@sagittarius476: wow the kid got triggered! Calm down there sport, there isn't much point crying over a game and then crying over my comment at the same time. Relax!
@sagittarius476: lol kid its not an MMO but it will be optional co-op stop it with the fucking tears, its embarrassing. Yes it will have settlement building because it is an excellent feature. I'll build something for you to hold your tears.
@thereal25: I'd disagree with all of that. Karma was rightly removed from the game for pretty obvious reasons. Skills/perks aren't dumbed down at all, with the inclusion of magazines the perks and upgrading each perks there is more in the F4 than F3 by a huge margin. Quests were more interesting in F4. A weapon that degraded as fast as they do in F3 and FNV was stupid beyond belief and also rightly removed from the game. Building settlements and outfitting/arming your settlers was and is the best thing they've added to the game. The characters and NPCs in F4 are more memorable than any in F3 and FNV by a long way and they're not all voiced by 3 or 4 people. Dialogue options in F4 could have been a little better, they were a bit vague at times but I never had a problem understanding what they meant or their influence. You always had a smart, rude, response available if you wanted to. DLC in particular Far Harbor, Nuka World and Automatron were ten times better than any of the F3 dlc and they all have a continuing impact on the game world. DLC in F3 was finished and you're done, with no reason to revisit or you simply couldn't. Power armor is fine, why would you need a degree in rocket science or learn hgow to wear power armor? Its asinine so it was removed. The addition of fusion cores was and is an excellent touch. Can I ask how old you are?
@thereal25: You're calm but did you read my first sentence? So many tears from so many people over the fact that you or anyone else outside of BGS knows exactly what the game is about. Speculation is fine, believing it and getting angry is something else entirely. We're all individuals, we all enjoy different things, judge it after you've played it, not someone else playing it for you and certainly not someone else telling you what it is before they even know.
Salt_AU's comments