@gamerboy100: I'd say he meant that you be thanking them for making great games. If you want a thank you from Bethesda Game Studios just watch any interview with Todd Howard and Pete Hines and clean out your ears. They thank their fans all the time. They also allow modding of their games well beyond any other AAA developer. So bakagami is absolutely correct, you should owe them a thank you.
@Dark_sageX: If you were paying attention to the Fallout 4 announcement, Todd Howard and Pete Hines said that they would like to do more of the same in terms of announcing their next game with a short period to wait for its release rather than a year or two in advance. It worked well for Fallout 4 and I agree, there is no reason for announcing something years before its going to be released. TES VI will be years away yet, all of the VR releases on Doom, Skyrim and Fallout 4 were testing beds for TES VI because it will be a VR game, no question. BGS next game will be Starfield and it, like Fallout 4 will be announced months before it is released, maybe announced at E3 and released in late 2018.
Dishonored is Arkane Studios and they just released Death of the Outsider not long ago. Sadly they will probably leave the series as it is for now because Dishonored 2 and Death of the Outsider didn't sell as well as they expected. Both phenomenal games imo but overlooked, just like Prey.
@Sozialminister: Lynda Carter was the original Wonder Woman from the 70s when she was in her mid 20s, she has voiced a lot of Bethesda Game Studios games, Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 4, she is married to Robert Altman who is the CEO of Zenimax Media, the parent company of Bethesda. So long story short, she can do whatever she fucking well likes.
Art direction going to Cuphead was a poor choice. I personally absolutely love the design of Cuphead because it is so different from what we have seen in gaming but it is literally a plagiarised copy of cartoons from the 1930s it has zero originality, I believe art direction should at least have some original concepts. Zelda, Destiny 2, Horizon Zero Dawn and Persona 5 were all better choices but I guess they're not from Indie studio's so they miss out. Wolfenstein 2 and Dishonored Death of the Outsider should also have been in that category.
Best Narrative going to the 45 minutes and your done Edith Finch was also a slap in the face to the nominees in that category. Once again, no surprise whatsoever, an Indie studio.
@juninhotorres: Exactly, backwards compatible is completely pointless, a gimmick at best. If I wanted to play a PS3 game, I'd switch it on. Its sitting right beside the PS4 all it needs is a button press just like the PS4. I don't press that button or very, very rarely do.
I know others that have Xbox One's and they all say they don't use backwards compatible but they say its a nice feature to have! So, they have the feature but don't use it but then say its good to have it. I am conpuzzled.
LOL good reason, except Fortnite has been in 'early access' for months on the PS4 and it still is. How about the mentioning the real reason, being paid by Microsoft. Not sure why though because Day Z is pretty average, exclusive deals are exclusive I guess.
@Cashmoney007: An amazing experience! I'm guessing you were about 12 when you played it. Yeah I remember games that I played when I was 12, they were all great. Point taken.
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