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Scianix-Black Blog

A Quick Update and Tune of the Week

  • I'm doing pretty ok
  • I'm actually going to graduate this Spring (Thought I didn't have enough credits)
  • New semester, easy classes
  • Switched into gym class because a friend made me (Child Development, the course with all the chicks, was full) and all the other people we usually chill with have that lunch (3rd)
  • Downloading the Killzone 2 demo as I type this, and pretty damn stoked to play it
  • Finished Portal, and I really, really liked it
  • Still working on Half Life 2 whenever I get down time
  • I really want to go to Spain, Italy, Japan and eventually settle down in England

Tune of the Week:

D. Kay & Epsilon feat. Stamina MC - Barcelona

If any of you mongers actually happen to like the song (lol, doubt it) then PM me and I'll email it to you.

New Headphones, Lucky Star and the Song of the Week

So, I just ordered some new headphones.

I could've gotten a game with the $100 gift card I got from my aunt, but I didn't really want to yet. I mean, I want skate2, Burnout, Killzone 2 and (maybe) Call of Duty:WaW, but I've got a **** ton of games and I need headphones more.

I hate earbuds. A lot. Listening to music on earbuds is like paying full retail price for something but only getting half of it. It's kinda dumb.

I take my music seriously.

Oh, and I've recently found myself getting into Lucky Star. It's a nice little show that's pretty much about nothing, lol. Each episode is something new, very similar to a sitcom, and it's pretty funny the way the characters interact with each other.

I stumbled upon the show on youtube. It's pretty fun stuff.


Song of the Week:

Finished Symphony (Edited Remix) by Hybrid

The track features a full initial minute of just atmosphere due in part by strings and electronic sounds.

The tension builds up at around 1:03 and continues for almost another painstaking minute (2:01) before the reason for the 2 minutes of coma comes and socks you in the face.

At this point the track has established itself as aggressive and it lets you know that it's going to be this way until around the 3:00 minute mark when the strings fade in and it all comes together.

0:40 seconds after this realization the track gets emotional and pulls you in, but let's go at just the right time.

Amazing track on Hybrid's part.

Anyway, pardon the fact that it's a Kingdom Hearts music video, but it's the only version I could find that had that version of the song, and you have to admit that it's set pretty well to the music.

Finally, kudos to anyone who can guess what game this song appeared in.

(Hint: It wasn't Kingdom Hearts lol)

That's all for now. Have a good one :)

Pretty Colors and the Details in Between

Been listening to a lot of the Qemists, Overseer, Crystal Method, Casker, Fatboy Slim, Clazziquai Project, and Shinedown lately.

Particularily Heligoland by Overseer.

It's an amazing track. It's basically background strings accompanied by the voice of an Englishman who seems to be documenting both an autopsy and weather conditions simultaneously.

It's really, really beautiful the way it's all put together and makes you, or at least me, think a lot.

Anyway, I've also got some projects due in two classes tomorrow and a guy who asked me to do a tattoo for him back in November, but still haven't gotten to it yet. It's a tribal armband so it's easy, but I'm just too damn lazy.

Oh, and, I've drawn some pictures since the last time I posted art. I'm quite happy with the first one, as I really adore bright colors. Oh and FYI; I didn't do the little chibi thing in the first one. A friend of mine is responsible for that.

I comissioned her to do something simple and then she gave the book back to me 5 minutes later with a smartass smirk on her face.

Heh, anyway, here:

Anyway, that's all. Not much; I haven't been doing much lately. Hopefully I'll have more up next time.

P.S.: Tinypic > Photobucket.

I Hate Microsoft

But it isn't even about the whole PS3 vs. Xbox 360 arguement.

I got a Zune. 8GB.

I like it, and it's a nice little music player that will be replacing my PSP (I don't play games on the go.)

But the software is absolutely ridiculous. I almost wish I got an iPod because, as ****ty as iTunes is, it's probably farther along than the Zune Marketplace.

There are so many bugs in the Zune's software; like, I just dumped a whole **** ton of music on it, but some of them won't delete.

The folder is gone when I'm on the Zune listening to music, but on the computer it shows up.

I've googled it and apparently, I'm not the only one with the problems.


Anyway, rant blog.



I love being suspended! Don't you?

Yeah, I'm back.

Although, one of ours is gone. Well, if you participate in the random chatter and nonsense of the Playstation 3 boards on a regular basis, then you should know who I'm talking about.

Let us all please bow our heads in a moment of silence in memory our dear friend Token..

(Don't worry though, he said something about... yeah, well, you know.)

Anyway, while I was gone I did some stuff with the family, hung out with other friends and caught up on my gaming. I was so bored, in fact, that I've decided to play through Uncharted on hard mode.

I never do that. Ever.

I have never, for any video game I've ever played, gone back and played on hard mode. Now, I'm not exactly a casual gamer, but I don't really like challenge if it means I'm not getting through the story. Since I know Uncharted's story, I decided "wth?" and to my surprise, I actually really like it on hard mode.

I've only played it on easy, and to be honest, I died more on easy than I do in hard mode. The game really forces you to use cover, or to be more exact, play the game right.

I might start playing all my games on hard when I first get them, provided it's an option.


Oh, and this will probably be my last blog before the New Year, so-

Have a Happy Holiday and a Happy New Years!

My resolution is to be happier. More "nice" to people. lol...

Oh, and cutting down on the swearing. I do realize I'm an idiot, but that doesn't mean I'd like everyone around me to immediately know it. :lol:

So my sig just got modded..

I'm kinda pissed about it.

I mean, it was a picture of Lucy Pinder, and it's not like she was naked. It was a nice glamour shot.

And there was the whole crotch shot thing with Bayonetta, but that's from a trailer that EVERYONE knows about.

If someone really wanted to see it, all they'd have to do was look at the game's page on GameSpot.

This is ridiculous.

I've freakin' had the sig up for like, 2 months and NOW they mod it.

I'll just make another one. If they ban me, whatever. I'll make a new account.

I love Bayonetta.

A lot. She's probably the most interesting lead character I've seen in a while.

And she's female, nonetheless.

Her personality isn't really too interesting, because we've seen it before (DMC's Dante), but it's really her design.

I mean, glasses?

It's so unnecessary, that it's really cool.

And so I've changed my header and banner to fit such an infatuation. It took me all night to color the background of the logo black so it'd fit with the banner, but I'm pretty pleased with the result.

Anyway, yeah.

Bayonetta's gonna be good.

Underestimated, maybe, but good, no doubt.

When a game made by the guy behind Viewtiful Joe, Devil May Cry, Resident Evil 2 and Okami comes out, of course it's going to be good.

The Difference Between "Add-On" and "Fill-In" Content

So at this point, I'm sure you guys have heard about Yoda going to the PS3 and Vader going to the 360 through DLC.

I have two problems with this:

1) $4.99 + tax is an outrageous price for just a downloadable character.

2) $4.99 + tax is an outrageous ****in' price for something that's already on the disc.

So, essentially, you'd be paying $65 for a complete game.

That's just plain old ripping people off and it's freaking ridiculous; I'm insanely pissed off about this.

Games like Oblivion don't have the content on the disc, therefore, you have the option of buying the expansion. (Which is phenomenal, by the way.)

I mean, other developers actually ADD THE CONTENT ONTO THE GAME THROUGH THE PURCHASE YOU JUST MADE, but Namco-Bandai just puts it on the disc and then makes us pay to unlock it.

It has to be on the disc, right? There's even a space in the character selection screen at the very top and no one had unlocked the character in it. So, naturally, everyone speculated that each console's exclusive SW character would go to the opposite console.

I saw it coming too, but now that it has happened, I'm pretty mad.


Don't waste your money guys.

Just FYI: If you've got a 360 and SCIV, Darth Vader isn't worth $4.99, but that's just a personal opinion from a PS3 owner.