@thereal25: You're right he did, it is a great game and I am still playing it. Can't say I still regularly play many games after two and a half years that are not MMOs. I've also probably put more hours into Fallout 4 and its excellent DLC than any other game, again, outside of an MMO.
I am guessing it will be online solo or small scale co-op much like The Divisions multiplayer, pvp may be in it but it will definitely be optional. Todd Howard isn't stupid, he puts a lot of thought into game development. I'd bet a small fortune Todd will say that it is completely optional as to how you play the game solo or with a friend or two. Personally I think it will be great, haven't been let down yet by his games.
@mundus: Many set it to easy, watch videos of where collectibles are, plough through it, get a platinum and then whine about it. Basically easiest mode possible while copying someone else's playthrough = platinum trophy
@vamroc: The bombs went off in 2077, the events of Fallout 4 are in 2287, 210 years later. Vault 76 was scheduled to open outside 20 years after the bombs fell, the clip here shows 2102 so you are correct that is 25 years after the bombs but 185 years before Fallout 4.
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