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Playstation 3 Survey

It's located in the Playstation 3 forums, if you want to check it out.

I'm conducting it because lately people have been getting "Disc Read Errors" (DRE) and that "Yellow Light of Death" thing.

Not a lot of people, but enough to make me concerned for the well-being of my system.

So I decided to ask the Gamespot community a couple of questions just to see how they handle their PS3's and if any of that data can be linked to whatever is giving them Disc Read Errors, and why some of them just happen overnight.

After this current survey dies, I'm going to do another one that focuses more on DRE.

Note: I'm not trying to get exact data to find the exact problem. It's just something small to see what people are doing, and it shouldn't be taken too seriously.


I just want to know whether the DRE happens because of the system, or because of the consumer.

Saint's Row 2 - Yay or Nay?

I've already got it on pre-order. How many of you guys are gonna get this game?

I mean, this game seems to be getting no hype at all, which may be due in part to Farcry 2, Fallout 3, LittleBigPlanet, and Fable 2.

No matter.

I will be enjoying my nude base jumping, insurance fraud, and gang violence while everyone else runs around Africa.

Ohhhhhhh! That's sooooooooooo cool!


I never really cared for good vs. bad decision making games either, because that's dumb. If I wanted morality, I'd go to church. Well, I do, but that's not the point...

User created content is also stupidly overrated, and who cares about post-apocalyptic America, anyway?

Jeez. Q4 will be an epic disappointment of elphantine proportions that will pale in comparison to the massively exponential sack of win that Saint's Row 2 will be.


My friend played Farcry 2 and now he's famous...

Well, not exactly famous, but he was in a video made by the Fragdolls from PAX '08.

And he's not exactly my friend, because we just met like, two days ago when I overheard him talking to his friends about it and we hang out with completely different people.

Anyway, he said "Everytime I did something everyone behind me was like "Whoooaaaa!!" and the game is really kickass.

Video here:

That's him playing Farcry 2 at 00:25 seconds.

Oh, and on a side note, Nilla Wafers are delicious with milk. I don't understand why they haven't made a cereal out of this yet.

Bioshock Impressions (PS3 Demo)

Sweet Jesus.

The opening was epic.

Hearing Andrew Ryan say "...I chose Rapture." just as the screen rolled up to reveal the underwater city was pure magic.

And the eerie music playing in the background really set the tone.

It was fantastic.

I. Am. Buying. This. Game.

My 5 Greatest Video Game Soundtracks Ever (Licensed)

5. SSX 3 (Xbox/PS2/GC)

- This game had a thumping soundtrack that kept you pumped with adrenaline all the way down the mountain, and then some. Certain events in-game called for certain tempos and this arrangement delivered, with hits like Fatboy Slim's Don't Let The Man Get You Down and an exclusive remix of the Red Hot Chili Peppers' Higher Ground by the X-Ecutioners. SSX 3 is a fast moving game and fortunately, the music is able to keep up.

4. Motorstorm (PS3)

- The first game I've seen in a while to fully utilize Drum & Bass. Sure, it had some rock and grunge here and there, but this game really used the D&B and Break Beat sounds to shine, ultimately distinguishing itself as not just another shabby off-road racer, but one that you'd be truly missing out on if you were to pass it up.

3. Midnight Club II (Xbox/PS2/GC)

- This game was an electro junkie's haven. Plenty of indie hip hop, house, and trance artists to keep you moving, and what was more was that each of these genres represented the city that they either originated from, or are the most prominent in. For example, racing in Paris would have you listening to pulsating House music, but upon arrival in Tokyo, you'd be greeted with energetic Trance. A very well done score by Rockstar San Diego, whom deserve notice for actually knowing their stuff and being able to dig up artists that I still can't find; a lesser developer wouldn't have put in that kind of effort.

2. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (Xbox/PS2/PC)

- Yes, yes, another Rockstar game. What can I say? They really know their audio. Now, I've been around 80's music my whole life, since my dad always used to play it in the car whenever we went anywhere (Bob Marley, too), and it was always great to be able to say "Hey, I know that song!" I didn't grow up in the 80's, so I didn't experience the nostalgia that most older gamers probably did, but I definitely did experienced an amazing representation of that era. With artists like Toto, Run DMC, Foreigner, and Michael Jackson, Vice City brings together all of the greatest hits that made the 80's a decade I wish I could've seen, and manages to wed them successfully to one hell of an experience.

1. Jet Set Radio Future (Xbox)

- Yeah, I'm a graffiti artist, but that's not why this game placed first. This game placed first because it has such a brilliantly put together soundtrack, that right after playing the game, I was scouring the internet for a CD or anything I could find. Hideki Naganuma's Break Beat influenced sounds are a refreshing departure from the traditional, and when coupled with the J-Rock and Hip Hop, this makes for quite an audible feast. The music is probably not for everyone, but it's definitely something worth taking a look at.

Private Messaging is stupid

...because, like Bedlam had posted, I am getting the same problems.

It says I have 2 messages, but my inbox is empty.

Then I opened it again and there was a message from a union leader of one of the unions I'm in (CSPEG. Join now!) and when I opened it, there was nothing inside.

This is like finding a hundred dollar bill on the ground and having it jump away from you when you go to pick it up.

I don't like it.

New banner... again.

Yeah, I know it's the same as my avatar, but I'm gonna try and change my avatar later today or tomorrow; whenever I get to it.

I'm not completely satisfied with the banner, but she's hot so it's ok for now lol.

If you're wondering, it's Lera from the Eastern European band Ranetki. Their song "O Tebe" was featured in Grand Theft Auto IV on the Vladivostok radio station.


The next few months is going to be among gaming's greatest. Lots of good games coming out.

I might need to put in extra hours at work 'cause I also promised myself I'd order those clothes from bombingscience that I wanted.

Anyway, here's my list, in order of priority and importance:

1] Bioshock
2] Motorstorm: Pacific Rift
3] Fallout 3
4] Midnight Club: LA
5] Resistance 2
6] LittleBigPlanet
7] Farcry 2
8] Tomb Raider: Underworld
9] Sacred 2: Fallen Angel
10] Saint's Row 2

What do you plan to buy?

4 Fast 4 Furious

Lol, what a bogus movie name.

Not what it's going to be called though, so here:

I'm pretty excited, because it's got the original cast, plus Sung Kang of Tokyo Drift (I think).

Yeah, the Korean guy playing a Japanese guy. Y'know, the dude that got blown up...

Actually, I don't know how that's going to work, since he got blown up in the third movie..

OH WAIT. He was friends with Diesel's character.

So 4 probably will take place before 2.


Anyway, he was the only good part of Tokyo Drift. The rest of the third film was just a bunch of stupid teenagers and their hi-tech s*** and it was dumb. It tried too hard to appeal to all the adolescents with the flashy cars, hot asians, and crap like that.

This new movie looks like its going to bring it all back to just pure. street. racing.

I've always preferred the 1/4 mile over Drifting, anyway.

Unfortunately, this one is being directed by the guy who did Tokyo Drift, and not Rob Cohen, who did the first 2 movies. If you've ever been to a meet, you'd know the feeling that Cohen was able to capture and Justin couldn't with Tokyo Drift.

Let's hope he doesn't screw this movie up too.