Considering that the standard PS4 was better equipped than the standard Xbox One his argument is ridiculous. Perhaps Sony (correctly) didn't want to alienate their already massive support base by jumping too early in the generation to a much more powerful system. Smaller steps and wait for the PS5.
Just play a game and enjoy or don't enjoy it, stop giving a **** about whether it runs at whatever speed or has triclusional anti aliasing specular photon shadows or not. Fucking nerds.
Bring it on, its different, it looks good and I get to shoot some redneck right wing fanatics that voted for a narcissistic overweight orange buffoon that preys on women. What's not to like? I couldn't care less if you're a pansy that gets upset by a story in a video game.
@Iamkalell: Exactly, BGS unlike other developers can for the most part actually keep their shit under wraps. I'd take a punt on the new sci-fi rpg IP being announced.
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