@devastion913 ya I play it on Xbox and the brightness and Gamma are really annoying, I got it too look a bit better by messing around with it, but if you play it on a old TV (not that I am but I have) it looks even worse
I get sick of all the leveling up and prestiging in COD it was awesome for a time, battlefield has more of a focus on just shooting people and not worrying about your perks or your attachments (atleast not nearly as much as COD), maybe in other 4 years i'll want to play MW13
Personally I just think people shouldn't rely solely on reviews If you like the looks of a game rent it or play at a friends or borrow it. personally i have had allot more fun on Far Cry 2 with the escape maps and player created maps than playing COD. to me Skate 2 is at least a 9 out of 10
@I agree with you I played BF2 allot with bots and it was really fun, between punkbuster and vista I only played online a few times and I got my ass handed to me (plus i prefer console), It's just that Call Of Duty Is more fun when you know you're beating other real poeple
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