I think Chris Pratt could have pulled Nathan Drake off. No you neckbeard perverts, not what I meant, I meant that he could have portrayed Drake's character well.
@Moondrake: Considering it has a review now when its just been released on the PS4 it is more appropriate to mention the PS4s controller you angry buffoon. Who gives a rats backside about the PC version from six months ago. If you're really that upset about it, go and google the reviews for the game back then.
@Thanatos2k: Or you could use the keyboard and mouse from 1978, amusing that the PC still can't upgrade its archaic shitty controller into anything worth while. Considering the mouse & keyboard is akin to easy mode training wheels for FPS games it's little wonder you're upset. I love the keyboard movement in stealth games 'on or off' or hold down shift to move slowly, lol gtfo with your 70s garbage champion.
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