@tinoush: Get a job, earn an income and buy games like normal working people without relying on hand outs on PSN you tight arse. You'll get to whine less that way. You're welcome.
@mpl911: Sorry but you don't beat blowdryed hair, flared trousers and a wide collared unbuttoned shirt while cruising in a Porsche Boxster convertible my friend. You could top it off with some Pet Shop Boys on the cassette deck for added suaveness.
@angrycreep: James Cameron was always going to make a number of them back to back. He is the writer, producer, editor, director. Unlike most of the 'idiots' in Hollywood he doesn't release garbage to make a quick dollar. He hardly needs the money and has been writing the screenplay for four sequels for years.
@teg: You mean the repetitive 'use Witcher vision and follow footsteps or blood trail' quests? The only good part about The Witcher was the Bloody Baron quest line and it was very good, best I have experienced in any game. The rest of the story was asinine, the ugliest man alive, the ridiculous druids, the Wild Hunt who you hardly ever see, King Radowhateverhisnameis. Over rated, even on story and yes I platinumed it on PS4 and played most of the first DLC, so I have seen it all. Yes they're different games but the comment was about pre-orders - which is any game. I pre-ordered The Witcher and was let down to a point. I didn't pre order Destiny but bought it day one and was also let down in regards to the story but as you say, game play mechanics are first class. Maybe Bungie listened because they're a pretty tidy game developer, I think they may have but we'll see.
@xdeathclawx: You mean like The Witcher 3 and my money? I spent more hours (ie entertainment) playing Destiny than I did on that masterpiece of repetitive averageness.
@shamatuu257: In terms of hours spent, I have played Fallout 4, GTA V and Destiny more than any other game in the past 4 years by a wide margin. Easily. ESO would be up there too but that's an MMO. Fallout 4 and Destiny in particular get the angry rpg neck beards all riled up for some reason. Thanks for your pointless advice I'll go and pre-order with the money I earned now champ.
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