@Mogan: They couldn't put Prey in there because Stevie Wonder, the guy that reviewed it, gave it a 6. Oh and he was angry that Bethesda didn't give him a free copy a week or two before everyone else.
PS4, Destiny 2 so far. Other mentions Horizon Zero Dawn (good but over rated with a story I couldn't really get into, combat was good). Uncharted Lost Legacy and Prey.
Wolfenstein 2, Assassins Creed, Dishonored Outsider and Gran Turismo Sport will be the only games I can see joining the above list.
@Abomination713: This is generally why you don't get wrecked in pvp and then make a bee line to any gaming site on the internet to rage for an hour and half of your life typing the above. You also used a naughty word.
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