@lpsyco666 all games are far from perfect (there's all ways a few things even if very minor, nothing is perfect) especially Deus Ex human revolution, it's an aweseome game loved it but it's has some big flaws that aren't acceptatble like the loading times on console, the bad AI when your sneaking sometimes and the weapon storage. and the stripping of RPG elements for a more generalized audience, you could play the whole game without "leveling up" besides hacking in a few places
@The-Adversary for the vets, if you already own it on PC then it's pretty much pointless in spending 20 bucks for it on xbox, unless you want to play with people on xbox
@GryphonICD yeah I try to watch these on youtube however with the new player it's ten times better but the ads are killer on basically every video streaming site now
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