I'm really enjoying the game, it gets harder but there is no way that you need everything legendary or mythic to progress through the game when co-op teamwork and situation awareness works absolutely fine. I haven't spent so many hours in game for a long time. It doesn't hold your hand with some mechanics but the internet these days can provide answers to any questions in seconds.
Upgrading blue and purple gear, heroes and survivors works perfectly well in terms of progression, 'especially' when it returns pretty much all of the xp you have spent upgrading the item if and when you find a legendary or mythic replacement.
@gamingdevil800: Crafting weapons isn't a problem at all. I have a Legendary Assault Rifle which I have crafted 4 times and I am still swimming in the necessary resources to craft it again.
@Thanatos2k: Why the **** would a company allow random nerds use their work, their IP, their trademark to open servers and drag potential gamers away from their official servers? Are you really that stupid?
@Poodger: Don't be fooled by an 'MMO', I've played them enough. "Thousands can be encountered at once!" Yeah how would that go for you and the servers? MMOs are still overwhelmingly solo players or small groups of people that run small group content, that's it. There is little to no interaction outside of the same handful of players that you play with regularly.
Morally indefensible! One should never shoot a real life radroach the size of a cat or a seven foot tall Super Mutant that clearly open opened fire on the man's pet dog with what looks to be a Mini Gun!
Salt_AU's comments