As much a I like flying jets, the BC games worked so much better on console with the 24 players the maps for the most part where more focused on ground/soldier combat
@y3ivan really annoying how the vast majority of developers don't allow for complete button re-mapping on console, but I think the controls are better for BF3 for one reason, the B/O button would enter/exit and pick up kits and sometimes you would pick up a kit instead of getting into a vehicle, and the only reason people would say the controls are better is because the BC games were made for console, atleast the first one was, and the knife button is the same for bc2/bf3
@hamidman are you saying the previous Bad Companys are Hardly a game or Bad Company 3 (because it hasn't been released yet) because the BC games are great, and saying it's hardly a game makes no sense, you could say they are bad games, but obviously it's a game if you play it
@firehawk998 yeah the BF sp was just good because it wasn't supposed to be as serious nad "realistic" which is what they tried to aim for in BF3 and it just didn't work
Is it just me or are poeple sick of the gamespot media player you can't skip when it's unbuffered and it's loads videos after ten seconds of the video being done, I clicked on the video to watch the video not others and not to start typing comments a get re-directed
based on OXM and a few other reviewers and the fact that game spot seems to just like Rockstar games I would say 9 is a bit high, whatever I will play it and decide what I think, not a big fan of Rockstar though
@Phantom5800 well i guess they'll have to spread them out, and with more content unless the limited number is based on memory as well as the number of updates
I understand people are annoyed things are left out yet again in a console port (fucking DA:O) but if you haven't already been playing this game and spent hours on it on PC (you can even play a browser based free version with some less features mind you) then you can't be that serious about playing it if you have waited this long so just keep playing it on PC if your that annoyed ( I aslo understand people want to play with friends on xbox)
Scottisme's comments