would have liked if the 12x scope gave you more field of view, and if they didn't just have one sniper scope for amercan/russian but use authentic sights like in BC2
I really enjoyed the demo but I can see how it might get repetitive and it seems a bit linear, anything below a 7 these days I don't usually play unless I think the game looks better than reviewers say
this doesn't make sense it must be a typo "The source claims that the game will be set an entire millennium before The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. This timeline would put the new game several hundred years in front of any Elder Scrolls game. " how could it be set a millenium before skyrim but be several hundred in fron of a any elder scroll game?
damn Dragon age Origins was horrible at one point in the game a character told me about a quest and then while speaking to him an option to download the content came up, so cheesy not a fan of EA
Scottisme's comments