@PlatinumPaladin yeah the bullet cam could be improved, an why does he fly back when he's shot that pretty stupid, this game might be fun but I doubt it will be worth the full $60 atleast from what I've seen here
@x_hunter00 @100proofsoco they where great but they are pretty oldschool speedball (paintball) like feel plus it isn't really IW anymore, sledgehammer games
Ahhhhhh yes this is the game I was hoping for whith Deus Ex HR exept they had some bullsh#t DLC, come on I couldn't put a silencer on a sniper without DLC, and the loading time where brutal but the story was excellent and atleast on PC they fixed loading times, but Dishonored is fresh and is looks like everything I was expecting when I first started lokking into it, great job guys
Yeah and obviously he knows about the level design, and that was a stright play threw just purely going throught the missions without exploring very much
@TheLoneMortal Man thats a long wait I'm glad my B-day is in november there allways good games out around then, I want Far cry 3, This game, maybe MoH warfighter and maybe BO2
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