@robertoenrique: The kid is having a cry because he can't get the game early, they did the same to the last Bethesda published game with the same whining. When his first sentence is crying about their policy it kind of gives his pathetic attitude away, meanwhile pretty much every game journalist in any other site has done the job. The editor should be dragging this kid by his ear into his office.
It has more in common with SystemShock, BioShock, Half Life and Dead Space than Dishonored, which is a great series. Great game, definitely worth a look, an easy 8.5 that gets better the more time you spend on it.
Way too long to get a review out for this game. Don't blame Bethesda's review policy on your own laziness. I and many others could have written review for this game within a good 20 hours of playing it. You don't require more than triple that time.
@Gomtor: Maybe you should read the part in the title that says "Dark Souls Publisher's..." Bandai Namco was indeed the publisher of Dark Souls, the title says nothing at all about the developer.
Its only as good as the games and the games will always be made with the most common platform in mind. I laugh at the PC neckbeards that spend insane amounts of welfare money on their 'rigs' only to be kicked in the balls by reality. Perhaps food, water and heating would have been a smarter choice. PS4 Pro is where its at, affordable and you'll always have a certain suaveness and street savviness about you while you wait for the real upgrade that is the PS5.
@tinoush: So why give a flying **** about free PSN games? I've subbed for the past 4 years and have played about 5 free games. I couldn't give a rats backside, if they're good then great if not I'm not going to cry about it. It's you're welcome, not your welcome. You're welcome.
Salt_AU's comments