@joshrmeyer: Setting the game to Easy and 'beating' it isn't beating it, the only thing you're beating is your joshmeyer jnr. Start it up, select the hardest difficulty, destroy it and then come here and we'll talk. All of this garbage developers are putting in their games such as 'story mode difficulty' for those that just want to experience the story makes me salty. The generation of gamers born after 1990 need to put their controllers down and have a long hard look at themselves. Its a disgrace!
@BLiTZ_156: I know the definition of risky I still fail to see how that applies to your comment of 'almost everything we do on a daily basis'. I'm not sure you're grasping the definition of full of the possibility of...
Gambling essentially has two definitions, New Zealand lady is referring to definition 1 but failing to see that loot box gambling is pretty clearly all about definition 2.
gambleˈɡamb(ə)l/verbgerund or present participle: gambling
1. play games of chance for money; bet."he gambles on football"
bet, wager, place a bet, lay a bet, stake money on something, back the horses, try one's luck on the horses; Moreinformalplay the ponies; informalpunt, chance one's arm, have a flutter; raregame "I go to the races when I want to gamble"
bet (a sum of money)."they gambled their money on cards"
2. take risky action in the hope of a desired result."he was gambling on the success of his satellite TV channel"
take a chance, take a risk, take a leap in the dark, leave things to chance, speculate, venture, buy a pig in a poke; More
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