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Scianix-Black Blog

Ohh! OHHHHHHH!! Ooohhhhh...

Uhhhhhmmmmm, right... let's see...

It's really hot.

Do you understand how hot it is?

The kind of hot where you just sit around sweating. The kind of hot where you don't want to make any sudden movements for fear of heatstroke. The kind of hot where it's hotter outside than in your own house. The kind of hot where opening your fridge becomes so unsatisfying that you hope to find a snow covered Narnia and not left over Chinese take out and an open can of Chef Boyardee the next time you open it.

It's. That. Hot.

This is why I haven't been on GameSpot much, because my comp-you-tah is upstairs and being upstairs is like stuffing your face in Satan's armpit.

I've been downstairs on the PS3 playing a whole lot of WipEout HD when I'm not out. The Fury expansion pack is quite literally a whole new game. I'm so infatuated with WipEout that I've started drawing up concepts for my own racing anti-grav racing team.

MEKAGORI is it's name. I don't have the scans now, because it isn't finished, but when it is, I'll be happy to post them on here.

Anyway... non-gaming related stuff, right... let's see... nothing?

Yeah, nothing. It's been pretty slow lately... no calls from anyone to go do anything because it's too damn hot. The beach is out of the question because, well... it's Washington. The best beach you could find is a 3 hour drive from my area and no one wants to spend that much money on a trip to go splash in sewage water.

I went to Wal Mart a couple days ago, I guess... we are so lame and it's so hot that we walked around WM for an hour because of the air conditioning.

I should move to New York... I'd rather be really cold than really hot.


Oh yeah, here, a bit of inspiration for all you emos:

Tune of the Week: New Radicals - You Get What You Give

(Random TotW fact: In a Time Magazine interview, U2 lead guitarist The Edge is quoted saying "You Get What You Give" is the song he is most "jealous of." "I really would love to have written that," he stated.

Prince of Persia - May 2010

The Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time film is set to hit theaters May 2010.

Here's how I know it will fail:

Whoa, hold up S-B. How can you tell it's already going to fail?

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time is a film based off the game of the exact same name. Yet for some monumentally ludicrous reason, they decided to design the Prince's costume after his model from Warrior Within, the second game in the trilogy, as shown below:

The movie hasn't even been finished yet and you're ALREADY STRAYING FROM THE STORYLINE.

What the hell you stupid douchebags. If you're using his costume in the second game as the costume for the first movie, then I'm assuming you're going to use the third game's costume design for the second movie.


... Christ... I hate Hollywood...

Additional reasons why this will be ruined:

-Jake Gyllenhaal

Tune of the Week: The Cool Kids - '88

Read this if you consider yourself an intellectual.

No, not my blog.

Those just end up making you stupider.

I mean this: The Method of Fun.

I know, it's about Bayonetta, and most of you don't care, but it's really about how they're making it. It's very interesting - they're dissecting human behavior in order to make a video game. It has a lot of ideals that can easily be applied to life in general.

That shows dedication. They could have just made a shallow action game but Kamiya and his team are geniuses.

I don't even know why they're making video games... they should go into anthropology.

I'm curious to know your thoughts on the matter - complete sentences, please.

[Sorry, no tune of the week, as this blog isn't really an update... more like half of one.]

Oh look! Something exciting!

k, soo..


Not a lot here, so this is going be a short update:

  • Been playing Sacred 2 alot with Jerkface from the PS3 board (cbadbxing on PSN)
  • I'm still OCD about the TV & Zune volume control (must always be on an even number)
  • This is really funny. Keep in mind whose commercial it is and note the words "Blu Ray" and the laptop model.
  • I still hate the Zune software.
  • A lot.

Future interests:

  • Bayonetta
  • Assassin's Creed II
  • Uncharted 2
  • Demon's Souls (possibly)
  • And one of those job (yob?) things... apparently all you do is have sex and you get paid! Talk about win-win.

Tune of the Week: Hadouken! - Crank It Up (Noisia Remix)

Summer isn't as fun as it was in elementary school.


Because in elementary school, I was active and went outside to play. I had video games, but I didn't play them as much as I do now. I live in a middle class neighborhood filled with junior high students.

There are a couple high school kids I know, but none of them ever knock at my door asking "Can you come outside?"

I think this is a sign that I'm... getting... ol-... old...


Childhood goes by way too fast...

Ah well... I'm going over to a friend's house tomorrow to play some L4D. Who says friends can't at least keep in touch? I was messaging her over PSN and she suggested we go to another friend's house and just take over her Sexbox.

I was the one who made the suggestion, but I had done so assuming it would never happen. I had literally said "Yeah, we should go to Kim's house and play L4D one of these days."

Kinda like when you meet your friend's boyfriend at a party for the first time and you say "Yeah, we should get together sometime and play a couple holes of golf!"

Notice the sometime.

Sometime = I'm just going to suggest an activity for us to do even though I don't really want to do it because I'm too lazy or you're a douchebag.

This in no ways means I don't like them - quite the contrary. I'm just lazy.

-Hey, so you going to the movies with us this Saturday?

-Uhhh.. yeah, I guess... whatever... I'll see if I can make it.


It isn't too far of a drive at least...

So yeah, uhhhhhhmmmmmm.... not much else to say... oh, new games. Right. Sacred 2, Valkyria Chronicles and Dynasty Warriors 6 Empires. All great games, but definite rentals for anyone unsure.


1:30 AM... I'm tired.

Tune of the Week: Rank 1 - Symfo

(Beware, it's trance. Trance is an ACQUIRED TASTE and isn't the kind of music that just anyone can get into. Oh, and the uploader is me.)

I'm really lazy about these blog things...

As I was creating this blog, I just noticed that I got emblems for tuning in to E3... which is funny, because I missed all of it and had to get my info from the forums, lol.

I was graduating that week and I had a bunch of stuff to do in terms of school and crap; i.e. finals, paying off fines & fees, saying goodbye to people, hanging out with a bunch of them one last time.

Speaking of school, class of '09 baby. Hell yeah. I'm so done with school and I'm now excited for... school. Oh, what's that you say? I have to pay for it now? Goodie! That's a load off my chest... for a second there, I thought it would be free.

Anyway, I'm sure I'll do better this time around because iit's art school, and not free.

I pretty much graduated high school by the skin of my teeth and proved to myself that if I'm paying for the class, I do better. I had to take an online course for a semester of math I failed my sophomore year, but they screwed up my credits and didn't tell me I needed to do it until halfway through second semester.

Guess what?

I finished a semester long class in 2 weeks.

I know, badass, right?

If they made a video game about me, it'd probably insanely boring for the first 4-5 hours before getting exciting with BAH-BAH-BAH-BAYSPLOSIONS and plot twists. It'd be called Procrastination: The Last Minute.

But yeah... I don't know if you guys really read these things. I'm just really bored, so I guess I'm talking to myself. Oh well... anyway, thanks for wasting your life with me.

Let's do this again sometime... all 2 of you.

Tune of the Past Two Months: Ben Lee - Catch my Disease

P.S. I got a haircut that's so short, my hair has a habit of forming a fauxhawk, even though I have curly/wavy hair, so I pretty much just straighten it and do it up that way.

Super Duper Lame Ass Update

  • Learn about MNU and how you can stop them from weapons harvesting using alien technology. (see: District 9)
  • Watching Bleach. I like it, but everyone talks too god damn much during fights.
  • Been drawing a bit lately, mostly small pieces.
  • Just got an HDMI cord for the PS3 - WOW.
  • Coughing and mucus caught in my throat - possible cold.
  • Doing pretty ok.

Choon of the Week: Citizen King - I've Seen Better Days (And the Bottom Drops Out)

[P.S. - Sorry, it's a super lame video but the actual music video was taken off youtube because of legal scat, so just open it and minimize... or you can watch the video, I mean if you really want to... can't imagine why you would, though...]

[P.P.S. - No, this song is not done by Sublime, although both bands sound really good when you're blown.]

New TV and Killzone 2 both reek... kinda.

Hey, what's crackin' dudes? Haven't posted a blog in a while, I know, sorry. I'm lazy and it's the busiest part of the school year, especially if you're a senior. (graduation, prom, credits, cap & gown)

So yeah, check this out: I just got a new TV and Killzone 2.



lol, Wow. The picture is amazing (Samsung 40" LCD). I love it, even if it is smaller than my last TV (Toshiba 57" Big Screen). My only problem? It's upstairs, away from the entertainment center.

That's right, it's not my TV.

It's the new TV for the living room upstairs, while my gaming rig is downstairs in the family room. So I was getting my ass handed to me on Call of Duty 4 because I didn't have the awesome sound that I'm used to and I couldn't hear where the enemies were around me (Search & Destroy).

Anyway, yeah, so I'm back downstairs playing on the 57", which is fine.

As for Killzone 2... just, bleh. I mean... it's pretty to look at, especially on the 40", but it's just not that AMAZING to me. It's a good game, no doubt, but it's boring. No interesting colors and it's really sluggish.I understand that GG made it feel slow for a reason, but God damn, the crosshair acceleration is horrible.

I found myself just skipping through the cutscenes, not even remotely interested in the story. I'd be playing the campaign right now if it wasn't so boring to me.

But whatever... I've been told it gets better, so we'll see. I probably have been playing too many FPSs is all, so I might just be burnt out.

So yeahhhhh.... not much else to say... so here's 3 tracks to make up for the month or so I haven't posted anything.

Tune(s) of the Week:

Lisa Miskovsky - Mary

Mark Ronson feat. Lily Allen - Oh My God (Kaiser Chiefs cover)

Massive Attack feat. Mos Def - I Against I

Free Games and a Bunch of Other Crap

Ok, so here's the skivvy:

Just saw a friend I haven't seen in a while, but I've got him on my PSN and we message each other every now and then. His girlfirend, who he has been with on and off is finally pregnant, but with another guy's kid. (yeah, no surprise there.) Anyway, he gave me free games when he came over because he didn't like them.

(Please note that back when he bought his PS3, he had just gotten $80,000 from his Native American tribe thing for turning 18, then spent it on a bunch of stupid stuff, including video games, a car, unnecessary furniture for his - not house - ROOM, etc.)

The games included:

-Resistance 2
-Turning Point: Fall of Liberty (?)
-Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction
-Street Fighter IV
-Ninja Gaiden Sigma
-Kane & Lynch: Dead Men
-Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
-The Darkness
-Army of Two

(See what I did there? I evenly distributed the good games amongst the crap ones so that the whole list looked really good from farther away.)

So yeah, he's an idiot who, once upon a time, spent all his money on crap games because he doesn't bother to do research first, but I'm the winner here, so whatever.

I like Resistance 2, and it isn't as disappointing as everyone said it was (PS3 boards), but then again, I didn't hype it. Street Fighter IV is actually pretty good, also. Been playing it with GreenGoblin and MusashiSensi, both of which spank me, but it's all good.

I've taken a particularily keen interest in Crimson Viper-

She's fun to play and stuff. I think it's also the glasses.. I think that's my thing: glasses. My last two exes had glasses, which I don't believe to be coincidental..

Anyway, yeah..

Not much else to say, as everything in my life has been pretty calm, so I leave you all with the-

Tune of the Week:

The Suicide Machines - New Girl

Kudos to anyone who can guess what game it was from.

Credit Where Credit is Due and the Tune of the Week Too!

Kinda bored, I'm waiting for an album to finish downloading off the Zune Marketplace before I go to bed, so I thought I'd do a blog. Speaking of which, Zune software sucks.


Sometimes playlists don't read and yadda yadda yadda. I could type up a huge list, but I won't.

Uhhhh.... oh, Props to Freham for the awesome GIF in my signature. (The one on the left.) Nice work dude.

Annnnnndd.. still working on Half Life 2... yeah, not much else to talk about.

Ok, I'm done.

Tune of the Week:

Luv Addict - Family Force 5

This song kicks ass. And the video is pretty funny, in a stupid way. The lead singer performs live with Hulk Gloves, it's awesome.

If you want it, PM me and I'll send the MP3 your way.