@Cashmoney007: Ubisoft is a producer not a developer. Ubisoft Montreal are probably their best developer. Some other Ubisoft games are average, I never said otherwise did I?
I said CD Projekt Red and The Witcher 3 are over rated, they are. I also said that Assassins Creed Origins is a better game than The Witcher 3 which it has a lot in common with in terms of its design, it is. What part don't agree with?
The main story wasn't long winded and asinine? The Ugliest man alive, the druids, hardly anything about the Wild Hunt. It was ridiculously bad, poorly written and I couldn't wait for it to finally end. The only redeeming part of the entire game quest wise was The Bloody Baron, that's it.
Boring two button combat. Yep, I finished the game on its hardest difficulty and rarely changed my combat strategy. Dodge, dodge, dodge, strike or use sign, dodge, dodge, rinse and repeat. How about this bad ass Witcher dude that can't step over a knee high fence while in combat! Fucking average beyond words.
Woeful character control, from swimming, jumping a fence, dying from a 6 foot drop, horse handling was painfully pathetic. Looks as though a work experience student named Stevie Wonder designed it all.
Terrible UI. If you'd played the Witcher 3 you'd understand how pathetically bad the UI is, probably the worst UI ever made in a AAA game. They improved it 'marginally' about 12 months after release, its still bad.
The world filled with monster nests, Bandit camps, find a completely useless treasure. Format is used over and over and over. Horrible and lazy and as a result boring. Absolutely nothing else of interest in the entire open world apart from these repetitive fillers.
Repetitive over used Witcher vision quests. 90% of the quests had you doing the same shit, use vision, follow footprints or blood trail, kill bad thing. I'd rather watch paint dry for entertainment.
Full of bugs. Down make me link The Witcher 3 fixes bug since release. Easily the largest list of fixes to a AAA game after its launch in history.
Horrendous AI, like the bandit that won't leave a certain radius of its camp and just sit there taunting you while you unload crossbow bolts in his face from 4 feet away until he dies. Never got fixed and just embarrassing.
Repetitive and bad voice acting and world environments. Same shit used over and over like may other parts of this over rated game. Did CD Projekt Red run out of money or talent or both?
Assassins Creed Origins, if you had played it, is exactly what The Witcher 3 tried to be but just done better in every single department. Ubisoft Montreal no doubt used Witcher 3 as a base for Origins but improved every area, quite easily. Keep crying champion, Witcher 3 was over rated beyond belief.
@Cashmoney007: Actually I wasn't being sarcastic at all. The Witcher 3 is one of the most over rated steaming piles of garbage ever made. Asinine long winded story, horrid character controls, repetitive environments, boring 2 button combat, pathetic UI, filled with trivial mindless open world filler missions (just like the stuff you're complaining about), repetitive way over used 'Witcher vision' quests, bad voice acting, horrible economy, full of bugs, horrendous AI, oh but it showed some tits so it appealed to the neck bearded PC mouth breathers. Assassins Creed Origins was an example of how the Witcher 3 'should' have been made, Ubisoft completely schooled them. CD Projekt Red are incredibly over rated kid.
@Cashmoney007: Yeah just like those destroy monster nests, Bandit camps or find a useless secret treasure in Witcher 3, fucking everywhere, useless! How dare they put things to do in an open world map. Morons.
Salt_AU's comments