of trying to run Maraudon and getting ganked by Horde. In was great, don't think we ever got to actually running the dungeon as it was graveyard runs and pvp for both sides for hours. Not entirely sure that the kids these days will enjoy some of the, as I said, jarring mechanics. For me, back then, I enjoyed it but having been there and done that I can't say I'd be rushing to play Legacy again, it was a great memory back then and I'll leave it at that. Not to mention I stopped playing the game years ago and won't go back, well and truly moved on from wow but as I said I had some great memories playing it for 10 or 11 years, 2004 - 2015/16.

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Edited By Salt_AU

@timthegem: Yes they are, hilarious isn't it. No summoning portals outside of the poor kid that roles a warlock, running on foot to a dungeon, no flying, even a fast ground mount took some serious gold up front and yes the gold drops will be how they were back then. CC will be a must which I liked but most don't, they tried to bring back cc in dungeons at Cataclysm and people rioted because it was too hard and they couldn't AOE the entire run with their face in 10 minutes. Earning blue items while playing a much harder game than it is now. Shit I got one purple item from Molten Core in my entire time played during vanilla which I was pretty stoked with but players now are desensitised to loot colour as it rains purple items, imagine the tears and outrage.

As an Alliance member, running Scholomance will take 30 - 40 minutes to get a group together, about an hour before all five players get to the dungeon because no ports and cbf reasons, and hour or two to run the dungeon because they don't know how to cc, or realistically at the first wipe there will be drama and insults, the healer will leave, followed by the tank and that's four or five hours down the gurgler for nothing (maybe) a shitty blue item which was pretty cool back then but not so much now. Not sure that people know what they're in for to be honest.

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@cejay0813: Glad someone else can clearly see it.

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Edited By Salt_AU

@kagatoac: Still too much hand wringing buddy. Yes I have played and platinumed The Division. You realise you're comparing two very different games don't you. Firstly there are incentives and rewards for pvp in The Division, there will not be loot and rewards for pvp in Fallout 76. Secondly the map comparison is not even ballpark close in comparison of its size. Fallout 76 in 4 times the size of Fallout 4. Fallout 4 would be 12 times the size of the dark zone in The Division. Fallout 76 will also have less players on the map at any time than The Division. That's a lot of space with less players. Bethesda have stated quite clearly that it is NOT a pvp game, not sure what else they can do to alleviate your concerns outside of waiting to play it (or don't play it).

People will be asshats, there is no question of that but not nearly as many as you may think. No rewards, no incentive, no real reason, less xp in comparison to pve equates to less progress. Less progress equals weaker character. Just wait until beta hits and then you will have a clearer picture and even then the game will continuously be balanced, its a live service. Private servers and modding has been confirmed by Todd Howard (although not right at launch), private server means solo if you want or with a handful of trusted and close friends. What is not to like about that?

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Far too many gamers get wrapped up in nostalgia thinking that old versions of games they played are better for whatever reason, generally it is fond memories and its not just World of Warcraft either. What people don't mention is their age when they were playing that game and the impression it clearly made on them. Look at old mate on the left, Eric. He is more excited for Legacy WOW than anything else because he spent so many months playing the game and was clearly besotted by it. No offense meant to Eric but Eric looks as though he is in his mid, maybe late twenties at a stretch. World of Warcraft released late 2004, that would put the giddy with excitement Eric at the experienced, matured and respected age of anywhere between ten to thirteen years of age. Yep, Eric's judgement is on point at that age. I am expecting Eric to enjoy the game for about a week at the most before he realises it wasn't what he remembered it to be. Eric will also be pointing an accusing finger at Blizzard for changing something or other because that isn't what ten year old Eric clearly remembered. We get older, some of us get wiser and can look back at games with a more reasonable opinion on why that game was so great. Probably because you had played nothing like it before at that tender and influential age of twelve.

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@bobothemighty: lol you're pretty clearly upset, music to my keyboard champion!

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@bobothemighty: Speaking of butthurt, I'm glad you remember me, no idea who you are though. Stay angry princess.

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@bonkdacarnivore: Nope it won't be as bad as you think, perhaps 1 or 2 in every 10 players may be dickheads. I certainly won't attack anyone, defend myself yes but certainly not instigate it. I'd rather solo and help players if and when I come across them, maybe work together to beat a tough encounter then move on. PVE progress will far outweigh PVP in terms of player progress, I wouldn't under estimate what character progression means to players. PVP every chance you get and you will go backwards quickly. It is a PVE game first and foremost with PVP thrown in to make it more dramatic in terms of how will this player react.