The game literally throws shaders at you and loot for that matter. Seriously! These days gamers complain, whine and cry like a red headed step child's first day at school. It's embarrassing.
@spoot91: You're probably right, yet What Remains of Edith Finch, that took up a whole 42 minutes of my entertainment time before completing it, or similar indie games with no replayability value at all scored a 9 out 10. I'm conpuzzled.
@Bread_or_Decide: There are many enemies that can be killed with just one shot. Do you mean that bosses should also be killed with one shot? I don't understand.
@deviltaz35: It was released midnight on the 6th, so 17 hours ago. I have it via PSN so it was midnight for me plus a day off work, in stores it would have been today when they open, so probably 8-9 hours ago. That's East coast Australia of course. You can definitely play solo, the harder pve content, strikes, put you into a group with others automatically. Much like an MMO you will see others running around but you don't necessarily need to communicate at all apart from if you were doing a raid.
@Barighm: Didn't play the beta but combat and movement is almost identical. I read that someone in beta said that you seemed to move slower or combat wasn't as fluid, I haven't found that at all playing a Hunter and Titan. The only thing different with combat is the graphics are crisper.
@otterbee: No the weapons aren't exactly the same because Kinetic has no elemental damage. The elements are only on secondary and heavy where as previously it was on all 3. You do tend to weapon swap more often in D2 as kinetic is more powerful once the shield has gone. Its similar but different, I'd say improved imo.
That's a pretty accurate review so far. Its certainly better than the first in pretty much every area but still very familiar. Then again there was a lot that wasn't broken in Destiny anyway such as the smooth gunplay, not many do it better than Bungie. The graphics are very impressive and crisp, the story is a lot better. Right now I'd give it about 8.5 but I'm only level 9 of 20 so still quite a lot to do and see, could go up to a 9.
Salt_AU's comments