Uhhhhhmmmmm, right... let's see...
It's really hot.
Do you understand how hot it is?
The kind of hot where you just sit around sweating. The kind of hot where you don't want to make any sudden movements for fear of heatstroke. The kind of hot where it's hotter outside than in your own house. The kind of hot where opening your fridge becomes so unsatisfying that you hope to find a snow covered Narnia and not left over Chinese take out and an open can of Chef Boyardee the next time you open it.
It's. That. Hot.
This is why I haven't been on GameSpot much, because my comp-you-tah is upstairs and being upstairs is like stuffing your face in Satan's armpit.
I've been downstairs on the PS3 playing a whole lot of WipEout HD when I'm not out. The Fury expansion pack is quite literally a whole new game. I'm so infatuated with WipEout that I've started drawing up concepts for my own racing anti-grav racing team.
MEKAGORI is it's name. I don't have the scans now, because it isn't finished, but when it is, I'll be happy to post them on here.
Anyway... non-gaming related stuff, right... let's see... nothing?
Yeah, nothing. It's been pretty slow lately... no calls from anyone to go do anything because it's too damn hot. The beach is out of the question because, well... it's Washington. The best beach you could find is a 3 hour drive from my area and no one wants to spend that much money on a trip to go splash in sewage water.
I went to Wal Mart a couple days ago, I guess... we are so lame and it's so hot that we walked around WM for an hour because of the air conditioning.
I should move to New York... I'd rather be really cold than really hot.
Oh yeah, here, a bit of inspiration for all you emos:
Tune of the Week: New Radicals - You Get What You Give
(Random TotW fact: In a Time Magazine interview, U2 lead guitarist The Edge is quoted saying "You Get What You Give" is the song he is most "jealous of." "I really would love to have written that," he stated.
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